
Covenant Marriage!

Jessy and David had to go through a year of marriage, both of them agreed not to make love or make out while they were together. They agreed to be married for a year, both of whom are selfish and obnoxious by nature sometimes experience some problems in their marriage. It wasn't easy for Jessy to divide her time between her contract husband and boyfriend, but the girl was able to do it well even though she was forced to lie to her beloved boyfriend, Kyle.

I_Am_YouYou · perkotaan
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5 Chs


Jessy's beautiful eyes widened simultaneously when she got the fact that the bride had disappeared, even though last night the girl was still there, last night they had argued about something.

Even though Jessy and Lenny are twins, they rarely get along and often have fights over everything, from small things to unimportant things.

"Lenny."Jessy shouted full of annoyance in her heart.

The girl walked around the room, looking for her twin sister.

The bridal chamber was quiet and like no one had been here before,There is only the bridal chamber without anyone.

Once again, Jessy called out to Lenny again, but this time the volume was higher than before.

"Come out, no kidding at a time!"

Jessy screamed quite loudly, feeling frustrated now.

Jessy's beautiful face looks emotional, the girl doesn't like this kind of situation.

Jessy immediately to be panicked and didn't know where the sister was?

she looks no longer calm and her emotions are rising,It's like Lenny has left and this fact makes Jessy feel the head is spinning around.It was like the girl felt like she was going to faint but she didn't want that to happen, she had to control herself well.


"This is so bad!! I had no idea that Lenny had the heart to do this."  Jessy's face was pale, her body was shaking violently.

In a bad situation like this, Jessy still tried not to scream hysterically,That would lead to even more chaos.

The girl ran to check the whereabouts of her sister in the bathroom, nothing.

The longer her feelings could not calm down now, she imagined the reaction of Justin and the others.

How would they react if they found out that the bride had run away?

"Damn you Lenny, how dare you run away on your wedding day!!! You bitch!!!"

 What Lenny had done was cruel and outrageous.

Jessy decided to sit on the bed, controlling her breathing to return to normal.

Her mind can't be clear now, the girl clenched her fists then closed her eyes for a few seconds then opened them again.

"I can't to be panic now, I have to calm down first.. think of a way to tell David and the others about this." Jenny's chatter to herself so she wouldn't lose control, in the end only made her feel even more frantic.

The beautiful girl tried to stay calm and figure out how to tell her mom and dad about this?

Jessy doesn't understand, why the twin sister suddenly disappeared the wedding day!!

How dare, Lenny has left the man she dated for 6 years!!!

Jessy's mind didn't understand this situation, she even cursed the twin sister's behavior.

How can Jessy convey that Lenny has run away?

Sweat was pouring down her face, she couldn't imagine how embarrassed the parents would be and how devastated Justin would be.

Her body was shaking so hard that she felt very panicked she didn't know what to do?


When she was in a state of despair,

Her eyes fell on the dresser, there was an envelope and she was,sure it was from Lenny.

Jessy hastily rushed to the dressing table and took the letter which she believed to be from Lenny,According to the girl's prediction, it turned out that the letter was indeed from her sister.

Her hands trembled as she opened the envelope, she was so disappointed ,she didn't understand how the sister could do such a reckless and cruel act!!!

At the bottom right there is the inscription.

"To : Dear David."

Jessy was so outrageous and she didn't even think about how David would feel reading this letter.The girl knows this letter is not for her but for David, it's just that she thinks she must first know what the contents of the letter from the twin sister.

She understood that what she was about to do was wrong but she had no other choice but to do this.

"You've ruined the feelings of a man who loves you, Lenny." Jessy could no longer hide the sad and disappointed expression on her face.

David is a kind man and and does not deserve to be treated this cruelly, whatever the reason her twin sister had the heart to leave him on their wedding day, Makes Jessy's heart feel very disappointed because she feels David doesn't deserve to be treated like.

Before opening the letter Jessy took a deep breath and managed to keep her breath steady.

In fact, it wasn't easy for Jessy to open and read the letter from Lenny, a letter that she knew was definitely just a justification, not an explanation for what Lenny had done now.

Jessy's head turned to a large photo, the photo was a photo of Lenny and David, they looked happy and intimate there.

"You are really unlucky, for loving and choosing an evil girl like my twin, I feel sorry for you, but I'm sure this is God's way of saving you You are too kind and don't deserve to spend the rest of your life with a girl like her, David ."

Jessy finally slowly opened the pink envelope, her twin sister's favorite color.

The girl hoped that whatever was inside when Justin read it would not make the man feel bad.

Dear David.

I know you will hate me with the decision I'm making now but I decided not to make you my life partner

I'm sorry I can't marry you, I decided to choose another man.I know what I'm doing now is going to make you hate me, but I can't lie to myself that I love Gordan, to be honest,I have been in a secret relationship for a year, and I'm pregnant with his child now,I didn't mean to hurt your heart, I'm sorry..

I know it was bad for me to have left you on our wedding day and I pray that you find a better girl soon than me.

I hope you don't curse me even though I know I deserve it.

 I'm sorry, David.


---To be Continued ----