
Contract Marriage with A Mafia Don: Their Secrets

Jacqueline Kelly found herself compelled to sign a marriage contract in order to cover her father's mounting hospital expenses. However, this was no ordinary contract. Not only was the intended groom a notorious and domineering mafia don named Benjamin Turner, but Jacqueline also had to impersonate her twin sister, Jasmine Martin, who was rumored to be the sole object of his affection. If Benjamin uncovered her true identity, the gates of death would open for her. Jacqueline's grip on her skirt tightened as her hand trembled. Her gaze shifted from the marriage contract before her, to the polite smile of Madam Claire Turner, and then to Benjamin, who sat beside her. "Why the hesitation?" he murmured in her ear, then he poised his expensive fountain pen near the contract. Panicking, Jacqueline frantically picked up the pen, hoping he wouldn't find out she wasn't his Jasmine through her clumsiness. Will Jacqueline ultimately sign the contract, even with the dangerous mafia don as her prospective husband by her side? Will her true identity be unveiled by the man she's supposed to marry? And can she successfully fulfill the mission entrusted to her by Madam Claire Turner?

GloriaMontgomery · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
28 Chs

The Apple Orchard

Jacqueline wondered why he was so polite in his own mansion. But Benjamin only entered the room after receiving Jacqueline's nod.

Benjamin approached the dining table and took a seat next to her. Jacqueline felt flustered realizing she was only a few steps away from Benjamin. She could even catch a whiff of his shower gel. When had Benjamin returned to the mansion, Jacqueline thought.

"Is it more to your taste?" Benjamin asked.

"What?" Benjamin's question took Jacqueline aback, as she was too focused on observing him. "Oh, of course, I've never had such exquisite dishes in my life," Jacqueline replied as soon as she digested Benjamin's question.

But immediately after, she realized how foolish her response had been. Now she was Jasmine, a girl living in a wealthy family, not a poor Jacqueline. She should have been more sophisticated.

"I should engrave it in my mind," Jacqueline thought to herself while gripping her hand and biting her lip out of self-blame.

"That's the most delightful thing I've heard today," Benjamin said, showing no doubt in Jacqueline's response.

Jacqueline sighed with relief quietly. Perhaps he had interpreted it differently, she thought, believing she had overthought it.

When Benjamin's meal was served, Jacqueline realized he would be dining with her.

"May I dine here with you?" Benjamin asked, seeing the flashes of light in Jacqueline's eyes.

She immediately nodded, one more time, wondering why he was being so polite in his own home.

As the meal was served, Benjamin appeared entirely focused on savoring the food. Jacqueline watched as he ate properly and realized the class difference between them.

His posture, and his deft use of his hands to cut the steak, all exuded an air of sophistication. Each of Benjamin's movements was captivating, starkly contrasting to her clumsiness.

Sensing Jacqueline's gaze upon him for a prolonged moment, Benjamin raised his head, looked into her eyes, and asked, "It seems you find me more appealing than the food."

"Oh, I…" Jacqueline stammered, immediately looking down at her plate. She wanted to explain her actions but found herself at a loss for words.

"Let me help you," Benjamin said, taking her plate before she could protest.

Benjamin efficiently cut the steak into smaller pieces, making it easier for Jacqueline to handle with her fork.

"Thank you," Jacqueline said, taking her plate back.

"You're welcome," Benjamin replied.

After dinner, Jacqueline stood up from her seat. Her stomach was full, and she remembered her duty and her phone.

She wanted to ask Benjamin for a ride back, but he had been taking the lead the whole time.

Before Jacqueline could speak, Benjamin approached her. She noticed his shower gel had faded from the air, and now she could smell it again as they were only inches apart.

"Shall we take a walk together?" Benjamin asked.

"For what?" Jacqueline was surprised because she was so focused on how they were only inches apart that she hadn't digested Benjamin's words in the nick of time.

"A post-meal stroll," Benjamin laughed and said.

Jacqueline nodded; there was no reason to refuse. And maybe she would ask him for a back ride during that time, Jacqueline thought.

Jacqueline followed Benjamin out of the dining room. The distance between them was merely a step.

As they walked through the closed-off rooms, the vast library, and the wide hallways, Jacqueline began to notice the lush trees with ripe, red fruit amidst green leaves.

She squinted and realized they were apple trees. They walked past a painting in the hallway. Jacqueline was curious about the painting. It was a painting of an apple orchard with ripe, juicy apples hanging from the branches amidst lush green leaves. The painting was incomplete, and the colors were not yet dry.

The perfect, meticulous brushstrokes had captured her attention. The artist had painstakingly depicted the succulent, red apples, leaving Jacqueline curious about that person. Why did the artist depict red apples so realistically? What did he want to express through this painting? Jacqueline kept thinking about the answers.

A few steps away, Benjamin stood with his back against the wall, observing Jacqueline as she marveled at the painting.

The girl was engrossed in the artwork, her eyes showing a mixture of gentleness and curiosity, with the moonlight dancing alongside the lights on her rosy cheeks. It was like a serene, sweet, and enticing picture. Benjamin imprinted it in his memory.

When he felt she had spent enough time with the painting, Benjamin approached her. "You seem quite intrigued by it."

Jacqueline turned to look at Benjamin. Their eyes met, and in the depths of Benjamin's keen gunmetal blue eyes, she noticed a glint.

"Yeah, it has a unique appeal, and it's mysterious," Jacqueline said.

Benjamin's gaze lingered on the painting before returning to Jacqueline. He smiled. "Mysterious, hm? I find it rather straightforward."

She couldn't anticipate his response. "Why?"

Benjamin leaned in closer to Jacqueline's face, and this time, she didn't shy away from the contact. "You'll understand it when you experience it."

"What?" Jacqueline replied, her turquoise eyes widening, and Benjamin could see the sparks inside them.

Benjamin simply smiled and extended his hand toward Jacqueline. He said, "Don't forget why we're here."

Looking at Benjamin's hand, Jacqueline hesitated for a moment, but then she still placed her hand on his.

Benjamin flashed a gentle smile, enveloping her petite hand in his. He led her into the apple orchard. Benjamin slowed down to walk shoulder-to-shoulder with her. Jacqueline could feel the warmth from Benjamin's hands, just like when she was in his arms.

As they walked along the rows of trees, Jacqueline felt the fresh air and caught the fragrance of ripe, juicy apples.

Unable to contain her curiosity, Jacqueline asked, "Why apples, though?"

Benjamin paused for a moment, then he looked into her sparkling eyes, "Because I believe they were the forbidden fruit that Eve ate."

"Oh, so it has a religious meaning," Jacqueline concluded.

Benjamin laughed heartily, "Not really, it's just an attention-grabbing answer. Well, they are delicious."

"So, are you going to eat all the apples in the orchard then?" Jacqueline chuckled at the thought of Benjamin having to eat apples, only apples, all day long.

Sometimes apples represent lust. You see what I mean? ((^_~))

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