
Conduit Tale: Undertale Fanfiction (Completed)

Hopeless and in despair, Sans never thought he could escape the resets and continues caused by FRISK that tormented his life. But, when he thinks the kid is possessed and stops FRISK once and for all he finds out ... that he never really knew anything after all. No more resets. No more saves. No more hiding. Life will never be the same for the Underground. Souls and Science can be an unforgiving witch. Relationship: Because of the nature of the way this fanfiction works, there are several Frisks. He knows all of them, but Sans only falls for one, and she is definitely over the age of 18. This doesn't blossom until some time later though, as this is way more than a sweet romance. Buckle up for some tragic dramatic scifi-twisting to the fantasy world of Undertale!

Serena_Walken · Video Games
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58 Chs

A Bad Time In a Good Timeline

Again. Again. If it had been anyone but Sans, the guy stuck in his role would hate to even see this kid anymore. The one who might later have a killer knife. The one who would gain a weird locket. The same kid he let go for Toriel. The same kid who gave him his taste of sun for the first time. 

He just tossed a bone up and down in the air, waiting. Waiting for the chance of freedom. 

There was always something Sans hadn't liked from inside of Frisk, but no matter how many times he had tried, he couldn't predict when the kid turned. The first time they met, sometimes he was already too far gone. Covered in the stench of so much death. 

Then sometimes he'd meet him and the kid was fine. Felt a little strange, but otherwise fine. Determined but somewhat normal kid who didn't hurt anyone. Many times it went out of its way not to hurt anyone. After a few resets, Sans came to a harsh conclusion. A strange conclusion, but it was the only thing that fit. 

The kid had to have some form of possession on him. Something kept having a hold of it, and until that something was destroyed? The resetting hell would continue. He tried to keep his spirits up, but whether good or bad timelines, life became so predictable. Just a constant play. Everything always felt the same, until Judgment Hall. 

Something strangely enriching about when he got to fight in there. Because of some bizarre error, he was stuck his entire life with one hit point. But, damn. The resets. Over and over, dealing with the determination of that thing. He learned how to talk just right. How to fight just right. Especially dodging. No matter how strong the kid was, he would be killed and reset several times over. All for his little one hit point … and then he'd just come back and add something else new to the mix to stir the thing up next time. 

Except, the last reset. He saw something last time, remembered it clear as a bell. 

He. Almost. Won. 

The thing called FRISK that was sometimes good, and sometimes bad. When it tried the Mercy trick, Sans used his attack that squeezed too tight for a soul heart to escape. He'd done it several times over several timelines but this time the results were . . .gruesome. He heard not just a scream, but several screams. 

There were more than one body and soul inside of FRISK. It was an amalgamate somehow? 

Too shocked by what happened, he had aimed, destroying one of the humans that appeared. It didn't reset. But, he heard something else scream reset. 

Sending him right back to the beginning again! But, it didn't dash his hopes. Instead, Sans started thinking. He thought more and more. If he could make that happen again. If he could dismantle the invincible FRISK again. Make sure nothing survived in time to reset, this would end. 

Life. He could have a life again. Except for one thing. 

His best chance was when FRISK didn't have much LV or EXP. No locket. No knife. He'd be able to fight for much longer. Not only that, but if it did work? If the resets stopped, he'd actually have the Underground. His brother. A life again. 

That small strain of hope kept him going as he waited behind the pillar. He waited for the sounds of the confused kid that had been coming. He stayed on the other side of the pillar and waited for its approach. 


Okay, what? FRISK looked around. FRISK was just about to go into Alphys lab, when she found herself suddenly walking down judgment hall. Ahead of her, she saw Sans. 

"So you finally made it," Sans said. "The end of your journey is at hand." 

FRISK remained calm. How they glitched from coming to the lab all the way to judgment hall was anybody's guess. Nothing was impossible, but the dark silhouette of Sans in front of them was never comforting. Even when he was friendly, he always seemed to stir emotion up. Almost more than any other. 

He was the only one she couldn't seem to find out how to get mercy from. She had hurt not even a single soul this run, so he should let her pass. No worries. Except for the fact that she shouldn't have been there yet . . . just a glitch in the system. 

"In a few moments, you will meet the king. Together … you will determine the future of this world. That's then. Now. You will be judged. You will be judged for every action. You will be judged for every EXP you've earned." 

PATIENCE: Frisky, he's tossing a bone in the air now. He doesn't look friendly at all this time. 

"What's EXP?" Sans continued. "It's an acronym. It stands for Execution Points." He stopped tossing the bone and held it tight. "A way of quantifying the pain you've inflicted on others." 

