
Chapter -3 Meeting the sixth prince (1)

Even though he said okay to his sister to escort her to meet the sixth prince. He didn't saw his sister personal maid to come forward and being a pair of new dress for his sister. When he came back to his senses he saw that that he's sister and her maid was seeing him with a look that said "what're you doing" .

By seeing this he asked in a daze "what're are you looking at" after what he said he blushed and quickly And said "sorry.... I - I - I will wait outside and you .... you change quickly don't waste time". By seeing his Xi fefei couldn't stop laughing and said" okay brother" . After listening to her sister Xi tianyu moved back and shouted and the guards "what're are you waiting go outside of this room quickly and wait outside". And after saying this he quickly walked past the guards. While seeing this whole situation the guards were still in a daze. While Xi fefei waited for them to go so that she could change.

after some time the guard who was leading the group came to his senses and shouted at the guards "what're are you waiting for go outside and wait". And like this all the guards came back to there senses and realized what they're doing and quickly went outside and like this only two were left inside laughing at the scene. one was Xi fefei and other her personal maid Zhi yu.

Zhi yu: " miss what has happened to you. whenever sixth prince would come you would go crazy and would talk about him the whole day." In response to her question she got only one straight answer " Nothing". after that Zhi yu helps her get changed in her new dress .

after getting changed she gets off the the room and goes near her brother and asks him "brother I am ready let's go and greet the sixth prince" but in her mind she thinks " why has this sixth prince came here after I got injured and does he had a hand behind this plot".

After listening to his sister he replied her" okay let's go but I must remind you don't do anything stupid in front of sixth prince".

As she was listening to her brother's continuous nagging they reached the door where the sixth prince was sitting. And Xi fefei thought in her mind as she opened the door "Now starts the show"