
Cores of Chaos

In a world that hosts both humans and monsters, two races fought each other for centuries, finally coexisting. Or that’s how it is seen. Genus with no memory about his past, found himself a slave displayed for torture. Until one fateful day, when an infamous Lady will take him as her servant. Both their lives will change afterwards, as they suddenly found themselves grappling in outstretched schemes that threatened to shake the peace of the world. Their forced battle to survive the predicament will change to a conquering conquest. — The story is slow paced at first, and I made a lot of mistakes since it’s my first novel, but I hope it's to your liking! [May contain 'Gore' element] 2+ chapters/week

Ink_Block · Fantasi
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11 Chs

An opportunity

"Huff… Huff…"

The warrior from Ugu's guards, that Ruga sent to notify his lord, was panting heavily as he stopped in front of a big guarded gate.

It was the residence of Ugu, huge walls surrounding a lot of small buildings with a bigger and larger one in the middle.

Seeing their fellow panting in front of them, the guards at the gate were confused.

"What happ-"

Before they could ask, he shouted, "C,CALL huf… LORD UGU,... HURRY!"

He ran a long distance, from the east part of the city to the western one, where the main base was situated.


The guards just looked at each other , dumbfounded.


He shouted again, he should inform him as soon as possible.

Oblivious, they questioned, even if he was a guard like them, they can't.

"Hey hey, easy man, tell us what happened dude. We can't call him just like that."


"What's this commotion?"

At that moment, the gates opened and a tall man appeared, he wore luxurious clothes and had a stern face.

"Sir Huma, Sir Ruga sent me to inform lord Ugu, it's an emergency!" The guard said, respectful.

"Ruga? Where? And what happened?"

The man named Huma asked, signaling to the guards to let him enter.

"It's like this…"

The guard reconted what happened to Huma on their way inside.

After hearing what happened, Huma sent the guard away then made his way to Ugu, informing him.

"Haaa… So that's how it is… I KNEW THAT DAMN IS TROUBLE!!"

The fat and short man, Ugu, sitting on a throne-like chair, slammed his hand on the table, fuming in anger.

From the moment he enslaved Genus, and trouble came seeking him. At the beginning, he had fun torturing him, but not long, trouble rose. Some people would complain to him, some wanted compensation for their loss, some wanted… sigh.

'Damn that slave, I knew I shouldn't have taken him… But this is not the time, I should make my way to Ruga, he can't handle it! Why would that sly fox interfere, just let her take that shit, Damn it!'

Thinking that, he said, "Huma, take care while I'll go handle the situation."

"Be at ease." Huma bowed in respect.

Ugu took some guards with him, then sped his way east.

Meanwhile, back at the eastern market, the bypassers were shocked when they heard Dermi's proposal.


"Is he out of his mind?"

"Shush, lower your voice. They may hear you…"

"She's a cursed one, who would marry her? They say you'd die if you touched her!"

"Isn't that why the family tossed her out?"

"Besides, two big families marry so suddenly…"

Their whispers were low, but enough for the strong humans to hear, including Benso, who tried hard enough not to react.

'Good, good. Not a bad show indeed, he's bold and handsome, she can't refuse. good work.' Genus, as long as he remembers, felt the urge to compliment someone for the first time, expressionless.

He didn't know what that feeling was, but he liked it nonetheless.

His face is stoic, but internally, he was thrilled guessing the outcome.

'So, what will you say, cursed lady?' Genus glanced at Shily, waiting for her response, expressionless.

Contrary to Benso, who was enraged inside.

'How dare he! Belittleting my lady, laughing at the Norwen family and shamelessly proposing marriage to my lady! He made us a joke! How dare he! I want to cut him to pieces, but…' He clenched his hands as he looked at his lady.

'What is she thinking about, hurry and refuse!... wait, now that I thought about it…'

Benso had a bad feeling about this, 'was this what he's after?! There is a high chance she may accept…'

Benso knew how eager his lady was for power and assets, and Dermi just took the opportunity in front of him, that cunning fox.

'I can't let it happen!'

"Young master Dermi, you know this is not a trivial matter, how could you decide on your own?"

Benso, seriously, tried to argue with Dermi, in hope to change the direction of the situation.

Dermi said cheerfully, "It's indeed as you say, not a trivial matter. That's why I proposed such a thing. Though, it's not a choice."

"You think you have the authority?" Benso asked

"Hah, of course I have, and you have no choice, you know that." Dermi replied, smiling.

'This fox…' Benso said, "It doesn't concern you."

"Well, we'll have to hear your lady for that." Dermi gazed at Shily, waiting for a response cheerfully.

'Heh! I've waited for so long, and now you came to me, how can I let such opportunity escape my gasp. What curse crap, they're all delusional, a beauty like you can't be cursed, only blessed. And you'll be my woman no matter what, because you have no other option. I've waited for a long time!' Dermi thought, happy.

He had known Shily since young, and had seen her face that caught his heart. From that moment onward, he took a liking to her.

For so long, Dermi didn't find a chance. But now that she came in front of him, he won't be polite.

Genus looked around, finding a free space at the ground, he sat down.

'This will take some time, but the outcome is decided, I guess.' He thought, while no one noticed when he sat down.

Even Ruga, who was focused on how things will turn out, didn't notice.

Genus looked carefree and expressionless, waiting for her answer, as that would determine his destiny.

'Though, I want to live a peaceful life. She seems to have enemies, so either way, no peace for me. What a life.'

[Shily's POV]

'What? MARRIAGE?!!'

Is he insane, how could he propose such a thing?!

Why would he propose marriage of all things? What benefits is there for him?

Wait, how did he know I was here? Was it because of Benso? Not likely. Did he follow us from the start?

How did things turn out like this?

I don't resemble my family, all because of it, I am cursed.

White hair, Dark blue eyes and black tainting my face are the reasons why I am cursed.

Well, that's what people know, but the truth is, every living being I touch will freeze to death, that's how really I am cursed.

I am but the cursed lady of Norwen, who was tossed away by her father.

Living in the sub branch wasn't easy, every day working like a servant. Though my mentor helped us, it just got harder for me and my ill mother.

Did he know I was coming here all along, then decided to take this chance? But for what reason?

I know when we were children, I was still in the main family, he gave me weird looks. Did he take a liking to me?

If that's so, then this may be reasonable. But marriage between two big families needs the permission of the higher ups, how could he decide on his own? No, the one to decide is me. All things will befall me.

Why should I even accept?

But, thinking about it, isn't it a good opportunity?

If I married him, then I will have authority, which I can use to my advantage and look for a cure for my mother, and even live a comfortable life.

I can also find out what's wrong with my body, and gain resources to train. That way, I will gain strength that no one can ignore.

I just need to give up my body, is it that hard?

But if I rejected him, I would gain another enemy.

I am currently powerless, even my family is an enemy, how would I handle it?

I may never find a cure to my mother, or even gain the strength to face them. Everything I've built until now will be crushed, and after buying that slave, I may get imprisoned.

However, I'll lose either way. So, I have to choose the most profitable one.

What should I do?

Sacrifice my body for a better future, or ruin what I've worked hard to build up?


Is it that hard? Only an idiot would ruin his future.

It's obvious, I just need to accept and everything will turn out good, right?

'Then, it's decided!'