
Courtney is Online

Lauren spent his life under the radar, making sure he was good enough to never be noticed. However, he never made any attempts to be seen. But the popular girl in his class, Courtney, walks into his life, irreversibly changing it.

jackieaoi · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

Chapter 8

The way I met Carlotta wasn't really normal.

I managed to suffer a massive headache at school one day. It left me struggling to do anything. Needing to rest, I excused myself from class to see the nurse.

He let me sleep in one of the little beds they had, which was surrounded by curtains.

About a minute into my rest then, I felt a gentle touch on my forehead.

Slender and gentle fingers ran across my temples and above my eyebrows.

There was almost nothing better than it.

It alleviated my throbbing and irritation.

Her invading my personal space didn't bother me either.

And it became our tradition.

Well… I avoided her for a little bit, before warming up to her.

Then it became tradition to do it.

Whenever my headaches resurfaced, I just went to her.

It did draw a lot of attention.

Things like "we must be dating" or "more than friends".

I didn't particularly care.

Don't think she did either.


Someone's touching my head.

And it's a gamble between either her or a stranger.

With rapid breaths, he scrunched his nose, before he opened his eyes.


Pitch black hair, silky smooth and flowing down her back like a waterfall.

Light brown eyes, pale skin as if she was the moonlight itself, and moles lightly dotting her face.

Her thighs were just above his the top of his head.

Lauren was a little embarrassed by their positions.


Her face was smug, with a little smirk on her face and her eyebrows raised.

To Lauren, he felt like he lost, for some unknown reason.

"I think you should be less embarrassed and more concerned by me being here."

Lauren's face was blank, before he lifted his upper body up with haste.

He jumped out of bed and noticed his shirt was raised, revealing his midsection.

Carlotta was surprised.

He looked like he was skin and bones.

But she never could tell, as he wore oversized clothes that obscured his shape.

While pulling his shirt down, he asked:

"H-how the hell did you get in!?"

His face was beet red, eyebrows stitched closely together, showing confusion.

"Your mom let me in. Pretty sure she thinks we're a thing."

At a loss for words and stuttering, he retorted with:

"W-w-what the hell!?"