
chapter 4- Meeting sixth prince (2)

As the door opened she saw a handsome man sitting in the room. Xi fefei was shocked by seeing how handsome the man was but didn't show a sign, but in her mind she thought " How handsome is this sixth prince, no wonder Xi fefei was so madly in love with this sixth prince". But for her this handsomeness was nothing except a show.

As the door was opened by xi fefei the sixth prince looked at her and said with sweet smile " young master and young miss are here please take a seat ". By listening to his words Xi fefei said in a polite manner" it's our greatest honour to have sixth prince but what brings your highness here I am quiet curious about it" she cut straight to the point because she didn't have the time to treat this person she thought that it's waste of her times. By listening to her words both Xi tianyu and sixth prince were shocked because before whenever Xi fefei would meet sixth prince she would act like a child who got his favourite candy.

But sixth prince quickly came back to his senses and said in a polite ways but his eyes betrayed him he said " it's because I got the news that the young miss of general Manor got attacked by a women". But his eyes said that " you can't even handle a women and wishes to marry me dream on ". by seeing how he acts gave Xi fefei said in polite tone to answer the question of sith prince and said by showing a upset face "it's truly tragic that I got attacked by some people. But I think sixth prince shouldn't worry about me because their is no relation between us right". By seeing how she said it sounded like she was happy but only sixth prince could understand what she meant was that " the sixth prince doesn't have any important matters and goes to young women's house to waste his time" . By this sixth prince was angred till his whole face became red like tomato.

But he can't take her anger on this Xi fefei because even if she is a good for nothing girl she is still the great general granddaughter and the daughter of the most trusted ministers in the palace and the close sister of the youngest talent of martial art Xi tianyu. So he can only glare at her with eyes that kill thousands of people. but still he said in polite tone that " I guess the young miss doesn't welcome this sixth prince here".

Xi fefei: "I guess sixth prince came to know now that this young miss doesn't welcome you here"

both Xi tianyu and sixth prince was shocked by Xi fefei. But Xi fefei was calm under those shocked gaze.

Xi tianyu thought in her mind " is this my good for nothing but cute sister" . But there was another person who was shocked beyond his belief he thought this Xi fefei was madly in love with him but by seeing how she acts there is no love sign but it's like she is disgusted by him and got angered by her way. Now sixth prince was fully angered by her arrogance and thinking that she is above him. Due to his anger he fully lost control over himself and forgot his manners as a gentleman and pointed his finger towards Xi fefei and said "yo-you are courting death this highly one came here to check your health but you insulted me. okay if I am not allowed here then I should leave." He then turned around and left.

after some time Xi tianyu came back from his shock and said to xi fefei in a concerned tone but his face was full of smiles"it's great that you thought that bastard a lesson. he shows that he is above everyone and that fake smile of his makes me feel like vomiting".