
Cosmic Traveler: Worlds Domination

Story is under reconstruction and polishing a new one will be created soon

BlackScore · perkotaan
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27 Chs

Angel, are you coming with me?

Jay spent time with the wang family until it was 18:30, its getting close to dinner time at Angles house.

Jay did not have anything to do, so he decided to hang out at RongRong's place. The Wang family was very welcoming of him. They all liked him and treated him closely.

Jay's reputation was good; He is an orphan who works diligently to get a better life; He respects the elder, and nice to his neighbors and kids.

Many women prayed to have a son like him. Or even for their daughters to marry someone nice like him.

Of course, that is not the complete truth; But Jay enjoyed the calmness for the time being.

Jay returned to his house to get ready, he wanted to take a bath and clean himself. A lot of things happen today, and his ride with Carin was a big factor to be called dirty.

Jay took a shower and wore the best clothes he has. He took the weird medicine as he was feeling unwell for using some of his abilities for the last couple of days.

Superpowers or special abilities do not come without a cost, even running for 100 meters has its costs of pain and loss of breath, so it can be imagined what cost does superpowers requires.

After finishing cleaning himself, Jay took his time to go and fetch something. He is not going for dinner without something in hand, right? it's not supposed to be a gift, and its not a price for the meal, its something to brighten the mood more.

Jay clearly remembers that Angel loves chocolate; So he bought some Waffles for her.

At 19:00, Jay stood at the door and wanted to ring the bell; midway, he stopped and many questions popped in his head. Existential questions about himself and the people around him.

Just when he suppressed these questions as to its not the correct time to think about it, he heard the lively sounds in the house.

"Honey, why are you still wearing your pajamas?! go wear something good."

"I feel comfortable like that so leave me alone, woman."

"What do you mean by that?! we will have a guest! go change for god's sake!"

"Aaah, ok ok."

"Mom! where is the bunny chocolate?!"

"it's in the second drawer, but don't eat it until after dinner!"

"I know, but it's for Jay!"

"oh? what a lucky Jay."


Jay was listening to the voices, but he was half absent-minded; He did not even notice that his hand was trembling slightly.

He took a deep breath and tried to become normal again.

Without even noticing, he was smiling a little; In the sounds he heard, there is something he longed for. Something that he doesn't know if he can or even has the right to have.


He collected himself and knocked on the door.

Knock! Knock!

he heard the voice of Agnel from inside "Ha, it's Jay! I will open!"


Angel was happy to see Jay, but she was happier when she saw that he was carrying waffles with him.

"Jay!! Give me that!"

Angel hugged him and snatched the waffles and went to the kitchen.

"Angel! Oh, girl, you have no shame. At least say thanks!"

Angel's mother came from inside and was smiling while shaking her head at her daughters' behavior.

"Thanks, Jay!"

Jay heard Angle saying it, but he knew she might have forgotten about him already.

"Welcome, Jay! Come Come. Husband will be here in a minute."

She gave Jay a kind smile

"Thanks, mam. Thanks for having me tonight."

"Oh, boy, so polite. I hope this little girl can learn something from you."

"Haha, She is still young. let her have her way for now. She will be a lady in the future, I am sure of that."

Jay laughed and said.

"Jay! Welcome to our house, young man."

Jay heard a manly voice coming, so he went and shook his hands.

"Hello, Uncle. I hope I am not intruding being here."

"Ah, don't say silly things. Come to the table, I am starving already. I was going to steal some food if you did not come early."


Jay laughed happily. He did not feel awkward, he really did not. This happy feeling was not new to him, but he is not used to it.

It was awkward someway, but not in a common way. He liked it, but can't get used to it.

It's not like he is restricting himself, but his brain is sending warning signs. Like he is about to go into something not meant for him.

The family sat on the table, Angel was already back with the chocolate she bought for Jay.

Laughs and happy conversations broke out.

after they finished dinner, Jay sat with them for a time talking about many things that he does not even remember how they started talking about things like these. But he was listening nonetheless.

Angel's father was talking about the weather, politics, philosophy, poetry and even physics.

after an hour of talking, Jay decided that its time to go.

But before going, he should discuss Angel's chance to go with him for a better life and a better future.

"Uncle, Aunt, I want to talk to you about something. An important thing."

Jay said seriously.

Angel's parents saw his serious face and they were taken back for a moment. why so serious?

"Say it, kid."

Angel's father said.

"Tonight I am here also to say goodbye; as I am traveling to the Mid Glory."


all of them were very surprised.

"Yes, I took a job there. Very good job. of course I will stay in touch."

"We are very happy for you, Jay! Good! Good! you are a good young man, and sure god bestows good things to good people."

Angel's mother was really happy for him.

"Yes, boy! Really good stuff. but be careful, it's true that there are many opportunities in the middle, but dangers are also more than you think."

Angel's father was happy also, but there was worry also on his face.

"Thanks. I will do my best to protect myself. and like aunt said, God, bestows good things to good people. Hahaha"

Jay assured them and laughed.

But a nervous voice broke the laughs.

"Jay ... you ... you are leaving?"

Angel was sad and she was barely keeping her tears in.

"Ah, yes. I have to. but I also have another thing to say. I know a friend who told me that Angel's academic grades are excellent and offered a scholarship to Glory Academy. So if you are good at it, then Angel can get the best education. and her future will be limitless. Her IQ is high anyway, and it's a waste not to get the best of it."

Jay tried to persuade them with a soft voice. Jay cared for Angel. it's not just because of his late sister, but because he really treated her as a little sister. he knew what kind of a world is this, if you can't even have something to survive with, then life can get unbearable. And education is the most powerful weapon for women in his opinion. At least she should know the way of this world.

After moments of shock, the family fell silent. Of course, they knew what kind of academy is Glory Academy. It's not an exaggeration to say that it's one of the best academies in the world.

not just the city, but the Big world. and they can see that Jay is not lying, they lived for long to know that at least.

"Glory City?! Really?"

Angels' voice broke the silence. she was happy as she saw images of this academy. this academy was like 4 castles together. Green scenarios, very nice and neat dorms, they even have a waterfall.

She dreamed about it, but she did not imagine to attend it someday!

"Yes! And if you want, after aunt and uncle's permission, you can attend the academy until you become a doctor or even a professor."

Jay smiled at the young girl kindly and he saw her happy face.

Her eyes became big circles due to surprise.

after 5 minutes of discussion, and Jay's skills of persuasion, and he even told them a little about the lady and that she was the one offering the scholarship, the family accepted it.

Angel already met her so her existence is not a secret anyway.

They were sad about the separation, but Jay promised that he would send her back or even invite them over to Mid Glory to see her.

It's not separation for life anyway. And Angel's future was worth it.

Jay told them about the procedure of her transfer to the new academy. He was told the procedure from the lady's men.

Jay took his leave afterward. Angel would follow him a week later.

Even though the lady told him that she needs him for a week, he did not want to come back here after that. as his plan would begin the moment he reaches Mid Glory.