
2. Your Secret Admirer

"When I see you, I admit I start to lose my grip and all of my cool"

Rahila's POV

"We're here," Abbie giggled as she couldn't wait to get her hands on the booze and to of course smooch in the embrace of her dearly beloved boyfriend.

She parked the car at the only available parking space left and we all popped out of the car. Malik, Abbie's boyfriend was already all over her. I didn't like him one bit and it took all I had to not roll my eyes and hiss loudly in front of them. Seeing them dragging at each other's throats was very disgusting.

I could tell Ayo felt the same as she dragged me away and rolled her eyes at them. "Let's leave them to it," she said as we made our way to the bar. We ordered for mocktails and while I waited for my drink, I had a chance to look around.

King's crib was neat, a large penthouse with a swimming pool, and mini basketball court at the front lawn. His was slightly bigger than mine. Seeing the absence of cars in the garage, I guessed his parents were out of town, hence this brazen party.

Abbie and I were about to take the first sip of our mocktails when Jay came along and dragged Ayo to the pool table, helpless she looked in my direction and I nodded my head letting her know I was okay.

And I was, for a while... I took pictures and danced a little, played a few games, had a few drinks. I was feeling myself starting to loosen up a bit, hell, I was even considering going for a swim.

I stood patiently by the bar waiting for my sixth glass of mojito when I saw him...I knew I hadn't stayed long enough and it was pretty hard to find anyone considering how large the house was. I knew he was around somewhere but I couldn't stop myself from staring as he walked in my line of view walking towards my direction, looking like he just stepped out from a steamy photoshoot. Damn! Was he so handsome!







Bernard Cessy