Stay calm. When he spoke, it was with the same kind of words he always used. Some of them changed here and there over all the resets, but it was similarly close. Still, she could understand the jumpiness of her team. Sans did have a stranger sound to his voice he had never had before. 

Not as far back as she was allowed to remember anyhow. 

"When you kill someone," Sans continued, "your EXP increases. When you have enough EXP, your LOVE increases. LOVE, too, is an acronym. It stands for Level of Violence. A way of measuring someone's capacity to hurt." 

PATIENCE: He let the bone drop to the ground. Oh, did you hear that thud? I'm telling you, he knows something. 

KINDNESS: Of course he knows something. Some computer readings or something. That's it. 

PERSEVERANCE: Yeah, but lately he has really known something. 

Guys, quiet. Let me concentrate. 

Sans had gone on talking about his judgment but it sounded like he would be reaching the end soon. 

" . . . but you. You never gained any LOVE. 'Course, that doesn't mean you're completely innocent or naïve. Just that you kept a certain tenderness in your heart." Sans approached closer. 

PERSEVERANCE: He's coming closer. He doesn't do that. He never approached me. 

Calm down, everyone. It's okay. 

"You know, usually at this point unless you are completely genocidal, I just let you go," Sans answered. "I spare you and let you do your thing. Get your pointless ending." 

FRISK's eyes popped open a second as she felt a wave of power rush beside her head. 

"Unfortunately, that's not gonna happen because I am tired of this." Sans grinded his teeth against each other. "And even if you never hurt anyone now, you have before. So, I don't even feel guilty about this. Let's do it. One more time, kid." 


Several Days Later . . . 

Easy peasy. Wow, he didn't even break a sweat yet. FRISK was fully charged again, but having never fought anything or gaining any EXP had kept it at too low of a level to survive even a single attack for long. Shoot, there was even a good chance he'd be able to take a nap and the kid wouldn't attempt to hit him. He never took it that far, but he knew he'd be in it for a long haul. He didn't constantly attack, but he took time for himself. He still only had one hit point, and he needed to be careful not to get too tired. 

Before he brought Frisk to the battlefield he loaded himself up with everything that he could afford. Glamburgers and Grillby's almost fell out of his pockets. Without sleep, he was going to need something to help keep him going. 

The sound of a crumbling heart from the attacks were constant, except when FRISK backed off from coming near him. It needed sleep and food too. As long as it didn't try to go back and start murdering innocent monsters to level up though, he'd let it do its thing. 

So far, the kid hadn't tried to hit him once though. Not once. They'd been going at it for so long, that even the food wasn't going to constantly be able to keep him going. Still, Frisk didn't change. It refused to change, and just kept putting its hand on the Mercy button. 

"I'll just take you out again. I won't bend for mercy." Sans used his attack again. He usually reserved it for the moment the genocidal Frisk decided on a whim to spare him. It beat down hard, too fast, and defeated him. It was perfect, but it took some power to hold it up longer. 

For this Frisk, it didn't take much energy at all. But, since this Frisk did nothing but heal and Mercy, he had to vary his attacks. 

Frisky groaned. I am trying really hard. I've never given up before, but there's nothing here on the menu. Like always. I can't even talk to him. Sans never has a way to spare him. 

Sans didn't care about the tears, the begging, or the whining. Dying hurts? Of course it did, and he didn't care. He never cared. Yep, her team saved, died, and came back over and over. Dying hurt each time, but not as bad as it would soon. Once deserted, she would fill the full brunt of the pain, zapping her power. 

Frisky held DETERMINATION, and always lasted the longest. The others will power would be fading soon, and only her and PERSEVERANCE would be left. 

Thus had it always been. A constant battle between DETERMINATION and PERSEVERANCE. 

INTEGRITY: I refuse to do this anymore. He'll never change. Please. Don't let him hurt you anymore. 

JUSTICE: I agree, this is getting pointless. I'm out. 

PERSEVERANCE: Always told you guys. 

KINDNESS: Shut up, PERSEVERANCE! I'm still here, Frisky. I got your back, girl. At least, a few more hours. Minutes. Maybe. 

*You're all pathetic. Push it onto them again. Go hide away, go sleep inside. Wussies. Always the same. 

BRAVERY: I can't keep up the will. I am so sorry. Maybe let PERSEVERANCE take over? You can't beat Sans, and you won't let this go if you do everything right but kill him. 

I won't do that. I won't hurt anyone, and I will not give up control. Frisk tried to keep the emotions back. 

*They all left you again, Frisky. 

I can't blame them, Chara. Every human has a limit. 

