

Aly entered the ballroom, seeing the awestruck view inside she forgot to breathe. She let out a shaky breath and continued to let her surprised eyes roamed all over the ballroom.

She had attended a ball before in her high school, but that ball was nothing compared to this.

The Crystal chandelier that she saw dangling from the ceiling in the middle of the room that was off this morning was now shining like bright moonlight.

The shiny intense yet soft lights brightened up the dark space, and made it feel more warm and elegant.

Each corner of this room was boosting its peak and proudly displaying its excellence.

People were scattered all over the place, some were taking circling in a small group, some were trying to practice some moves on the dancefloor, some were drinking Champaign from a long stem and a narrow bowl-like glass, while some were just holding a wide rim and a deep bowl-like goblet with red wine out of courtesy.