
Cores of Destiny

................................................................................................................. Arufa and his team ,are taken through the different outer realms, were they evolve , and achieve a higher power level. They battle through titans ,demons and mystical creatures ,in order to defeat their nemesis ,the dark-lord in the celestial realms . Join this story as it takes you through adventure ,comedy ,tragedy,romance and life changing events like never before , in a battle of love and darkness, that shakes the Heavens .hi

Humble_Angel · Fantasi
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30 Chs


Lord Charles , focused on restoring ,law and order in the world, he also worked on humanity and chastity .

He spoke in an international conference meeting , describing his ambitions , and how he intends to execute them .

He spoke , "the world today ,dives deeper into chaos , more and more ,as time goes on . Many people have used their freedom as an opportunity to , act in many reckless manners ,care free about , it's effect on society . The young generation, sees the misdeeds of their parents , and adopt such bad behaviors, at a very young and tender age . These bad behaviors , adopted from the parents are then developed to higher degrees , causing the latter generation , to be worse than the former . Also due to indiscipline in the society , crime and abuse rates are ever increasing . It is very sad that, the lives and childhood of most children are, destroyed before they even realize it . To their shame , people have brushed over these corrupt practices and behavior, that their children have adopted . Some parent ignore these things , because of the guilt of knowing that , their children had adopted it from them . Yet still others have covered , their incapability , with the excuse that , the world is changing, and that we are living in a modern civilized world , in which children are allowed to practice , practices solely intended for adults . However none of these are excuses , good enough to prevent you ,from making change in society . The formation of gangs and secret cults , are also causes of societal apocalypse . Many people join these gangs and cults ,in order to satisfy the longing for acceptance . Some also join for protection from other gangs , however some other join for their own separate reasons . The crime is not in joining the gang or cult , rather it is in joining a group, whose prime purpose is to , create problems in the society .there is nothing like a bad person , but there is however something like , a person doing bad things . What do i mean by this, i am simply trying to say that the same person who follows the urge , to murder ,rape and hurt someone , can also have and follow the urge to help someone. One bad choice of an individual , can lead to a chain of bad events in a society , just as one good choice can dramatically ,change the world to make it better . It is rather shameful, that most people find pleasure in the hardship of others , this act not only affects the society but will also , have it's side effects on both the victim and villain . Sometimes i just wonder why , a person will ever choose to hurt someone who have not wronged them, because of a mindset they have adapted to . For example an armed robber , robs people because, he has deceived himself to believe , that he has some right to attack and claim properties of other people , deceiving himself that this is the only way he can survive . Many people also take matters ,into their own hands due to ,lack of trust in the government and law and order committees . It is sad indeed , that the people entrusted to run countries and states , to uphold law and order , sometimes abuse the power entrusted to them . For a society to thrive every individual must co-exist , in peace with on another . Every one must make a change to stand for what is right, and against what is evil. There is no hero coming to save the day , if change will happen it must start with you. Every individual should strive , to be a good citizen , and everyone in charge over some body else, must make every effort to , be a good leader and role model . Change in society ,starts with the individual . I ask you all to be good citizens and governors ,working together , to make the world a better place .

The speech that Charles gave , was so full of emotion that , everyone who heard it ,was touched . Many people took his advice , and made the change in their lives , and many others did not , in the end it all comes down to the individual's choice between good and evil .

One day while Charles was driving he encountered a criminal gang ,attacking a neighborhood. He decided to sand up for them and use his power to protect them , at all costs.

Said to himself , "i must save these people at all cost , i can't use my powers on, one person at a time or else , their victims could get hurt . I must control them all at once ."

The criminal gang tried to shoot the town folks , but much to their surprise, their own fingers refused to pull the trigger, no matter how hard they tried . Confused about what was going on , the gang members heard a voice addressing them. When they turned to see , they saw a seven feet tall man,shining in golden splendor ,and clothed in an emerald armor . It was Charles , he had archived power level two .

Charles said to them , "because your mind is set , to do evil and harm others , from this day onward ,you will have ,no control of your own bodies".

They instantly became completely paralyzed, from head to toe , only their eyes, ears , noes and mouth ,were they able to control . They begged Charles ,to have mercy on them , he decided to spare them this time , but threatened to inflict a worse punishment on them , should they be found committing crimes again. He dis-paralyzed them and ,they quickly ran away . The people , he saved thanked him ,he then decided, to show his team mates,his new abilities in their next meeting .