
Cosmic Saints: Revival

The world is destroyed. For over 12 years, the villains parade their victory with any survivors left at their mercy. That is, until they get wind that something is wrong, and there is a disturbance in the air.

Yoki_Salblood · Fantasi
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12 Chs

A Rift of Flames and Sea

The crack in the air seemed very off. Ukog tried to look through it, but what he saw seemed like a sun and an endless ocean. Then he heard an intense roar, and the crack began to widen more like cracking glass. Ukog backed up, and used a spell to open the rift completely, and the ones that came out were Hydris and Roxin. "We're finally free!! Where's my little man at....actually, where's anything right now?" Roxin asked, looking around at the landscape. Ukog was surprised seeing them both. Roxin had gained more muscle, and his orange hair was longer and messy. He only had shorts on, and one of his eyes was a sparkling blue color. Hydris looked taller, her body seemed a bit slimmer and had more muscle, her hair reached the ground and seemed to flow like water. She only had a cloth around her breasts and her midsection.

"Hm..first thing's first. We need to get dressed and make sure the other saints get here. Hopefully Merlin's okay too." Hydris said, water covering her body to start forming an outfit. Roxin nodded as fire covered his body as well as they body manifested new clothes and began walking. Ukog caught up to them, explaining that Merlin and the others were okay and on the moon. Roxin smiled at the good news, then noticed that something was watching them from behind. He suddenly did a spin kick, hitting a woman in the jaw and knocking her into a tree. "You've got serious ovaries to go after a married man like me darlin'. I take it you're an other worlder come to serve these demented sons of bitches." Roxin said as the woman stood up. As soon as she got up, she licked the blood off her head, smiling with lust as her yellow hair started to flare upwards. "You're such a powerful man. Dance with me, until we perish in turn!!" she roared as she began to rush at him in a maniac fit.

Roxin just stomped his foot, launching her away with a blast of heat, and kept walking to see the section of city that was still there. Hydris touched the building, and the section began to sprout more buildings exponentially. She smiled, seeing that her home return as a fancy house with multiple sections. She imagined Merlin running around playing with the dog and blowing bubbles with his fingers. Roxin patted her shoulder smiling with her, and feeding energy to expand the city. They then heard footsteps rapidly approach them, then a hugging embrace. It was Merlin, tightly hugging his parents. Roxin smiled widely as he embraced his son and wife. "There's my little man. Well, not so little anymore are ya. You really have grown just like we thought you would, glasses and all." he said to Merlin, grinning while he rubbed his head. Hydris couldn't help but shed tears seeing her child grown up and being himself. She hugged him tightly, not wanting to let him go. However she noticed that someone was going to attack him from behind, and she moved backwards, and threw Merlin upwards to catch a fist coming at her, stopping just a few inches before hitting her house's wall. Her expression changed from pure joy, to disappointment that she was attacked during a tender moment.

"I take it you're one of the Apostles, Vegeta of Pestilence. Kids, I want you to analyze the boundary field all around this texture. With any luck we'll bring the Saints back, and really get things started." she said, holding Vegeta down with her grip. Merlin and Ukog flew off in different directions, leaving Roxin and Hydris to deal with the apostle. "Just as beautiful, and as vexing as ever woman. I shall kill-" he was cut off from a backhand by Roxin, leaving a fist shaped burn mark on his face. He wasn't about all the talking, he just wanted to fight so he could go home and plan the next method of attack. Him and Hydris took a mirrored stance together, looking sternly at Vegeta, who was getting back up, smiling maniacally and charged at them both with steel tough beetles on the backs of his fists. Hydris's movements were like a constant flowing dance, dodging his swings and landing counter strikes on his neck, legs, and elbows with just her bare hands. Roxin was more aggressive, his attacks were powerful enough to split the ground with every swing of his fists, scorch marks were left after every hit.

They both then synchronized their attacks, causing Vegeta to try and fly off. They both chased after him, shooting blasts of water and fire almost exactly to where he was dodging, causing him to get nervous. "Dammit..!" Vegeta thought "How are these fools making me run away? They're not even Platinum Saint's, barely even worth noticing. What is this?!" his terror was evident, he couldn't fight them on equal ground, but before he could plan his next move he was blasted out of the sky. Roxin lands, picking Vegeta up by the head, and repeatedly hitting him in his stomach, making him vomit. Hydris then landed, sprinted at him, and broke Vegeta's arm with a water enhanced kick, causing him to scream in pain.

"So these are the enemies we're forced to deal with? What is this, you ain't shit. Tell your bosses in the next world, the Saints are back." Roxin said, blasting Vegeta with a wave of heat that erases him slowly, bit by bit. Roxin then walked with Hydris to their home, seeing it was empty, but that wasn't much of an issue. He then rubbed Hydris's stomach gently. "Should we tell him today, or later tomorrow? He's going to be excited either way." he asked. But Hydris was already sleeping while standing up. Roxin laughed, laying her down in a bed of warm and comfortable flames.