
Contractly married with my archenemy

‘Have you ever felt like a prey being cornered by a predator? Well, that’s how I felt when I was told of this marriage of convenience between Karris and I. Like how can I be having a fiancé without my knowledge and that too with my archenemy? I felt so angry I could blow up a skyscraper. I felt the ground slip from under my feet and I felt myself falling slowly,then darkness…….’ Whitney the daughter of Mr.Risavette was forced to marry her number one enemy in order to save her family Will she sacrifice herself for the sake of her family? How would their marriage life be like? Will her family be saved? Join me as we enjoy the story of Whitney and how she would save her family.

Miss_Fliss_5611 · perkotaan
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7 Chs


Karris' POV

We have new workers hired to start working today. I checked my watch and it was pass 8'o clock yet the so called new marketing director hasn't even showed up. Wow! too much for a graduate with the best grades in marketing.

'Chris did you say the marketing director is a man ?' I asked Chris our H.R manager.

'No sir, I said she's a woman' he replied.

A woman! No wonder she is this late. I thought women cared about first impressions. Such a disappointment. Gosh! Would she even be able to do her job efficiently? I sat in my chair impatiently waiting for my new workers. Thirty minutes later I heard my intercom buzzing. A team entered with Chris leading them. I recognized them as new workers. After they introduced themselves,I realized the marketing director was still not present. We were in the middle of introducing them to their area of work giving them brief talks about it when someone barged in. I looked up to see a woman dressed like she works in a stripper's club instead of my company. Didn't she know this was a company? From her looks I could tell she was the new marketing director. Does she even have manners? I scanned her briefly before detaching my eyes. I decided there and then to make her my secretary to keep an eye on her. If she proves to be efficient I'd send her back to her position.

Omniscient POV

Karris has never met a woman this annoying in his life. Gosh! how was she even given her position. Her dressing even showed him she lacked professionalism. His dad would be so disappointed. After his mom died,it had been only he and his dad. He could feel his father's sadness even from afar. He has tried to please his dad so much that he forgoes his own happiness. Mr. Grande having noticed this behavior of his has been trying to find solutions for his son but all efforts proved futile. It was hard for people apart from Karris to please Mr. Grande. Although he is the chairman of the empire he comes there once in his leisure time to check on the affairs of the empire.

Unfortunately for Karris he chose to appear today of all days and that too without anybody's notice. He walked into the building majestically using a crane as support. He had similar features with his son except for his sharp,cold,sky blue eyes and silver hair. Upon reaching the top floor , he paused . Is that a lady he is seeing over there . Wow! Such heavenly beauty. Doesn't Karris have gynophobia or was it all a misunderstanding ? Well, he must find out who she is,what she is here for and of course the most important the family she belongs to.

Karris' POV

I heard footsteps approaching my door thinking it was...….what was her name again. Oh! She never mentioned it I'll ask for that later when she enters ,even without looking up, I sensed a much stronger aura which forced me to look up only to see my dad looking at me with...…. was it disappointment, mischief or anger. He shouted angrily "Who was that at the desk on this floor". I breathed out didn't I say that girl would make my dad disappointed in me, I just offered her a job and look at the mess she has created for me just today. I could feel a headache threatening to disrupt my normal body system. I turned to my father "Dad, that's my new secretary" " Don't you have gynophobia? So what's going on?Have you been cured? Was it her doing?" my dad asked. "Dad how am I supposed to answer your questions if you keep blabbering out a lot" I said. " How can you talk to your dad like that" he answered. "Do you want a reply or not ?" I said tiredly "Fine, go ahead". he responded. " First and foremost I never had gynophobia, I was just too busy to care about that aspect of nature. Second, like I said she's my new secretary." I replied. " I knew I shouldn't have expected much from you,such a disappointment"my dad fired back. Why is he acting like this all of a sudden. Is he cooking something in that head full of mischief? Why do I suddenly feel cold and uncomfortable. "Why are you here" I asked. " Have you forgotten am still the chairman of this group and I can barge into this building when I want". He spat back. I knew he was here for his monthly inspections.

Is not that he doesn't trust me, it's just that he is a picky person and he doesn't feel good being left out of the affairs of the company he built with his blood,sweat and tears. He makes time out of his leisure to learn about the company's faring. I briefed him on the goings of the company and escorted him to every department to make his enquires.