
Connections Through the Universe

You see I've always had this wish, over the years I've add to it, changed it, and add to it again, but it had always stayed mostly the same. Well this is what happens when a jumbled up mess of a wish comes true.

Blitzkrieg123 · Fantasi
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1 Chs

Well Damn

"ooooooohhhh man, it's so hard to wake up sometimes" I thought as I stretched and opened my eyes. "hmm" I blinked a few times.

"why is it so dark, did my computer die or something?" I said as I sat up on the bed.

"Wait bed, I thought that I had fallen asleep on the chair last night." Looking around a little confused, I can make out a few outlines of things in the dark, and it all seems a bit familiar to me, but I am most definitely not where I was when I went to sleep.

That begs the question, "where the hell am I?"

I shake my head, to try to wake my brain up a little faster, as I move to the side of the bed, I start to get out, only to find that my legs don't touch the ground. I blinked, rubbed my eyes a few times, then looked again.

"Wait, what the Fuck is going on!"

"Why are my legs so short?"

My eye open so wide that I thought they might pop out. Finally taking a good look at my hands, through the darkness I notice the outline of them are a lot smaller then they should be as well. I clenched them a few times to really make sure they're mine.

My mind went blank for a minute, then slowly at first, but then faster, and faster, I started thinking about all of the books that I have been reading the last few years.

"Well damn have I transmigrated to another body or something". I think as I slowly let my eyes get use to the dark.

"Ok think, I've had plenty of time fantasizing about what I would do in this situation".

"First judging from how high the bed is from the floor, how small my hands seem, and how short my legs are, this body should be under 13 years old, or just a vary small adult, but for now I am just going to assume that it's a young body."

"Ok now, I should see if this is a new body, or if I have come back to the past, I hope it's the past though, because I don't seem to have any new memories to work with. If this is a new world, or even still the same world, it would be super hard to get along without any memories from this body. Now the easiest way to check to see if this was my body from the past in my opinion, is to check for features that I would have had when I was younger, now did I have any scars from before I was 13?"

"Right I think I was 6ish when I got hit by that bicycle." I thought while I felt my forehead for the small scar that the bicycle had caused, and bingo it was there.

"Great now we're talking," I thought as I clenched my hands into fists in excitement.

"All right so this seems to be the past, I can work with this," I said, as I started to calm down a bit, as I took another look around the room, I was able to see a bit better in the dark room, but still couldn't make out anything specific.

I know that between the ages of 8 to 19 I lived in the trailer house, so while I tried to remember the lay out of my sister's room from back then, so I can find the light switch. I remember that I was around 14 or 15 when my brother and I decided to tear down the wall, because the two bed rooms at this end of the trailer, were only around 8 feet wide by 14 foot long, our parents were gone for the day, with both our older brother, and sister living on they're own, we had decided to make our two small rooms into one big one.

Before that though, my two older brothers would share one room, my sister had the other one, and I would either sleep in the living room on the floor or in my parents room on the floor.

"The wall is still there, and my body being so small should mean that my sister is still living at home, around this time period the only reason I would be on the bed in my sister's room would be if it was around christmas", I thought.

I remember that I rarely slept in this room, and the only times I did was around christmas eve, my mom didn't want me sleeping in the living room the night before christmas, because that's when she would put the stockings out, and she didn't want me to see that it was her, and not good old saint nick filling them up.

Which was funny because my brothers, sister, and I all knew what she was doing, so that night every year up til I turned 9 or 10, cant remember right off, I would stay with my sister, in her room while she read books til I fell asleep. It was only after my oldest brother moved out that I stopped sleeping in her room, and stayed in the other room with my other brother.

I looked over to see that she was in fact sleeping with the book we use to read on christmas eve resting on her stomach.

Realizing that my eyes have adjusted to the dark I turned my head back around. "The light should be by the door, which was about 2 feet from the end of the bed, across from the closet. " I thought, before I slid out of bed only to land on something soft, which I assume to be clothes being that it was my sisters room after all, I make my way to the light switch to flip it on.

