
Cozy cocoon

Baby_Nikky · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

Chapter 4

"Don't you know what that means?" he queried and my brows furrowed in confusion.

"W... what are you talking about?" I took a step back because I was uncomfortable with his proximity and the heat from his body was too overwhelming but he covered that step and I was bewildered.

" Wearing a man's dress" he said. The man's eyes were already glowing so fiercely that I wouldn't be surprised if the room was suddenly on fire. I took a step back again, grateful that he didn't move.

"What's wrong with wearing a man's cloth" I questioned. I took another step back but he covered the distance between us again and leaned close to my ears, his breath hot on my skin. And he whispered into my ears"It's what lover's do"

My eyes widened and I took several steps back till my back hit the wall. "No! there's no need for clothes again" I quickly protested. The man chuckled darkly and he walked over to me, raised his hands towards me as if he would touch me and I saw his fingers were shaking. I began to panic, what kind of man was he? Perhaps he sensed my fear because he dropped his hands abruptly and turned his back to me. He stood like that for a while before he moved towards the door.

"Wait!" I shouted and he stopped but didn't look at me "Do you... have anything I could eat?" He chuckled briefly before he cleared his throat "The maids will bring what you need but don't move outside"I nodded even though he wasn't looking at me.

It wasn't until he was gone before I started pondering, wait... he said I shouldn't move outside! Why? Does he has an unfinished business with me? Or was my previous guess correct and he's a bloodsucker. No, No, No it can't be, I have to get out of here before it's too late. What if there was poison or a sleeping drug in the food the maid was asked to bring to me? I have to go out now. With that single thought in mind I moved towards the door but stopped short when I saw the maid opening the door. I might as well make use of her can't I? I watched as she set the table in front of me, waiting for the right time to strike. When she finished setting the table I cleared my throat.

"I'm sorry miss, but do you have any clothes you can lend me? I tried to look pitiful and it seems my ploy worked well for she quickly nodded and dashed out of the room. Now I'll soon be able to meet ploy number 2. When she brought the clothes I thanked her and quickly changed. I glanced at the food and sighed, it'll be such a waste to leave them there and I was really hungry and I thought of a plan. Yes! I could take the food with me afterall. I wrapped the food with my old clothes and rushed to the door. I opened the door and my eyes scanned the hallway, it really looked long. I ran to the main exit door in the hallway before slowing my steps so no one will notice me.

Very soon I was outside the house after passing so many rooms but I saw the guards in front of the main gate that will lead me outside. I clutched the cloth in my hands before I moved towards them.

"Where are you off to young girl" One of the guards asked and I could feel my knees shaking.

"I was asked to deliver this to someone" I replied gesturing towards the tied cloth with me.

" And who sent you" The second one asked and I quickly answered.

"The head maid" They seemed to accept that because they looked at each other before they nodded and opened the door. I passed the entrance nonchalantly trying to disguise my anxiety. It wasn't until I stepped outside the gate before I collapsed on the floor with relief.