
Contract Marriage With Bastard Mafia

Grey did not expect that the night he was chased by the killer, there was an amnesic woman who saved him. The amnesic woman was given a memory drug and Grey was forced to let her stay in his house. Grey was not kind to Athena during her stay. However, Noah, Grey's best friend, was kind to Athena. Grey, who was continuously forced to marry by his father, finally asked Athena to be his wife. They entered into a contract marriage. In this way, Gray allowed Athena to stay at his house. They are not bound by anything like husband and wife, everything is just pretend. Athena can leave whenever she wants. Athena finally agreed because she had no place to stay. Over time, Grey and Noah began to like Athena. There is a love triangle between them. Then, one by one, facts about Athena's identity began to be revealed. Not only Athena's identity, but also Grey's surprising identity.

jexsnix · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
45 Chs

Part 39

Seth smiled asymmetrically, watching Athena closely making Athena uncomfortable. As for Grey, he desperately wanted to poke Seth's eyes, gouge them out and destroy them. Grey immediately stood in front of Athena so that Seth would not see her again.

Seth laughed. "So possessive, huh? I just want to see. You have to share the beautiful scenery together, right? Now your wife is even more beautiful, Grey. Especially with the right makeup and dress. I want her even more," Seth said.

According to Athena, it's really like people don't go to school. Athena glanced at Grey's clenched hand. Athena took the initiative to hold Grey's hand so that Grey would not be out of control, making Grey turn his head, Athena shook her head, asking Grey not to be provoked.

"It's so romantic in front of me. Intentionally showing off?"