

Alvin is a transfer student at Heidvanz Academy. He is blessed by being able to use all the elements,the only different thing is that his elements are black in color. black lightning,black flame and so on. To top of that he has celestial powers(power of the stars). To Alvin he cares little about the rules and likes doing things his own way. As he says " After all who can stop me" Let's read and follow on his journey,his challenges and joy as we discover who he actually is.

Durkkurb17 · Fantasi
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13 Chs


After she disappears Alvin decides to go to the cafeteria.As he was walking he could see the many stares of disdain. Although every girl was breath taken with his hot godly looks his status was one the never wanted to be associated with. Deep within they wanted to be the one he wall slammed.

"Yoh" a voice greets from behind. He turns and sees Ian and sylvia." do you mind joining us for lunch?" Ian asks,noticing Alvin looking at Sylvia."I found her as she was following so I asked her to join me as well." Sylvia's face turns red."Its not like I wanted to thank you for earlier." she says embarrassed by the way Ian introduce her.

The trio then walks to the cafeteria silently. On entering the once loud place turns silent with all eyes on them. Ian was originally the most good looking fella amongst the first years while Sylvia was their beautifully unmatched queen but now the new student was way out of league if they were to match him he they would say his looks is un rank able and now the three of them are together they were just mesmerized and every one was deep in their fantasy.

"Seems we are already a center of attraction,not that I mind."Ian says as the all look at the eyes staring at them"Hmm,wharever it doesn't matter a single bit I'm sorta used to it already."Alvin replies.

"By the way Alvin do you know who that girl you just wall slammed is?"Ian asks with if only you knew look on his face."Yeah a pretty lady,what else is there to know although she left without me asking for her name and the way I went out of my way to approach her,but just made me more interested in her. I'll talk to her later in class."Alvin answers with a smirk on his face.

"She is the only daughter of the president of the magic bureau and also the third most powerful student among the first years of which she is supposed to be the most powerful first year."Sylvia explains.

"Wait if she is the third who are number one and two."Alvin asks curiously."u ummm,well I'm number one while he is the second."Sylvia answers proudly.

"Amazing no wonder they were looking at us."Alvin says."Well partly that and also this is even the first time that we have even talked to each other."sylvia says.

"Then to add to first time then why not form our group as friends we can become friends and also add more."Ian suggest as the others agree.

Then announcement is made through the school's speakers for students to head to the assembly hall.Students hurry towards the hall and settle everyone wondering what's with the sudden assembly. A group of about nine students enter the hall a while later and everyone keeps quiet.

An intense aura envelopes the hall due to the entree of the group."Who are these people?"Alvin asks."They are the school's student council. They are the most powerful people in the whole school."Sylvia answers. "I even wish to join them and even become the..."she is cut off by an intense cold aura.

Feeling the aura Alvin grins evily as he stares at the blonde girl.

"That is the students council president Ashley Burns a second year. She became the president while she was just a first year.She is unrivaled in this school both in power, beauty and elegance.She is an idle to everyone including me."Ian says.

"Sylvia you did say you want to join the students council right?why is it?"alvin asks."Well they are at the center of the school but mainly there are a lot of week students who are being bullied by the powerful ones and also the constant fights that occur around the school I want to stop this now and forever."she answers determinantly.

"Attention I am Ashley we have called you here suddenly because Marley academy has challenged our school to a friendly match. The have said that we the student council are not to compete so we will be choosing those who will be representing our school.The number of students needed is twelve so among the first years I'll have Sylvia Hermern, Ian Valtimer,Lucy Gard and Windy Walls.The second years will be Fred Swayer,Uriah Reid,Kylie Deins ,Dreg Juriah and lastly among the third years there will be Tony Minefield, Sandra Bikes,Fiona owens and Jack Lands."

"Also the principal has suggested a certain first year student I think he is a transfer student,who just transferd today.So I plan to let him duel one of the first years participating if he wins he joins the mat..."I object I won't fight any of the first years why don't you let me duel one from the third years who is the most powerful."Alvin announces as he cut shots the president.

Everyone is shocked by his words as the say amongst each other that he is cocky just because he is hanging around the top first years. "I'm sorry but I can't accept your request"Ashley says."Is it because you lookdown on me as a first year or is it that the third years are chickening out and hiding behind the president."Alvin mocks

"Alvin what are you doing you will make an enemy of the third years?"sylvia says worriedly."Alvin don't do this."Ian says.

"I Tony Minefield as the class president of the third accept the challenge I can't let this puny first year shame the third years."A tall silver haired boy declares."Fine then I accept If Alvin wins he takes Tony's spot and if Tony wins Alvin will barred from ever entering any competition.Let's all head to the arena for the duel classes for today are dismissed. Alvin now you can prove yourself.