
Cosmos Domination

[Ding] [ All requirements have met ] [ Starting Earth's Mutation ] [1%] [2%] . . For a moment whole world fell silent, some people rubbed there eyes, some people waved there hands to touch what has appeared in front of there eyes. Everyone was dumbfounded. "Am I seeing '' " Did I drink too much?'' ''What the hell, Hey! Can you see this" "Huh, are you also seeing this? What the fuck is this?" "How would I know man'' In a few minutes, whole world was in a uproar, everyone was chatting about this on social media platforms. Now almost everyone knew that everyone on earth can see this in front of there eyes. [49%] [50%] Boom! Book! Shaka laka! As soon as the progress bas reached 50%, whole world started shaking furiously. Everyone started to panic. Many buildings demolished. In just a few minutes, more than a million lives were lost due to the demolished buildings all over the world. Most of the deaths occurred where population was dense. [74%] [75%] As if this was not enough, as soon as the progress reached 75%, people started have difficulty in breathing. People started suffocating. And this state remained for a few minutes. . . [98%] [99%] [100%] ------------------------------------------------------------ Hello guys, Its me author although I can't be called a writter yet since this is going to be my first work and I will try my best to make it worth your time so that people don't curse me later. And as a reminder, I want to tell you that english is not my mother tongue so please ignore some grammer mistake. I will try to be as logical and reasonable as I can.

mdcreator2 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

Shadow Drifter

[ The Wormhole Will be destroyed in 5 minutes ]


Evan blinked in surprise. A mix of shock and excitement crossed his face as he suddenly felt a jolt of energy. Somehow, he leveled up not once, but twice. He grinned, feeling the the increased strength in his muscles.

'' Hehe, wormholes are no less than a treasure trove''

Evan was still in shock from leveling up twice when, before his eyes, the corpse of the Razorlop transformed into white light and dispersed. In its place, some items appeared.

Walking towards them with the hope of finding another skill, Evan was disappointed to find no skill book this time. Instead, he discovered the same coin pouch, some meat, and a black sword lying there.

Swiftly collecting the money from the pouch and stowing the meat in his inventory, Evan turned his attention to the sword. His current blade was on the brink of breaking, and this new sword seemed like a heaven-sent gift. Testing its weight and grip with a few swings, he was satisfied and proceeded to check its description.

[ Item Description ]

: Name - Duskforged Blade

: Grade - Common

: Durability - 50/50

: Effect - Physical Attack + 15

: Description - Forged under the twilight sky in a secluded mountain village. This blade carries essence of fading sunlight within its steel.

' good, Although there is not much increase in physical attack, its durability is good '

After checking the description, he stowed his old sword in his inventory. Turning around, Evan noticed a black wormhole floating above the ground.

Aware of its purpose, he entered the wormhole, experiencing the familiar sensation he felt when entering the red wormhole. After a moment, he found himself back at the location where he had entered the red wormhole, but the red one was nowhere to be seen.

'It was a good gain.'

With this thought, Evan continued his journey. Along the way, he constantly played and experimented with the energy ball, refining his understanding of how to channel his energy after learning the new skill.

~ one hour later

As Evan ventured deeper into the mutated jungle, the oppressive canopy overhead dimmed the daylight to a mere trickle.

Unease settled in the air, and the familiar sounds of the forest took on an eerie stillness. Unbeknownst to Evan, a subtle transformation in the shadows heralded the presence of a enigmatic creature.

A flicker of movement caught Evan's attention as he turned a dense thicket. There, amidst the intertwining vines and looming shadows, materialized a form that seemed to draw darkness to itself. It was a Panther?— at least it looked like a panther. It was a nebulous creature with an otherworldly resemblance to a prowling panther.

The creature's eyes, glowing like distant stars, locked onto Evan. As he cautiously unsheathed his sword, the panther mirrored the movement, its form undulating in the shadows.

The air chilled, and Evan felt a cold shiver down his spine as the Drifter approached with an uncanny grace.

The encounter was a dance of light and shadow, a silent exchange of anticipation. The panther-like figure circled Evan, blending seamlessly with the darkness, its presence elusive and unsettling.

With each step, it seemed to absorb the shadows around it, growing darker, more indistinct.

When the first strike came, it was a swift and unexpected movement from the shadows. Evan's blade met the Drifter's nebulous form, but it slipped away.


It left a lingering chill where it had touched. The encounter was brief but left an impression—a mysterious dance between a swordsman and a creature that seemed born of the very shadows it commanded.

As quickly as it had appeared, the Shadow Drifter retreated into the depths of the jungle.

In the heart of the mutated jungle, Evan confronted the elusive Shadow Drifter. The creature, resembling a panther made of shadows, prowled in and out of the dense foliage. Evan, sword in hand, moved cautiously, every step accompanied by the faint rustle of leaves.

The first clash was swift but inconclusive. The Drifter melted into the shadows, leaving Evan to swing his blade at lingering echoes. The jungle seemed to hold its breath as the dance between swordsman and shadow unfolded.

As Evan tried to anticipate the Drifter's movements, the creature became more elusive. Its form flickered, slipping through the dense vegetation. The air crackled with an eerie energy, and the ambient darkness seemed to coalesce around the Drifter, making it nearly impossible to discern.

Evan's frustration grew with each elusive encounter. The Drifter's attacks were like whispers in the wind, barely registering before it dissolved back into the shadows.

Evan adjusted his tactics, attempting to limit the creature's escape routes, but the Drifter remained one step ahead.

In a daring move, the Shadow Drifter lunged from a particularly dark patch, catching Evan off guard.

