
Crazy in the Forbidden City

- Read a little with the mind (maybe or will match with you) 6 Some of us are introverts and some of us are extroverts. But there is another part of them who is sometimes introverted and sometimes extroverted. These are called MBivert. The biggest problem in the way of life is the ambivarts. Those who are ambivarts love to make a lot of noise sometimes and love to be alone sometimes. They blend in easily with everyone but still they don't have many friends and they don't live alone at all. They live with a few friends. The biggest feature of them is that even if they suffer a lot, they will not tell you anything openly. Rather, he will endure that hardship and smile. So even if they are upset, you can't catch it until you say it. They have a different world. They build a wall around themselves. You can't enter that world if you want to. Rather the key to getting there is good behavior like your love and trust. Ambivartas love the one they love very much. And so the pain gets more. But still they will never want you bad. Even if they have a lot of feelings towards you, they will walk a certain distance from you, but you will not be able to explain it. Their biggest problem is that no one understands them. Because the man who was very happy just a little while ago, if he suddenly changes and wants to be alone, no one will take it well. Then most of them misunderstand. No one understands that they have no hand here. No one can stop them from making this change even if they want to. Ambivartas sometimes think of themselves as very lonely. Because there is probably no one to talk to. They can be called snails. Because they have a hard shell-like shell on the outside, but their inside is as soft as a snail's body. Once you get into their own world, you'll realize how different they really are. Then maybe you will fall in love with him even more. But even if you get the right to enter, if you break that trust once, then that world of his will be shattered. He then became very lonely. It is much easier to cheat MBRs. Because even if they cheat a thousand times, they will not make a single complaint in your name. But that cheating changed them drastically. Then they make the world around them more hazy. A group of people then misunderstand them, the way they think. But they accept it with a smile, hiding the truth behind it. They have the power to love you for life without letting you know. You may never know that someone from far away always wants the best for you. And that's why at the end of the day they are very lonely, a group of people drowning in a foggy state which we call ambivart. -Guru

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Is the love that forgets to love itself really love?