
connected bloods

in a world that revolves around secrets, dangers and lies. After findings out about his true form,jace tried to keep the balance of his world safe for the people he loves he encounters dangers and finds out secrets he never thought existed,funny enough to him it did with his friends he embark on a journey thats takes deep to places he couldn't come out easily "the door,we must go through the door"jace said hurrily "nevermind am going first "kcee replied with annoyance "vampires only exist in history ,they are not real" jace laughs. what happens when he finds out that he has been lied to all this while and is the head of a secret cult group created by his own mother

DaoistEKJvYW · Fantasi
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22 Chs


It was obvious that Leo must have done something to Jake,Jace was suspicious of his dad and worried about his brother. Vampire or no vampire, Jake was still his brother and his blood.

" care to tell me where you have hidden Jake?" he decided to bring up the topic, " well.... all I can say is that he is fine" Leo replied nonchalantly " what did you do to him?" Leo stares at the boy " it is dangerous for him to be out in the open so I kept him somewhere safe", " how safe is this place" he asks again " very safe"... " Dad can't you not tell at least alittle of what is going on?" he tries to push his lucky one more time.

Leo didn't want to tell him yet until the council makes a decision but now he couldn't hold himself back and told jace. " your brother son is turning into a full vampire by the next full moon" he càrefully studies his face to see his reaction but he got nothing from the boy, he sighs and continues " I haven't told you the full story, a story that happened decades ago and now the result has come to reveal itself". Jace, confused stares at his father " okay so tell me the story" he probs further.

And just when leo is about to start the story, they heard someone growling outside the window and only for them to meet a pair of blood red eyes staring at them while smirking. "I HAVE COME!!!" they heard the voice and it vanishes. Jace was horrified with what he saw and turns to see leo leaving hurrily " Dad what was that" leo holds jace hands in fear " son no matter what don't leave the house". " No tell me what's going on here!!" he yells " it has began son" he left immediately.

Jace paces around thinking of what to do and he decided to call his friends over. The door bell rings and jace goes to answer it but then he remembered his father's warnings * what if is the beast* he thought. The bell has being ringing for a while now and no one opens, Jace who ignores it gets irritated and yells "who the fuck is that"..... " dude is me... is bridge, come on opened up" he quickly opened it and surprisingly hugs bridge " okayy... dude what's wrong why are you sweating so much" " ooh is nothing umm... come in " He sighs and felt sorry for not asking earlier who it was.

" so your saying you actually saw a vampire in outside your house" Max asked him to make sure he wasn't hearing things, " so practically your house isn't safe anymore" bridges clarifies and now he was thinking of not coming back here ever again. " bridge this is serious..... okay where did your dad go?" Kcee asks "I don't know he just left without telling me where he was going to"... " do you this involves jake?" vera asks... " cause it werid how jake disappeared all of a sudden and now this" but that was not the problem, the problem was that it wasn't even a full moon yet " but is not a full moon, dad clearly said he was turning on a full moon".

" But a full moon comes tomorrow" cassie who has been quiet and busy calculating when a full moon arrives speaks and it was drawn to them that something must wrong, " we should find jake" jace suggest " dude are you crazy, where do we find jake and with all these going on it is clear that we all need to be careful" Max reject the idea " his right Jace we don't know where jake is, I suggest we wait for your dad until then let's do nothing" jace sighs, he knew they were right plus he didn't know where his brother was or where his dad must have taken him. All Jace knew was that something terrible had began and no one can do anything to stop it.