*Yeah, and yours is coming up soon too. He is starting to stir. 

I will figure this out. I will, just, help me hold him asleep too? Please? 

*That means you'll be completely on your own. Only PERSEVERANCE will be here. 

Please? This is my timeline. I worked hard on it, and I can't just give this up to PERSEVERANCE. Please? 

*Stop the gushing. I'm out. 

Okay. Alright. Just concentrate. It's no different. It just hurt a thousand times worse. No, no, no. I will do this. 

Frisky stood still. What could she do? If she just came at him again, he'd tear her up in a second. The pain didn't last long before it disappeared, but even a second of it was horrible. It was even worse when she managed to survive longer, bones jig jagging out of her soul. She was the one in charge of the body now. Complete control, everyone's soul fell asleep except PERSEVERANCE. Even Chara could not help. 

When it felt pain, she felt pain, no one else. No one was going to help her, and Sans wouldn't let her pass. 

No option worked. 

Frisk looked ahead of her. Why would he disturb a good timeline, just to fight? Why? He obviously remembered. He was the one who took FRISK from coming up to the lab, into Judgment Hall. If he remembers that we split apart, then maybe. Maybe he knows a way to free us? If we split again, I think this will be over. No more resets. 


This needs to end. Wake PATIENCE up. 


PATIENCE! Wake PATIENCE up, PERSEVERANCE. You know you want out of this just as much. We can't stay like this forever. This mission is a failure because we can't reset correctly, and I am so tired of living this over and over. Breaks aren't going to change it. Mind wipes aren't going to change it. 

PERSEVERANCE: I promise I won't reset a happy ending. I haven't been resetting! I am beyond the point of caring! I just want out too, but this is not the way! 

PATIENCE: No, PERSEVERANCE, 95452 is right. We all knew this could happen if a conduit is set wrong. We'll just keep coming back. 

PERSEVERANCE: Oh yeah? 95452, you know what happens when you fail a mission. Are you going to accept it? 

There is no way to win. This is the only way out, or we're stuck like this forever. 

PERSEVERANCE: Will you accept it? Declare it. No foul misgivings here. 

PATIENCE: Okay … okay. I will work out the mathematics. 


Do not call me that while in battle. That is breaking violations in your position. 

PERSEVERANCE: Failed Mission. Say it. 

PERSEVERANCE, wake everyone but him up. They should know. Once Frisk felt the power of everyone returned, she began. I, Frisk 95452, PACIFIST soldier of Mission Surface Seven, deem this mission a failure. She heard several complaints from her whole team. This mission cannot be resolved. 

INTEGRITY: We can't quit. Failure isn't an option. We're not living the rest of our lives like this. I'm not doing that! 

Last time, Sans split us. The accuracy of measurements could be tried a second time. PATIENCE is on it. 

PATIENCE: There is an eighty percent probability at least a few of us will survive, if factors from the last split are the same. The conduit of course will survive. Failsafe, Frisky. He'll be okay no matter what. 

I know. We need to try. 

KINDESS: Oh, to do this, we will completely corrupt the Underground. Bad things, errors, oh man. A conduit doesn't break down here! 

INTEGRITY: Kindness is right. We should think about it. 

I don't know why Sans remembered last time. That itself could be a glitch. There is no guarantee he will remember the next time. He needs to have the strength to split just right, and knowing PERSEVERANCE, he won't get the chance to rest. 

PERSEVERANCE: Always have to give me a bad rap? I am trying to save lives! 

By killing Monsters. 

PERSEVERANCE: Fuck you, Frisky. I see which way this war needs to go. You don't know shit. But, damn! Ugh. I hate Sans. Such a hard thing to kill, especially lately. He is just getting worse. If he kills me, I will haunt the Underground. 

*Join the Conga line. 

If he hits us just right, if we split just right . . . we could dismantle FRISK. 

PERSEVERANCE: If I live, I'll go kill Papyrus just to piss him off. 

INTEGRITY: No, don't you start that! If we live, we will rendezvous and contact home base. Leave them alone. 

BRAVERY: Yeah. I'll take you on with my twin brother, no sweat, GENOCIDER. 

KINDESS: I will kill you PERSEVERANCE if you lay one hand on my Toriel! You bastard, she does nothing but give you pie and you just play with her emotions! 

Okay, I think this sounds resolved. It's time. PATIENCE? The calculations and everyone get ready. 


Well. It looked like it worked. On the ground laid a strange body near him. It looked like a girl. Hm. He held his hand out to her, but not as a hand up. He aimed it at her. He wasn't stupid after all. Her body was blurry, ghostly. It hardly had form. 

