
Craving For Her

"You are nothing but a whore like your mother!" He had snarled and left her with crutches in the rain. That was the last thing he had said to her years ago. Now she was back in his life as his secretary... or was she? **** After a high school relationship that never should have been, Louis breaks Zoe's heart when she needed him the most and blamed her for his father eloping with her mother. After years of picking up the broken pieces of her life and heart, they meet again. But Zoe Carter is here not for an income, she is back for revenge. She was assigned the mission of intimately investigating billionaire bachelor, Louis Rodriguez as an undercover detective working as his employee. His ties to the mafia and drug underworld, she hopes will be his undoing. However, things get complicated when unwanted craving rise from the dust and then the unexpected happens when her mother is found. Beaten, tortured and with her memories lost. Soon it is clear someone or something is out for the woman's blood. She finds out that the perpetrators are the very organisation that Louis is suspected to be tied to. The Mafia. What Is it that Zoe's mother knows that makes a target? Where is Louis' father? Will Zoe alone face this new woe in her life and get the revenge she so desperately wants? Or will she be pushed into the arms of the enemy when she goes asking for help?

Oluwakemi_20 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

Birthday surprise from hell

Zoe's POV

"Wake up, Zoe," She said.

I looked at her confused, "What are you talking about?"

"Wake up, you are having a nightmare!"

Then I opened my eyes but this time I was on Sandra's lap, she was looking down at me with a worried look on her face.

I sat up, rubbing the sleep off my eyes and yawning, "What happened?" I asked.

"You fell asleep and started..."



I palmed my face in frustration and groaned.

"It is fine, we all have nightmares sometimes."

I looked at her. "I must have scared you."

"No, I was just a bit worried," She said. But the tension on her forehead begged to differ.


She punched me in the arm. "Don't apologise and just look at the time." She brought her phone to my face so I could see.

"It is twelve minutes after twelve," I said still not understanding why I had to look at the time.

"Happy birthday!" Sandra said cheerfully.

Realisation dawned on me and I felt stupid. "Thanks, Sandra," I nervously said.

"Don't mention it," She said. "We got to dress you up for the photo shoot,"

"Oh... yeah..."

"You thought I would forget, didn't you?" She teased as she got up and pulled me as well. "Come on!"

We made our way to my mum and Todd's room.

Andrew was sleeping peacefully on the bed.

I shushed Sandra to be quiet but I knew my brother; once he starts to sleep not even a zombie apocalypse could wake him.

"Why did not you bring yours?" I asked as I rummaged through the drawers and Sandra sat on the bed.

"My what?"

"Makeup stuff,"

She hissed in annoyance and scoffed. "Daddy," she said in a squeaky voice, trying to imitate a child. "Said I am too young."

"Can't relate," I said flatly.

"You have every right to brag," She told me.

"I was not bragging, quite the opposite actually," I said. "You are lucky,"

"You are joking, right?" She said standing up.

"Nah, I am serious,"

"Come on you have all the freedom in the world," I said.

"So did someone I know and look how she turned out," I countered.

"Your sister?"

I shrugged.

"I think she's amazing,"

"Sure she is," I said sarcastically.

Sandra chuckled at me. "You got a beef with her?"

"I don't have time to 'beef' with the likes of her?" she said. "All I just saying is that all that 'freedom' you could shit that could ruin you."

"We'll never agree on some things," She sighed.

I turned and smiled at her. "And we can live with that."

She shrugged.

I compiled all the items, I believed we might need and spread them on the ground.

We played around with colours, which I hated to admit was pretty fun. Andrew woke up a little later and joined us. It was the most perfect day of my life, excluding the nightmare. Sandra lit a little birthday candle on a cupcake. I made a wish and blew out its flame. We took photos, mostly pictures of me in the slightly over-the-top makeover.

I opened the present I got from Sandra and laying prettily in the box was a pendant that had my name written in cursive. "It is gorgeous, I love it," I gasped, letting Sandra put it around my neck. "Thank you," Sandra was awfully quiet. "Something's bugging you?"

"No... no... I am just wondering if you really like it." She sounded uncomfortable. "If you don't like..."

"Nonsense, it is lovely," it touched me that she was so worried about what my reaction would be. I turned to her and held her face in my palms. "You are the best,"

She smiled widely but I could still recognize the discomfort in her eyes. Before I could probe even further about her apparent change in mood, I heard a low growl emanating from Andrew's stomach. "Let's get you something to eat," I said as I got up to the kitchen.

Andrew ate his dinner and as he finished the last mouthful, he mumbled an apology. "Sorry, I couldn't get you a present for your birthday."

I pulled him in for a hug and whispered into his red locks, "You are more than enough,"

We finally retired for the night a few minutes before two.


The next morning...

We got dressed for school together since Sandra had folded her uniform into her overnight bag. I dropped Andrew at his school and let Sandra go ahead of me since I did not want anyone to see us coming to school together.

I entered the school with spring in my step. I was happier than I had been in years, all thanks to Sandra. My hand found the pendant, she had gifted me. My finger traced each letter playfully. The looks I was getting from everyone had not changed at all. In past, I would just pretend like their loathing of me did not affect me but this time I was in too much of a good mood to give as much as a quarter of a fuck.

I entered my class just as I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Zoe?" I heard an unfamiliar voice behind me.

I turned to the person to see someone I had seen a few times in school. She was in Sandra's grade. "Yes? How may I help you?" I asked lightly.

"You are Zoe, right?" her tone was unsure.

I furrowed my brows but nodded. "Yeah, I am," Had I not just affirmed that I was Zoe.

"Your attention is needed Mrs Leslie's office," She informed. "Now."

It was strange. What would she want with me this early in the morning? We had no test scripts or assignments with her. I made my way to her office either way. For whatever reason, I suddenly could not help but feel a lump of dread form in my throat. Maybe it was because were going a bit too well or because Mrs Leslie's office was on the same floor as the elite's classroom.

My fingers found the pendant around my neck and kept me somewhat at ease. I was not alone anymore. As I got to the foot of the last stairs I would have to take to get to the correct floor, I turned when I noticed something through the window on the landing. Entering a black car was Sandra.

I dismissed what I had seen and concluded that maybe she had just forgotten something. I took the flight of stairs and arrived on the fifth floor. I was already exhausted. I heard the ping of an elevator and watched the student get off with poorly hidden envy. I could have saved myself the trouble if I had a special card that the elites had but that was no use.

Mrs Leslie's office was the one at the extreme end of the hall so I would have to walk past not only the elite's classroom but Louis' classroom. It had been more than a week since our odd interaction but the sensations were still very must present.

I took a deep breath and quickened my pace. The hall was empty except for a few students here and there but as I passed by the elite's classroom, I noticed the blinds were drawn but did not notice the door was open until strong arms got a hold of me and pulled me in.

I was thrown unceremoniously onto the ground, I looked up to see the menacing and mockingly looks from both strange and familiar faces in the room. My heart rate quickened as what looked to be happening now triggered my PTSD. Louis was nowhere to be seen.

"Happy birthday bitch!" The Jennie said, sardonically. The vile grin on her face was more than enough for me to shrink away from her.