
Contract Marriage: Emperor CEO's Secretary Wife

"Be my son's mother." He stated as he pushed the marriage form in front of her. "Marry me." As his secretary, she was used to his glares but this time, his stare felt like he was gobbling her up into his stomach. It was hypnotizing yet, she didn't fall for it. Anger filled her up as she stood her ground. "I refuse." His gaze hardened as the both of them stared at each other. Slowly, he rose from his seat and held her chin. "You won't be able to escape. You're mine." She slapped his hand away and stood up. "We'll see about that." She made her way to the door and left the room.

littlemoonshi · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
295 Chs

Somehow Normal Night

After discreetly chugging down almost a pitcher of water after finishing off Lu Chen's loving meal he cooked only for her. She did her best to ignore the lingering itch on her throat while they made their way back to the bedroom. 

Xiu Mei had just finished her shower and was still drying her hair when she came out of the bathroom. 

"Wife, come here." Lu Chen sat at the edge of the bed, patting the space next to him. She obediently walked over to him and sat next to him. But before she could turn her head to mouth to him her words, her towel was snatched by her husband as he held her place by grabbing her by the shoulders. 

And then he started drying her hair with the bath towel carefully as if she's like a fragile glass. Xiu Mei was a bit confused with his sudden actions but she sat still and let him do whatever he wanted.