

Visible and invisible are two opposing concepts. To say that the visible is the things that exist in the world, the invisible is quite the opposite.

"Perhaps according to you, invisible is what cannot be seen, what you fear will stand behind you and rush to tear you apart, which will steal your soul, which is terrifying. But for Crawing, those two concepts are like grass and garbage, it can be said that it is one level above those two concepts, it both exists and does not exist, hovering between the infinite molecules of The Written. exists in an infinitely repeating series of universes from which other universes are created. At Crawing, all dreams are gathered there; where dreams can come true, or become tragedy, pain, tears. Each dream contains stories where everything is possible, each dream, each universe, is created by people, these people are often anxious and depressed about their own life. That's it, I can't reveal it to you any more because the Gods existing on top The Written will be angry. Remember this: DON'T DISCLOSURE TO OTHER PEOPLE!".

And that's what I heard while contemplating the invisible and the visible to strengthen my arguments while solving my mystery. It seems that when I wrote the ending, it was also the time when I left this world. So if you read this, DON'T DISCLOSURE TO OTHER PEOPLE!


hmmm, a short story that reinforces the world :D