
Cores of Destiny

................................................................................................................. Arufa and his team ,are taken through the different outer realms, were they evolve , and achieve a higher power level. They battle through titans ,demons and mystical creatures ,in order to defeat their nemesis ,the dark-lord in the celestial realms . Join this story as it takes you through adventure ,comedy ,tragedy,romance and life changing events like never before , in a battle of love and darkness, that shakes the Heavens .hi

Humble_Angel · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs


Arufa quickly rose up ,knowing that it was either he destroyed those robots or they destroy him . He rushed forward ,and hit the robot with all his full strength , but the robot was still standing . The other robots hundreds in number started attacking him, he fought them with all his might , he even used his creation power to form giant weapons ,which he used in destroying hundreds of them , but he was soon outmatched and down on the ground. The robots surrounded him and begun to mercilessly beat him up. Arufa found himself in a subconscious state ,this was were once again he met Nova ,once again. Nova said to Arufa, "you know you have to fight those robots or else you will get yourself killed"

Arufa replied " how can i fight them if i am not strong enough to defeat them"

" Then you get stronger" nova said "think of all those people in danger, if you let evil win, not only will the bad guys hurt others, their wickedness will also weaken the already cracked portal ,given those demons the chance to destroy the earth and everyone in it."

Arufa returned to consciousness and spoke " no matter how hard you hit me , you will all be destroyed by my hands, no matter how hard the darkness try ,it cannot overcome the light. I am Arufa leader of the GUARDIANS OF FAITH, and you will meet your doom"

Boom as the Arufa exploded in light as he archived the second stage of his power .

He transformed into a seven feet tall being full of exploding light . His eyes were aflame ,his body developed huge metallic muscles , his hands were full of power ,the color of his body was shining in all colors of the rainbow ,his hair became pure flaming white , his normal clothes transformed into gold and purple tunic covered by a bronze breastplate . Arufa then spoke in a mighty voice and said to the robots "i am Alpha ,i am Glory ,and i am your doom"

Before the robots could even move Arufa summoned a blazing sword that seemed to be hundreds of meters long ,and sliced all the robots at once. And exploded them into pieces . Arufa then teleport-ed to the gang base . Everyone there ,including the master ,surrendered due to the fear of Arufa's power. Arufa then returned back home and transformed back to normal . He was so happy about his journey and improvement, he couldn't wait to tell the team.