
Confessed by my student(BL)

Since I started working as a teacher, this is the first time I have received a confession of love from a student. And the other party is a male student twelve years younger than me! In such a spring of my thirty-two years old.

CateScribe · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
86 Chs

Chapter 54 The initial encounter

In the past, I was hardly ever scolded by my parents and elder sisters. They would always smile, pat my head and say, "There's nothing we can do about it." I was never dissatisfied with this, but I also truly felt my own weakness.

"It's not easy being a good elder brother either."

"Yes, but I think it's good to be relied upon. In our family, there are no younger siblings below me, and the elder sisters above are quite strong-willed."

My mother and my two elder sisters - every female in my family is very strong-willed, so I'm rarely relied upon. I'm always following behind them.

"Well, but having younger siblings can also be quite troublesome. But Ben is very relied upon and liked by the students. Although a bit clumsy, he's still a good teacher."

"What do you mean by clumsy?"

Although it's a compliment, I'm a bit dissatisfied with this evaluation. I look at Abel and involuntarily pout. She then slightly shrinks her shoulders.

"Ben's strength is that even the tiny voices that other teachers find troublesome and are unwilling to listen to, he will listen attentively."

"But he always wants to take on everything by himself and ends up wearing himself out. That's what's clumsy."


Suddenly, after hearing Abel's words, another sound comes. I turn around and see the tightly closed door being pushed open wide. The originally quiet indoor air stirs, and the presence of people spreads.

"Is it over?"

Looking at the students coming out one after another from the darkroom, I ask with my head tilted. Zoe, who is walking at the front, answers with a smile.

"Well, more or less. But we still have to reshoot some. Let's call it a day here today."

"So that's how it is."

Almost simultaneously with Zoe's words, everyone starts to pack up their things to go home.

"Goodbye, Mr. Ben."

"Goodbye, teacher."

I wave goodbye to the students who are leaving one by one with their heads bowed. Before I know it, only Zoe, Abel, and I are left in the room.

"Abel, is your uncle coming back late again today? What about your meal?"

"Well, it's okay today. There are leftovers. I can just eat something casually."

Zoe, who is packing up her things like the other students, looks at Abel with her head tilted and asks. Abel slowly shakes his head with a smile.

"You two are just like a married couple."



In response to their natural interaction, I blurt out. Of course, the two people who are spoken of both widen their eyes and are stunned.

"Sorry. I didn't mean it that way."

For an instant, the room becomes so quiet that it's frightening. I hurriedly shake my head. I'm not saying that they are in a relationship or something like that. Maybe they have had a strange misunderstanding.

"Compared to a married couple, Abel is more like a tall younger brother."

"Well, our families have had connections for a long time. Your younger brother has always regarded you as an elder sister."

Seeing my flustered appearance, the two show similar expressions and shrug. It seems that they are less concerned about my words just now than I thought. I feel a bit relieved.

"Usually being together so often, it's just like a family."

"Well, it seems very happy."

I think they are a very lively and close-knit family. My family seldom gets together usually, but I still like the family atmosphere when we reunite occasionally.

"Ah, my mom has sent a text message. Asking about Abel's meal. Do you not need it?"

"Well, it's okay. Dad is coming back late today. I'll eat at home."

"Oh dear, my mom and Abel's dad should just remarry sooner. It's really troublesome."

Zoe mutters as she opens her trembling phone. Then she puts her schoolbag on her shoulder and turns around. She waves at me.

"Then I'm leaving first!"

"Ah, be careful on your way."

Looking at her back leaving in a hurry as always, I can't help but give a wry smile. But Zoe seems to remember something. She utters a soft "ah" and stops at the door. I look at her in confusion. She turns around, her skirt fluttering, and points at me again. Then she says with a smile.

"Teacher, today's reward is on the table. Take it back with you! Goodbye!"

"Ah? Oh, okay."

With a happy expression on her face, she covers her mouth with her hand to hold back her laughter. I can't help but tilt my head in confusion. When Zoe makes this kind of movement, she is usually planning something.

"Is the reward this?"


Hearing Abel's voice, I turn around and see him holding a small snack wrapped in transparent plastic paper in his right hand and a light pink envelope in his left.

"What is this?"

"Who knows?"

The snack is okay to understand. I don't know what's inside the envelope. I tilt my head, and Abel also tilts his head curiously. But it's not a solution to just look at each other here. I decide to open the received envelope and take a look.

"Ah, a photo... This looks a bit like a candid shot, I feel."

On the photo taken out from the envelope is the figure of Blake whom I'm already very familiar with. He seems to be talking to someone. His expression is a bit different from the smile I usually see on him, making it feel a bit fresh.

"Well, maybe. Perhaps it's not your illusion. My elder sister is taking this kind of photo again. She used to sell candid photos of Blake at fifty yuan each before."

"What is she doing?"

Although this is very much like Zoe's style, I'm a bit unhappy to know that someone needs this kind of photo. Indeed, Blake must have been very popular before.

"Speaking of which."


"Blake seems to be an only child. He said he seldom has meals with his family."

Perhaps because we have been talking about family matters before, I suddenly remember something that happened when Blake stayed overnight at my house. He said that it was really fun to gather together to chat and eat these small things.

"Ah, Blake's parents are both very busy. So when we were in primary school, we often went to his house to gather... But after entering middle school."

"What happened after that?"

I stare at Abel who suddenly becomes hesitant. He then looks at me with a troubled expression.

"Well, how should I put it. He seldom comes to our house and seldom goes back to his own home either."

"Is it the rebellious phase?"

Although it's completely unimaginable for the current Blake to be like that, everyone goes through such a period during adolescence, right? But seeing Abel's complicated expression, I don't know what to say either.

"The rebellious phase, huh? It was mentioned before. Before middle school, he completely didn't talk, didn't smile, and wasn't interested in anything."


But now he talks to me every day and shows me his smile. And seeing how hard he works at his part-time jobs, it's impossible for him to be not interested in anything, right?

"Well, did something happen during middle school?"

"Ah, Ben. There's another one here."


I'm muttering to myself when Abel pulls the photo in my hand with his fingertip. As a result, another photo appears from below and overlaps with the photo of Blake.

"Who is this?"

"Hmm? This is also Blake."

"This is Blake?"

I can't help but compare the two photos side by side.

One is the usual Blake. But the other is a young man, or rather a teenager, wearing an unfamiliar uniform. Are they really both Blake? The atmosphere is so different. The Blake in this photo has a very mature look in his eyes. But it seems that I have seen this Blake somewhere before.

"When was this photo taken?"

"Well, judging from the length of his hair, it's probably when he was in high school."


That was about two years ago. Was the Blake when he entered school like he is now or like in this photo? Where did I first meet Blake originally?

Blake during high school - if my memory is correct, I did encounter the Blake in this photo.