
Cookies Office

Jasmine only wants to work comfortably without any gossip and drama in the office. She’s a fresh graduate from the Department of Communication, who was able to become a permanent employee at the fourth largest company in Indonesia, BRAGA GROUP. Jasmine's job as Customer Service runs smoothly until Narendra, the new CEO who was appointed by the president, arrived at the holding company in Jakarta, where Jasmine worked. Narendra has a different work system that makes Jasmine overwhelmed. Meanwhile, there is Sagara, a Director, who is ready to help Jasmine when she’s promoted to be secretary of CEO. Will Jasmine be able to face Narendra as the new CEO?

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4 Chs

Passed Selection

Jasmine still doesn't believe Mrs. Lala about Narendra's reasons for wanting to make her the CEO's secretary. Jasmine felt that it was not a trivial role, and should be considered carefully. It's impossible because Jasmine made a mistake with Narendra, then Narendra sanctioned her by making Jasmine his secretary. Things like that only happen in novels and movies. What was more realistic when Jasmine made a mistake was for her to be kicked out.

So right now Jasmine's mind was still in the office even though her body was in the middle of a busy restaurant eating dinner. Plus Jasmine was eating alone, so she was daydreaming even longer.

"Excuse me, may I sit here?"

Jasmine choked on the food she had not swallowed so she coughed heavily. Quickly the man in front of Jasmine who was waiting for her answer handed over a glass of drinking water for Jasmine to drink. "Already better?"

"Thank you." Jasmine put the glass on the table. "Oh yes, just sit down." Then Jasmine realized that she had drunk the water that should belong to that man.

"I'll get the water myself, but later. You are Jasmine right?"

This time Jasmine choked because the man in front of her knew her name. "Excuse me, do I know you?"

"I am Sagara."

Now Jasmine is trying to find Sagara's name in her memory. Until finally she found the only name Sagara she had ever heard and remembered.

"Mr. Sagara Zafar Waradana? Director of BRAGA MINERALS?"

"Yes, but could you tone it down a bit?" Sagara looked around him.

Jasmine felt like she wanted to disappear right then and there. Jasmine was truly embarrassed because she did not recognize the Director of BRAGA MINERALS, Sagara. Even though it was clear that Jasmine had met Sagara before, although not too often. Sagara's appearance is completely different when in the office and outside. While at the office he looks more mature because he is dressed formally with very neat hair. Meanwhile, Sagara currently looks like a teenager with casual clothes and also he has long bangs styled like a teenager. That's why Jasmine didn't recognize Sagara, he was so different, more fresh.

"Sir, I'm sorry I didn't recognize you." Jasmine lowered her head so that her forehead touched the table. "Please forgive me, Mr. Sagara."

"Relax Jasmine. My appearance is very different, isn't it?"

"Yes, Sir," Jasmine answered honestly. "I mean different, not in a bad way Mr. Sagara."

Unexpectedly, Sagara's response was exactly the opposite of what Jasmine had thought. Sagara chuckled because of Jasmine's behavior which he thought was funny. "Yes Jasmine, I also don't think you think badly of me. I do have to look like that in the office, outside of the office I also have to be able to adjust because I'm still young."

Due to Sagara's warm attitude, Jasmine could chuckle too. At least Sagara wasn't as cold as Jasmine imagined.

"You are alone?"

"Yes sir, I like to eat alone."

"Just Sagara. Remember, this is not in the office."

"Oke… Sagara."

They returned to enjoy their food. Occasionally Jasmine stole glances at Sagara. To be honest, Sagara is the ideal type for almost all women in the office. He is a director who really cares for employees so that some employees can last a long time in the company. And also Sagara is very charismatic. He is handsome, firm, tall, kind, and smart. Apart from having intellectual intelligence, Sagara also has social intelligence, he easily gets along with anyone in the office. Not the type of leader that is difficult to find. Rumors also say that Sagara's hobby is shooting. There are even some employees who deliberately follow Sagara's hobby. Actually, Jasmine also has a hobby of shooting, only that she does when she returns to Bandung. While in Jakarta, Jasmine did another hobby.

"Is there something wrong Jasmine? You look at me like there's something wrong with me."

"Ah nothing." Sagara's warning succeeded in making Jasmine not move. He was caught watching Sagara secretly. Moreover, Jasmine's sharp eyes must have made Sagara feel even more uncomfortable. For that Jasmine quickly finished her food because she wanted to get out of there. Jasmine hope that she and Sagara would not see each other for a while because it would be so embarrassing.

"You bring your own car or what?"

Jasmine, who had almost managed to escape, quietly stopped in place. She returned to the table. "I usually take a taxi, Mr. Sagara I mean Sagara."

"Wait a second." Sagara finished his drink. "I'll take you, it's already late."

Jasmine couldn't hide her surprise. She thought that Sagara would give her some pocket money or something because she felt sorry for Jasmine, who came home by taxi. But it turns out that Sagara wanted to take Jasmine home, even though that wasn't a question but a statement.

"No need, I can go home by myself."

"Is it okay if you come home this late?"

"I'm used to Sagara." It seemed that Jasmine's tongue felt strange when she called Sagara without the title "Sir" when outside the office.

"Okay. But I'll wait until you get the taxi."


Jasmine knows that's just bare minimum which is usually done by men. But if it was done by Sagara it felt different. Sagara's charisma increased hundreds of times in Jasmine's eyes. He really is the Jasmine type.

