

Alvin is a transfer student at Heidvanz Academy. He is blessed by being able to use all the elements,the only different thing is that his elements are black in color. black lightning,black flame and so on. To top of that he has celestial powers(power of the stars). To Alvin he cares little about the rules and likes doing things his own way. As he says " After all who can stop me" Let's read and follow on his journey,his challenges and joy as we discover who he actually is.

Durkkurb17 · Fantasi
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13 Chs


Back at Heidvanz academy as soon as the group arrived thousands of students came to see their heroes. News of their victory reached them but what shocked them the most was the fact that the famous transfer student accepted a challenge from the princess who was considered one of the most powerful people.

As soon as Alvin got in sight every girl including the boys gasped. Everyone watched the battle at Marley and Alvin's amazed everyone making everyone forget he was from Far away. Seeing how he defeated Marley's council president who had defeated their school council members the now considered him the strongest among the first years.

Alvin, Ian, Sylvia and Lucy who had gotten closer decided to run away from the crowd. When they had left the crowd and started to walk towards the path of the hostels they meet Ashley and three of the student council members.

"Congratulations you four thank you for bringing victory to our school. Alvin I'm sorry for doubting you. There is an openi..."she doesn't complete her words as Alvin,Ian, and Lucy walk away. Only Sylvia is left standing but on noticing her friends walking away she sighs and follows them halfheartedly,wishing she could stay and maybe she would be invited into the student council.

"Stop right there can't you see the president is talking to you and just walk away how disrespectful can you be maybe I should teach you some manners seems the incident at Marley gave you a hard head."one of the students with Ashley says as she readies herself to attack Alvin but is stopped be Ashley.

Alvin and the group walk away. After walking for a while the finally stopped in front of the hostels."Why are there so many hostels? and also what is that building over there?"Alvin asks with stars on his eyes.

"For a second you look all cool but now you look so childish."Sylvia thinks."That's because some groups are given their own hostels if approved by the administration. As for that that I specifically for a group that is unique and has hopes to achieve something great for the school. Let me ask why you ignored Ashley like that?"she adds.

"I don't like the students council and honestly I don't like to be below someone else,so I just left."Says Alvin smiling. Then all of a sudden a big bang is hard and they rush to the area. They find an upper class man beating up a first year and after they inquire they learnt that their shoulders just rubbed each other on looking around Alvin sees two student council members just watching.

Alvin plans to move but Lucy moved faster. 'SHWAP' Lucy swings her whip holding the bullies hand. The guy reacts by forming a water ball at Lucy but a black mist blocks the attack then the area is filled with black mist a few minutes later the bully is seeing lying on the ground unconscious.

Alvin smiles and readies himself just in case someone attacks lucy."Bunch of hypocrites we have as student council watching an under class man being bullied in broad day light."Lucy shots angrily. On seeing the incident is over the students disperse.

"This is the reason I wanted to be in the council so as stop all this bullying."Sylvia says as she rushes to help.the person being bullied.After taking the student to the nurses office Alvin is called to the principals office via the school speakers.


"come in come in,have a sit Alvin. As to be quick, your duel with the princess is set to be this weekend. Since there will be a meeting for leaders from different parts of the continent thus they will come here to watch the fight. So if you are to win the battle you will have to save the face of the princess so as not for people to say she was defeated by an ordinary student.OK."The principal says and releases him to leave.

The students of Heidvanz Academy were filled with anticipation and curiosity as they gathered in the grand school hall for an unexpected assembly. Rumors had spread like wildfire throughout the corridors, leaving everyone eager to uncover the reason behind this sudden gathering.

As whispers filled the air and eager eyes darted around, the anticipation reached its peak when the doors at the front of the hall swung open. In walked the principal, a tall and distinguished figure, whose presence commanded immediate attention. The hall fell into a hushed silence as the students fixed their focus on the one who held all the answers.

Clearing his throat, the principal began addressing the eager crowd. "Good evening, dear students. I'm sure each one of you is wondering why we have gathered today. I assure you, the reason for this assembly is rather exceptional." His words echoed through the hall, capturing the attention of every student seated before him.

The principal paused, letting the suspense linger for a moment before continuing. "In just a few days, we will be honored to witness an extraordinary event here at our school grounds. A thrilling duel is set to take place between two notable individuals." Gasps of surprise and astonishment swept through the hall as everyone tried to comprehend the magnitude of this news.

"Alvin, one of our most talented and skilled students, will be engaging in a duel against none other than the princess of our continent Atraxia, Princess Ivy," the principal announced, his voice resonating with excitement. The assembled students couldn't contain their curiosity any longer, their minds racing with questions and speculations.

"The duel will not only be a display of their exceptional prowess but will also serve as a symbol of friendship and unity between our academy and the royal family. It is an event that will be witnessed by distinguished leaders from both within and beyond our borders," the principal explained, his words enlivening the atmosphere with a sense of grandeur.

As the significance of the upcoming event settled in, the students exchanged glances filled with excitement and reverence. The opportunity to witness such a monumental spectacle within their own school walls left them feeling genuinely privileged and honored.

The principal concluded his speech, encouraging the students to maintain their focus on their studies and responsibilities while also relishing the anticipation for this extraordinary event. With that, he bid them farewell, leaving the students buzzing with excitement and anticipation.

One of the teachers stepped up and asked Alvin to come forward and say something. The hall fell silent as Alvin walked to to the stage. A conversation erupts among the students"look I think I'm already in love with him." "me too" "I had he also has an amazing voice." isn't that the guy we heard is from Far away,the people who are so poor that even the lord of their town gives them food." "yeah I heard that there are around 12million people there but but the lord of that town spolis all of them good,I bet he paid for him to come here on seeing his talent.

Many students talk about Alvin others praising him while others mocking him but once the teacher raised his hand everyone kept quiet." Hello everyone?"Alvin greets as the girls giggle in admiration of his amazing voice." I'm honored to be standing in front of you all today.In two days time I'll make you all proud with my victory but first there is something I want to tell you all."

"I know you both admire the current students council but I'm not.Thus I've planned to overthrow them but knowing it will be hard on you. 'Then we form ours' I've decided to revive the long dormant group the Disciplinary committee."