
Cradle high school

Sheischivita · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

Waiting for dads reply

It was already 6am in the morning Olivia was already up and dressed for school

She even arranged her luggage Incase her father agrees

Since there was still Time before her dad will get ready she took her phone and went to web novel and continued reading her favorite novel "made for each other:my first love" by sheischivita

It was about two people who didn't know if they loved each other

Well I haven't been in love before I don't know what it feels like hmm

Olivia mr gray called

Yes dad I'm coming

When she went down stairs her dad face was looking gloomy and angry

I bet his gonna say no Olivia wispered

Emm Olivia Where's your school bag go get it and meet me in the car I'm in a hurry

Jeez did he forget what I asked him yesterday

Emm dad what about my question of yesterday

Ohh that I'm sorry Olivia but me and your mom....

Olivia started crying

You didn't let me finish drama queen

Me and your mom have decided to put you in the hostel

Omg thank you papa you are the best

I have already called your principal so go get your bags ready you have just 5 minutes

Ok dad

Olivia ran upstairs happy 😃 she took her bag when she was about leaving her room she saw a sparkling necklace inside one of her box it looked so beautiful so she wore it and ran outside to meet her dad who was already inside the car

Ok dad lets go now

When they got to the school Olivia looked at the name written at the top of the building one more time as if it was her first time

She was dragging her bag inside when Daniel blocked her from the door way

Hey Olivia I'm daniel

How do you know my name

Who doesn't know your name mrs Olivia gray

Huh what do you want from me

Can I help you with your bag and by the way your necklace where did you get it from.

Emm my mom said it was a gift from someone they didn't really tell me who

Ohh it's really beautiful just like the owner said Daniel

Thank you Olivia blushed

Eva saw Olivia and said hey why is you face so red are you in love with Daniel

No I'm not I'm just allergic to something