As I reached my hand toward the light I paused, then instead reached for the door, to make my way out of the room, so I don't wake her up on accident. I didn't feel like having a whole lot of company while I try to figure out exactly, what I plan to do next.

Opening the door as quiet as possible, just enough to squeeze out, then shutting it in the same way.

I turned around as I started to walk making to the kitchen on my way to the living room, where I notice the clock on the microwave, says its 3:15AM. I walked into the living room to see that the stockings are stuffed full laying on the couch, which should mean that mom got done with the stockings, and is back asleep, so I should have a bit of time to get my head on strait.

I sat down on the floor in front of the couch to think, but as I looked up at the t.v. I started to zone out while watching the lights from the tree dance on the black screen.

My eyes started to loose focus, the red, green, and white lights started to meld together to form words.

I froze shocked, "my brain hadn't even remotely started to get a handle on the fact that I had some how come back to the past, and now these weird words magically appear on the T.V." I thought, as they grew clearer, and brighter by the second, until they were clear enough for me to read.

"Ok", I thought as I rubbed my eyes, taking another look at the t.v. in disbelief.

"Right lets just read what it says first, then I'll think about what my next plan is." I said as I slowly looked back at the screen. The first line seemed to be map coordinates to somewhere, I'll have to find my dad's map to find out where it leads to, but that will have to be for later. After the coordinates it read as followed.

Matt Jones

Body Age: 8 (Soul Age: 39) Rank: (?)


Vitality: 1

Strength: 0.03

Agility: 0.02

Flexibility: 0.08

intelligence: 1

senses: .6

soul: 2

"Ok, this is just crazy" I said, it seems like it's my basic body information in numerical values, It dose not tell me what any of it means in detail, also I can't seem to interact with the screen in any way, so for now I will just assume that vitality is my body's ability to heal from injuries, and maybe life span, agility should be how fast I can move my body, maybe a bit of reflex, and reaction speed as well, flexibility could be how flexible my body is, like my ability to stretch, or move in certain ways, strength should be body strength, like the strength my muscles can exert, intelligence is like my ability to process information or to think of a solution to something or possibly the retention of information, senses should be the literal senses of the body like sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing, and soul could be my sense of self, or like a mind palace where all my memories, thoughts, and feelings are held. 

As I was thinking all of this, the more I realized, that all of these stats are interconnected with each other, like without vitality I wouldn't even be alive, or if I had a lot of strength, and no agility the muscles in my legs could still let me run fast, but I wouldn't be able to maneuver or react fast enough not to run right into something like a tree.

Even if I had equal amounts of strength, and agility, I might see the tree coming, and be able to move out of the way, but without intelligence I wouldn't even know in which way I should move to evade it.

Without flexibility I could react and even know exactly how I would need to move, but I wouldn't have been able to move in the way I would have wanted to move to dodge every thing in my way, with out my senses I wouldn't be able to see the tree at all, so I wouldn't have been able to do much of anything, and finally soul should be the glue that held everything together, If I didn't have a soul then I would basically be brain dead.

Now on to what I think about the stat totals, I would like to think that I have around average intelligence for an adult, and assuming that the stat of 1 carried over from when I was 31, I think it should mean that 1 is the average for adults in the rest of the stats as well, without training of course. So I can assume that if I didn't do anything, but live normally, I would have the average stats of 1 in every thing by the time I was 19 or 22.

Moving on, I'll try to do some puzzles, and read my, or one of my siblings school text books to see if it raises my intelligence any. If it does then I'll try to think of a few things that might improve my other stats. I would like to try to keep all my stats around the same if possible. I think that if all my stats are relatively the same it would make my body and mind work all around more efficiently. I feel like when they are all equal to each other, I'll be at my vary best state both physically and mentally.

