
concept notes

Guy does something ends up in unknown world ( world has to be huge/ vastly unexplored) system starts at tribal with basic farm, basic hut and basic tower ( need to figure out which ammo is more suitable spear, arrow or stones/sling)

System can reduce construction cost with mana( need to figure out a balanced ratio when I get back to this... if I do)

He is basic lvl 1 stats ( again ill get back to though I'll probably make a balance board with all the planned books)

He will have a sub world that upgrade with him( he can't build in it just upgrade building the exist or will be added after advancements)( starts with a research tent( will be used to unlock/upgrade building plans( existing builds will not be upgrade but can be with proper compensation at half price (maybe) ) river stone mine( produces a set quantity of sandstone, limestone and granite/ like what makes cobble stone) and a loggers tent that produces a set amount of wood( the type will be figured out later) the resource camps will upgrade and more resources will be added then)

NOTE: other research paths will be added just at different buildings.

NOTE 2: Need to figure out if the world with be open stat based or hidden stat based. Implications would be more defined weapons/armors, along with his buildings being magic constructs.

NOTE 3: Manning his building is not mandatory, they are magic constructs so they should have a construct spirit( will be worked out, between physical manifestations, that when damaged take time to regen, and shadow manifests that will appear as nesscary.) SUB NOTE: Should the spirits have and ego? Or a central hive mind? Or both based on build quality and type hmm. Lower level might be better hivemind to the main building while, later stage building have more control/ego. (Only nesscary builds of course such as defenses(towers, gates, etc.), offenses ( barracks, maybe like a golem factory?,etc) And economic ( farms, Mines, loggers, etc.) More types to be added after research.