All the way to the lobby, Sagara always had topics to discuss with Jasmine so Jasmine didn't feel awkward at all. Sagara always manages to make people around him comfortable, including Jasmine.

Even when Jasmine got into the taxi, Sagara still waited for the car to start. He also took a photo of the taxi's license plate number for safety reasons. Only after making sure Jasmine was safe, Sagara headed to the car park to go home too.


"Mine, I saw you and Mr. Sagara at the mall. Are you dating?"

Jasmine immediately covered Yola's mouth with both hands. They were in line to buy food at the office cafeteria. If anyone else heard about it, it would sound like Jasmine and the Director were dating.

"I'll tell you later when we've got food."

Lunch time in the office canteen is always busy even though the price of food in the office canteen is very expensive. Many employees don't want to be bothered looking for food outside the building, therefore the lines are also very long. It took at least ten minutes for Jasmine and Yola to get their food.

It was only when she was seated in a safe place that Jasmine told what Yola saw last night.

"I ate at a restaurant at the mall. Then he came and sat in front of my table. Well, I still don't know if it's him because his appearance is completely different. I was embarrassed and wanted to hurry home when I found out it was him. But, when I was about to go home, he offered to drive me. Yes, it's not that I don't want to. Actually, I really want to. It's just that it's not comfortable for me to ride in his car because he's my boss, far above me. So he dropped me off until I got into the taxi to make sure I got home safely. That's all."

"I'm so relieved. I think you've started to approach him. Invite me, I also want time."

"Get your work done first." Jasmine moved the vegetables on her plate to Yola's plate. It was normal for her to do that because Jasmine didn't like to eat vegetables and Yola would gladly accept food that Jasmine didn't eat.

"You're really lucky, Mine. I also want to accompany Mr. Sagara next time. If I were you, I'd just drop it."

"Don't mention his name here."

Jasmine and Yola immediately looked around them. In the office all objects can even have ears to taste. So every word must be guarded especially when it concerns superiors. Even though she didn't speak strangely, Jasmine didn't want to be involved in any gossip.

"By the way, where are Zahra and Vidi?"

"They said they ordered food from outside, so they didn't come with me here."

"Don't tell them about that, okay?"


"Yeah, I don't want to. It's nothing serious anyway, So it's enough for me and you to know."

"I'm getting suspicious of you, Mine."

"Seriously, I'm not hiding anything. I already told you."

"Yeah, yeah. Only I know."

"Well, that's how it is, Babe."

Yola shuddered to understand Jasmine's words. While Jasmine, who likes to play pranks on her friends, laughed. "I'm too lazy to go outbound."

"Same, me too."

"What if we don't go in? Make a permit like that."

"Do you have any ideas for reasons?"

Jasmine shook her head. She did her best to avoid outbound from the office because according to Jasmine it was tiring. But all employees are required to participate. Moreover, Jasmine had been a best employee for the last month, so she had to set a good example too even if no one asked. Still it was a reputation Jasmine felt she should uphold.

"Listen, the CEO also joined. Do you really not want to come?"

"Mr. Narendra come too?"

"Yes, I heard from the next division."

"I don't want to join anymore. I'm still embarrassed when I meet Mr. Narendra."

"Well, not only employees, Mine. I'm sure you won't meet Mr. Narendra. After all, he must have gathered with the board of directors, not with us, ordinary employees."

"There is some truth. But what if I accidentally meet him?"

Yola raised her right hand. "Hello Mr. Narendra, thank you for helping me at that time."

"You're crazy!" Jasmine immediately lowered Yola's hand. The more you let it go, the more Yola becomes.

"Anyway, you've also told us that Mr. Narendra doesn't have a problem with it, you're still thinking about it."

Yola said that because she didn't know about Jasmine and Mrs. Lala's conversation. If she knew, surely she would be like Jasmine, avoiding Narendra. Besides, it would be very awkward if Jasmine had to meet Narendra again.

Meanwhile Jasmine was also avoiding interacting with the higher-ups as she wanted the incident to be forgotten first. Only then could Jasmine act normal again.

"Do I use my annual leave?"

"Absent from outbound?"

"Yes. I'm still really scared if I meet Mr. Narendra."

Yola didn't respond to Jasmine's words anymore because someone behind Jasmine saw it. Yola tried to give Jasmine a code to stop talking about Narendra by stomping her foot. But it seems that Jasmine was not aware because she kept talking about Narendra.

"Why is it?"

Yola spoke silently but the movement of her lips was clearly read by Jasmine, 'Narendra'.

Jasmine immediately turned her head and sure enough, Narendra was behind her with his secretary. Exactly he had been there ever since Jasmine said that she was afraid to meet Narendra again.

"Mr. Narendra." Jasmine hurriedly got up from her seat. "Please sir. I'm done eating. Please too ma'am." Then she pulled Yola to quickly leave there.

Jasmine hit her forehead many times realizing her carelessness that she didn't know that Narendra was behind her.

"Jasmine." Someone called Jasmine's name.

Jasmine stopped to look at someone calling her name. It was Narendra's secretary. She was seen rushing toward Jasmine who was already outside the cafeteria. "This afternoon will be an interview for the secretary of the CEO. You're one of the candidates who passed for the stage interview."

"Me?" Jasmine pointed at herself.

"Yes, Mr. Narendra wants all the candidates who pass to meet him in the interview room this afternoon, in the board of directors meeting room."

Yola brought her lips closer to Jasmine's ear. "Success, huh?"