Now with rank and job they both have ? on them, when I think back to what I was doing right before I passed out on my chair, before I woke up in my younger body, I think it could have something to do with cultivation.

We will just have to wait and see on that one. No point in wasting brain power on that line of thinking until I get the nerve to try that again.

As I am sitting there lost in thought going over every thing for the 3rd time, I hear a noise coming from my parents room. When I look over I notice my mom standing in the door way watching me with a smile.

"Hey hun, what are you doing just sitting there in the dark all by your self?" she said, as she leaned against the door way, with a small smile.

I noticed by the way she's acting, it can be safe to assume that she isn't from the future. So I instantly go into full actor mode as I would rather not go threw all the crap I'm sure I would have to go threw to try an explain why I'm acting like I'm way older then I should be, now while I believe wholeheartedly that every single one of my family members would believe me with some, convincing of course, I just don't think it's time to tell any one. When or if I tell anyone it will be after I confirm no one else has come back with me, besides I still need more time to process every thing.

So I balled my little hands into fists, tensed my body a bit, then looked up at my mother with as much innocence an excitement as I could muster, I could almost feel my eyes sparkle, as I gave her a big toothy smile, this is how I think I would have acted at this age on Christmas morning.

"Merry Christmas mom, I'm waiting for every one to wake up so we can open presents."

Her smile widens a little bit before she says, "that's right Merry Christmas hun, now why don't you go wake every one up, while I make some coffee, then we'll open the stockings while we let your dad wake up, ok."

"Ok mom," I said as I hopped up off the floor, I gave her a big hug, then swiftly turned around, walking through the kitchen taking a look at the clock on the microwave again 6:12am, "wow didn't feel like I was sitting there for that long at all," I thought as I made my way strait to my sisters room where I had initially started.

Getting ready to open the door to my sisters room I paused for a moment trying to think about how I could find out if she was from the future as well. Then it hits me I'll mention the year 2023 to each one of them randomly throughout the day, to see there reactions.

Opening the door and flipping the lights on, I walked to the side of the bed gently shaking her, "hey Jessica, it's time to wake up, It's Christmas" I whispered softly.

"Man I hate waking people up" I thought as I shook a little harder.

"HEY, sister mom said it's time to wake up so we can open presents" saying louder.

"Ok ok I'm up" she said as she turns over on the bed squinting at the light in the room.

"OK I'm going to wake up Troy and Kevin then" I said as I walked out leaving her door wide open, turning strait to the left were my brothers room was. I opened they're door sliding my arm up on the wall to flip they're light on I make my way to the edge of the bunk bed looking down at my oldest brother Kevin remembering that he should be around 16 at this time, then looking up at the top bunk I see my other brother Troy, should be 11 now, sitting up blinking while looking down at me, I look up and smile back at him.

"Hay Troy it's Christmas mom said it's time to wake up for presents" I said with my smile turning into a big grin. A look a happiness spreads across his face as he looks at me.

"ALRIGHT IT'S CHRISTMAS" he says a little too loud I think, because the next thing I know, I was getting hit by a pillow thrown by our older brother as he yells at me to shup up.

"Shut up you little brats I'm sleeping" He said, grunting, and rubbing his eyes.

"How did you even get in here I thought I locked the door last night" he continued as he fully opened his eyes.

When I looked at him he looked a bit confused, almost like he was having trouble recognizing me, which got me thinking. "Maybe I'm not the only one to come back in time," but then his eyes cleared up.

"Right it's Christmas" he said.

"Yeah mom told me to wake you guys up, we will be opening presents soon" I said back to him as Troy made his way off the top bunk. I was still paying attention to Kevin as I waited for Troy. I let Troy pass me on his way to the living room while I was still paying attention to Kevin, noticing Jessica is not in her room any more I quickly turned back to him.

"Hey" I said

Kevin looked at me "what."

This is my first time wrighting anything so if any one of you like what you read let me know to give me a bit more motivation to continue with righting this story. Thanks

Blitzkrieg123creators' thoughts