

"At the entrance of the Mystery Shack, Dipper and Mabel were engaged in a lively conversation, discussing theories about a 'mysterious artifact' they had been given. Meanwhile, Marshall and Wendy, newly arrived, noticed the kids talking to a strange and restless old man.

Stein noticed Marshall's arrival and cast a disdainful look toward Wendy, muttering about her tardiness. His voice carried a sarcastic tone as he discreetly tried to push the kids in Marshall's direction, expressing irritation with her delay.

"Wendy, seriously, do you think it's time for a coffee or something?" Stein taunted, discreetly shifting the kids' focus onto Marshall, who had just arrived.

Marshall, with his cynical and laid-back demeanor, picked up on Stein's attempt and replied with a sardonic smile, "Looks like you've found some new friends, Wendy. How charming of your boss to remind you of your commitments."

Meanwhile, Dipper and Mabel observed the scene with curiosity, intrigued by Stein's argument and the two newcomers. Clearly irritated and seeming in a hurry, Stein made a gesture to leave quickly.

"Take care of the kids, I have matters to attend to... in town, yeah, that's it." Speaking rapidly, Stein wasted no time and briskly walked toward his car, maintaining an air of haste. In his attempt to drive away, he accidentally collided with a trash can, causing a loud bang that echoed through the area. The noise made everyone turn to see what had happened.

"Marvelous, truly marvelous, Stein. You seem to be very busy. Maybe a break from all the chaos wouldn't hurt you, right?" joked Marshall, pointing to the trash can incident.

Amid laughter, Wendy replied, "I think it's a reminder that you should leave your gray mood at home, Stein. By the way, Marshall, you have tasks to do."

"I'm a star, dear, my commitment is to music."

"The most unknown star that exists," Wendy replied in a lighthearted tone, receiving a shrug from him."

Realized Dipper and Mabel's suitcases were tossed in a corner, Marshal decided to lend a hand but soon realized he wasn't keen on it.

"I'd love to take you guys to your rooms, but, you know, got some business to attend to... guitar playing stuff and such. But don't be sad, I'm sure Wendy will lend a hand," Marshal said, noticing Wendy was ignoring him. "I mean, it slipped off my tongue."

Suddenly, he interrupted himself, searching for something. "Hold on... Soos? Soos!"

"Tsk, Stein must have asked him to find more 'gullible folks.' Anyway, let's go, I'll take you to the rooms."

As Marshal led Dipper and Mabel through the hallways of the Shack, his laid-back and playful demeanor shone through with each step. Mabel felt a pang of familiarity looking at Marshal, as if she had seen that face or heard that voice somewhere, but nothing concrete came to her mind.

"So, Marshal, you mentioned you play guitar?"

"Yeah, I play a few instruments," he replied.

Curious as ever, Dipper started asking Marshal about his music career and stories from his tours, laughing and enjoying the musician's anecdotes.

"Hey, Marshal, you seem familiar... Have we seen you somewhere?" curious Mabel inquired.

Marshal chuckled, responding with a sarcastic smile. "I guess I'm just one of those singers you find everywhere, you know? Don't worry too much about it, kiddo."

Dipper, playful, tried to help: "Maybe you've seen him on tour posters, Mabel. Or perhaps you dreamed about his show, the mind can play tricks."

Arriving at the room, Marshal, in a relaxed manner, advised Mabel and Dipper not to worry if they saw something strange, almost as if joking.

"Come on in, folks. Oh, and don't fret if you see strange things around here. Gravity Falls is... well, Gravity Falls."

Dipper, intrigued, asked, "What do you mean by 'strange things'?"

Marshal just laughed, "Oh, I'm just kidding. Don't worry too much about it. Goodnight."