"Stop. Stop being so scary," she told him. "I don't think . . ." Her body was barely even seen now. 

Sans watched her form completely dissipate. While he did that, he kept himself on complete alert. He walked across the Judgment Hall. When it split itself in the attack, it split far. 

There was a ghostly form that just passed, but from what he saw, there was a three, maybe four way split. Most of the pieces looked like they weren't big enough to even be separated bodies. 


Sans didn't even turn around to see his protective bones take out the enemy. He turned around after the fact and saw red glowing eyes shining back, lifeless through the pile of bones. It slumped, died, but didn't reset. Anything moving, first strike. I am not letting this go this time. 

"Sans, help! Sans! Sans!" 

Hm? Sans watched as a really small looking human waddled his way. Really small. He had assumed last time that Frisk was eight or ten or something, but . . . he didn't look much older than two or three. Except maybe that? 

"Sans! Sans!" It kept walking to him, squeezing its hands in its palms, in and out. It had the same hair he remembered. His shirt was the same too, but way too big for him. It was more of a blanket than a shirt. 

How in the-it remembers me, but doesn't fear me at all? Hmm. He knew it didn't have much power level, and it could barely walk well, so it wasn't a threat. He watched its little face as it trundled over to him and placed its small hands on his coat. There was nothing evil in its eyes. It must have been a real kid in the amalgamate. It made it out somehow. But, how did it get mixed up in all that other stuff? Just what the heck tripped into the Ruins? Well, lucky you. "Hey, kid. You've done a mess of damage." 

It just touched its lip and stared up at him. "I did, Sans?" 

"Yeah, but. I'll, uh, let it slip this time." He'd already had time to judge him. There was nothing more evil that didn't linger in every other Monster. Whatever it was that had felt wrong, it was right now. The kid was just . . . a regular little kid. 

"Oh, oh!" The kid started to jump beside him. 

"Kay? I don't get what you're driving at." The boy patted his clothes harder and motioned farther away. Oh. The extras. No one else survived except this kid. "Later, kiddo. Let's get you out of here. I know a shortcut." 


Frisk woke up, but his body felt so weak. Momma? He expected her to answer. In fact, when he accidentally woke up, there were usually a ton of voices ricocheting in his head. He placed his hands out and pushed himself up. Wow. He was small, way smaller than he should have been. His sweater was too big on him. 

He must have become separated. As he looked around though, his legs started to tremble. It couldn't be. It couldn't be! There were body parts all around him. He scrambled to move away, but his balance was off. He knew such a long time together with different souls changed him severely when they all broke apart, but he had to move away! 

Where was he? It was golden. There were pillars. Where was he? Momma! He couldn't remember anything except . . . 

"I'm going to Grillby's. Do you want to join me?" 

"Have you ever heard of the Echo Flower?" 

"Burgers or Fries?" 

"My brother always wanted to see a human." 

Sans! That's it, he did remember something about the Underground mission. Not that it would do any good, where was he in the mission? 

"Die," he heard behind him. He got scared and tumbled, but turned back around. There was some kind of person on top of a pile of bonish . . . Ewww! He wanted to close his eyes to the horror, but then he saw him. 

Sans, the funny skeleton guy! He tried to call out, to tell him that he needed to find his mom, that something went wrong, and that he needed help. He tried to run, but all he could manage was a fast enough waddle that wouldn't make him tumble. Oh, it was like retraining his body again when he finally got it back. If he could just say something though. "Sans, help! Sans! Sans!" 

There, some voice now. He tried to move even faster. Sans wasn't moving toward him. Maybe he was scared of the place too? It was a horrible place, and they needed to leave. When he reached him though, he couldn't say a full sentence like 'Sans, we need to get out of here, it's dangerous. The team will find us, they're all pros, let's go.' He couldn't even get close enough to the top of him. While they used to be closer in size, now Sans was three times as high. Frisk beated on his coat, trying to get him the message. Why wasn't he moving? 

He reached up to him. "Up, up!" A few more words. 

"Hey, kid. You've done a mess of damage," Sans finally spoke. 

"I did, Sans?" Short, but getting there with words. He did a mess of damage? They weren't supposed to be doing damage on the mission. 

"Yeah, but. I'll, uh, let it slip this time." 

Okay, well, at least Sans wasn't mad at him, but that didn't take them out of the danger. Sans looked at him, but he wasn't moving. Come on! "Up, up!" 

Sans picked him up but still couldn't figure out what he was saying. It didn't matter though because Sans actually got them out. 

Thank you, Sans. Thank you, thank you! Now Frisk just had to wait until he was back to normal, and then get back to his mom.