
Concubine’s Charm

A captivating story set in a royal court, hundred of years ago in an alternate universe. A kingdom known as the Moral Empire who produces Queens that control and protect their country. However, the 19 year old Queen Arisa is nothing of the respectable sort, she has caused nothing but chaos and misery for her kingdom. The chaotic Queen Arisa is forced to marry and falls in love with her Kings concubine. Their forbidden love in a society that frowns upon such relationships… will they be able to love eachother freely?

mayruu · LGBT+
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23 Chs

Chapter 1

A vast space, where alternate realities and parallel universes existed. All were distinct from each other and held different futures. One of which universe, set centuries ago. Queens and Kings existed in this period, technology was unheard of and strict rules between social classes caused many arguments between

the wealthy and the poor. In this era, equality between men and women was nonexistent. Women undeniably had no rights nor privileges to be able to read, write or lead a life of their own unless they were wedded or …

born a queen in an exceptional Kingdom.

This kingdom was known for producing respectable and significant queens. Queens, in this Kingdom, were somewhat held in high regard, they were granted power to control and deal with affairs regarding their citizens. However, it also came with a lot of difficulties. Although queens had authority and control… they were still women. Therefore, much of what queens had to debate was critiqued and criticized. Queens had to be wary of their surroundings and remain calm and respectful no matter the circumstances. The queens might be able to have the final say in their kingdoms, but everything was decided by the men controlling the kingdom. The Queens were puppets and the men pulled their strings and manipulated their every move.

This kingdom is known as the Moral Empire. The Moral Empire was a nation that was well known for its queens. Many kingdoms had found the Moral Empire outrageous. There were many disputes and arguments, but no one dared to start a fight with the Moral Empire, as it was the world's richest and most influential kingdom. It had ties and friendships with several countries. Queens that were born into this Moral Empire were set to act in certain ways: to be able to understand certain situations quickly and have solutions ready, to be able to converse but maintain a distance, and to remain respectful and dignified as proper women.

The Moral Empire had announced their new queen 19 years ago when Queen Arisa was born. This Queen had caused nothing but misery and chaos to her own Kingdom. She took nothing seriously, despite being punished several times for it. Regardless, the queen continued to act disgracefully. She had an awful temper and was quite picky even as a child. Queen Arisa didn't have many friends so she picked on the men in her Kingdom. This included scandals such as visiting brothels and buying prostitutes with the kingdom's gold, seeing their rage made her glee with excitement.

The kingdom's men were distraught and angry with the queen but there was nothing they could do. Eliminating her was out of the question. If word ever got out that the Moral Empire had executed their queen, they would be subjected to constant mockery. There was only one thing they could think of doing… the queen had to be wedded immediately.

I have just started to write this story, but I am already excited. There’s so much to write and I hope you guys will love it.

mayruucreators' thoughts