

Khole's POV

Not knowing what to make of this situation, I held my breath as my heart rammed against my chest in a quick succession. I was certain he could clearly hear my heart beats from where he stood.

"What do you want?" I gawked at him, avoiding his eyes as I couldn't look back at them.

Nodding towards the stairs, he said, "It seems you wanted to say something to me back there."

Taking a deep breath, I pushed my hand into my hair and then began to tug on it as I thought of the most reasonable way to present the matter to him.

When I finally did, I didn't waste time telling him everything that had ensued with Lance and to my delight, he listened with a rapt attention.

When I was done, he smacked his lips, saying, "I can't believe you keep seeing Lance. It seems you haven't learnt your lessons yet."