Its claws left a chilling touch, draining a bit of his life force.


'Sneaky bastard!'

Staggering, Evan realized the gravity of the challenge before him.

' You use shadows right, lets see how use them now '

Determined not to yield, Evan concentrated on the cosmic energy within him. With newfound resolve, he created a large energy ball with a subtle cosmic glow above his head. The energy ball became a beacon in the darkness, disrupting the Drifter's ability to blend with the shadows.

The luminous ball brought a momentary advantage. The Drifter, momentarily disoriented, became tangible. Evan seized the opportunity, his shoot the energy ball with extremely fast speed towards the panther.


The creature wailed, shadows dissipating into the air.

Yet, the fight wasn't over. The Drifter, wounded but not defeated, retaliated with increased ferocity. The jungle echoed with the clash of steel and shadows.

Evan's stamina waned, but he pressed on, determined to overcome this adversary.

He used the same strategy again and again.

As the battle reached its climax, Evan's blade proved decisive. Striking with precision, he landed a final blow, and the Drifter let out a haunting wail. The shadows dissipated, leaving Evan victorious yet breathless in the now-silent jungle.

[ You have killed Shadow Drifter(Level 10) : +235 exp ]

Evan caught his breath, looking up at the lingering energy ball above his head after the intense battle with the Shadow Drifter.

"That was one wild fight."

He wiped the sweat off his forehead, feeling a mix of exhaustion and triumph. The jungle now rested in silence, holding the echoes of their clash.

"Never expected a shadow to be that tricky."

He chuckled, though a touch of seriousness lingered in his eyes as he examined the lingering wounds from the Drifter's touch.

"Note to self: shadows can be real sneaky."

As the adrenaline settled, Evan's gaze remained on the energy ball above him.

"This thing really came in handy. What a ride!"

Leaning on his sword, he reflected on the encounter, contemplating the unexpected twists in the challenges he faced.

Evan didn't remain still.

First, he used some of his bandage wrapped around his belly to cover the cut on his shoulder to stop bleeding.

He then resumed his journey.

But this time, he kept an energy ball floating above his head.

He really didn't want to die from a sneak attack.

He cautiously moved forward.

He realized that keeping the energy ball didn't use any energy, but its size slowly decreases if not provided any energy.

For the next hour, Evan navigated the mutated jungle with the energy ball floating above his head, casting a soft glow on his surroundings.

The air was thick with an otherworldly ambiance, and strange flora adorned the path, their mutated forms both fascinating and unsettling.

As he moved forward, the jungle seemed to whisper. Evan's senses were on high alert, the encounter with the Shadow Drifter still fresh in his mind. The energy ball pulsated, providing a sense of security as he ventured into uncharted territory.

Suddenly, the shadows around him stirred, and two more elusive figures emerged. Their eyes glowed in the darkness, and Evan tightened his grip on his sword.

The energy ball above his head intensified.

Thinking quickly, Evan hurled the energy ball towards one of the Drifters, creating a momentary distraction.

Seizing the opportunity, he lunged at the other with his sword, striking with a precision born from experience.

The sword danced through the air, meeting the Drifter's shadowy form in a flurry of strikes. Evan's movements were a blend of fluidity and controlled aggression, each swing calculated to pierce the elusive creature. As the first Drifter reeled from the impact of the energy ball, Evan shifted his focus, swiftly redirecting his attention to the second.

With a nimble twist, Evan dodged the Drifter's ethereal counterattack, countering with a quick succession of slashes. The energy ball, now back in his control, hovered above him, ready to be utilized once again.

The jungle echoed with the clash of steel and shadow, each encounter pushing Evan's limits. His fighting style became a dynamic interplay of swordplay and strategic use of the energy ball, creating a mesmerizing display of combat prowess in the mutated landscape.

Evan's sword sliced through the air with a swift whoosh, meeting the Drifter's evasive maneuvers.

''Come on, you shadowy dance partner. Let's finish this."

The energy ball pulsed with a low hum, casting a rhythmic glow that illuminated the intense struggle. The first Drifter, momentarily disoriented by the energy ball, attempted to regroup.

Evan: "Take a break, would you?"

With a decisive thrust, his sword found its mark, Directly piercing through the head. The Drifter let out a haunting wail.

*Ethereal howl*

[ You have killed Shadow Drifter(Level 10) : +235 exp ]

As Evan turned to face the second Drifter, their eyes locked in a silent acknowledgment of the impending clash. The jungle seemed to hold its breath, anticipating the outcome.

"You're next. Let's see if you're as slippery as your friend."

The second Drifter, aware of its impending fate, retaliated with an eerie hiss.

*Shadowy hiss*

Evan's swordplay intensified, a symphony of calculated strikes.

"You're a tough one, but I've faced worse. Really? Anyway"

The energy ball, a radiant companion, added an unpredictable element to the skirmish.

*clang! Clachh! Clang!*

The jungle echoed with the clash of steel and shadow, each encounter pushing Evan's limits.

"This tango is getting old. Time to end it."

With a swift combination of slashes and parries, Evan cornered the Drifter.

"Say goodbye."

A final, powerful strike landed, and the Drifter dissipated into shadows.

*Fading whispers*

[ You have killed Shadow Drifter(Level 10) : +235 exp ]

[ You have leveled up! ]

[ All attributes +1 ]

[ Unallocated Points +2 ]

Evan stood, breathing heavily, the energy ball above him flickering with residual cosmic energy.

I am doing my best to improve in every single passing chapter so please,

I need your support to keep going.

mdcreator2creators' thoughts