
Concealed Warriors

In a hidden underground facility, a nefarious organization conducts illegal experiments, pushing the boundaries of human physical and mental capabilities. Their ultimate goal? To create superhuman weapons capable of dominating the world above. Those who succeed become staff, soldiers, or hold positions within the facility, while the failed subjects face a grim fate - death. However, a remarkable turn of events unfolds when a group of these failed subjects band together, overthrowing the oppressive lab and escaping into the world. Operating in the shadows, they dedicate their lives to aiding others and thwarting the organization's ongoing research. These renegades move silently, concealed by the night, their identities hidden from their adversaries. Now pitted against the successful subjects, who possess fully developed abilities, they must rely on their resourcefulness and determination to prevail against the odds.

Haikii · Fantasi
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3 Chs

Mystery Unraveled

The masked man, known as 002, moved with a blinding speed, his figure a blur as he charged straight towards me. The intensity of his actions was magnified by the piercing blue glow emanating from his eyes, a reflection of his twisted intentions. As his evil smirk etched itself deeper onto his face, he launched a powerful fist towards me, his iron knuckles aimed to strike my very core. But before his blow could land, 001, the valiant warrior with her shimmering white sword, swiftly intercepted and parried.

"055, now!"  001 commanded, her voice resolute and filled with unwavering determination.

In a breathtaking display of agility and grace, 055, who had been silently perched on the ceiling, dove down with twin daggers gleaming in her hands. Yet, as her blades met the man's impenetrable defenses, it became evident that his grotesquely disguised fists were not just ordinary, but made of hardened iron. Their clash created explosive shockwaves that rippled through the environment, causing debris to scatter and tremors to reverberate throughout the room.

In the face of this formidable adversary, my body shook with a mixture of fear and determination. Though I longed to contribute and play my part in this battle, my limbs felt weak and unsteady, as if weight down by the sheer intensity of the situation.

Struggling to stay on my feet, every breath I took felt heavy, as if the air itself was laced with uncertainty and danger. The room seemed to close in on me, the walls pressing against my back, urging me to act, to make a difference.

And then, at that pivotal moment, 001, the warrior with unwavering resolve, flies backward as she defend herself from the man's attack. With a burst, she flew towards the line of ominous capsules that lined the walls, shattering them into a tempest of glass fragments that glimmered in the air. Meanwhile, 055 and 054 relentlessly pressed their assault on 002, their every move a testament to their indomitable spirit. Yet, it became painfully clear that the masked man possessed an overwhelming strength and abilities that far surpassed their own.

Time seemed to stand still as the weight of the situation pressed upon me. I couldn't remain a bystander any longer. I had to take action, to help them escape this nightmarish scenario. For my freedom depended on it.

As 001 regained her footing and 054 and 055 gasped for breath, I watched as 002, the masked man, leaped backward, his feet effortlessly sticking to the wall. With a wicked smirk adorning his face, he aimed himself parallel to my position. A chilling realization washed over me:

The girls alone would not be able to protect me this time. 002 descended upon me, his movements reminiscent of a diving bullet, fist poised to strike my chest.

Summoning every ounce of strength I possessed, I waited for the perfect moment, my heart pounding in my chest. In that split second of synchronized timing, I seized his wrist, swiftly rotating my body with a swift fluidity I didn't know I possessed. I throwed him on the ground. The masked man, taken aback by the sudden reversal of events, bounced off the floor, his surprise etched onto his face.

But this small victory came at a great cost. My legs gave way, once again betraying me, and I found myself sinking to my knees, the pain coursing through my body like an unrelenting wave.

"You...! A worthy opponent, at least!" exclaimed 002, his voice a mixture of begrudging admiration and frustration. As I stared at him, my eyes never leaving his form, the girls behind me labored to catch their breath, their indefatigable determination evident in their weary yet determined gazes.

With a mischievous glint in his eyes, 002 extended his arms, his gaze fixed upon the ceiling. His voice dripped with temptation and allure.

"Ah, 03, won't you come with me? With our power, we can conquer the world! I can give you the freedom you crave! What do you say?" His hand extended towards me, offering a handshake, a dangerous proposition that hung in the air.

Peering out of the corner of my eye, I glanced at 001, who subtly nodded, her gaze filled with determination and a plan. It seemed that she had insight into this perilous situation.

Slowly, deliberately, I raised my hand, poised to shake his outstretched hand.

"That's it! Come o—!" His words were abruptly snuffed out as I swiftly pulled him closer, forcing him to contend with my incoming attack head-on. My fist traveled through the air like a guided missile, connecting forcefully with his face, launching him over a nearby wall. In that fleeting moment, as he hurtled through the air, something tugged at my shirt, and I was forcibly dragged out of the room, away from the chaos that ensued.

As we navigated the labyrinthine hallways, chaos reigned supreme. The once pristine floors now lay adorned with the fallen bodies of those dressed in white coats, their faces etched with a mix of terror and determination. The air was heavy with the scent of shattered glass, broken bricks, and the faint residue of small explosions. In the distance, a resounding boom accompanied a wave of flames that surged towards us, threatening to engulf everything in its path. It felt as if my feet barely touched the ground as I was pulled along, propelled forward into the unknown.

Finally, we emerged from the facility, and I was unceremoniously deposited onto the cool grass outside. A mixture of exhaustion and relief washed over me, and I couldn't help but let out a sigh, as if releasing all the tension that had built within me.

How I had longed for the simple pleasures of sitting on the grass, feeling its gentle caress against my tired body...

There, I remained seated, my gaze fixed on the burning facility, now reduced to nothing more than smoldering ruins and fading embers. The flames danced in the darkness, casting an eerie glow upon the surrounding landscape, a haunting reminder of the battleground that once stood. As I looked up, the vast expanse of the starry sky unfolded before me, a breathtaking sight that brought a slow smile to my face, a shy reflection of the newfound freedom that coursed through my veins.

In that moment, I understood the true meaning of freedom.

The tranquil atmosphere of the night was shattered by the unexpected arrival of two mysterious figures. Emerging from the shadows, their hoods concealing their identities, the flickering glow of the burning facility illuminated their faces. One was a boy, his dark, tousled hair falling messily around his face, while the other was a girl with flowing, golden locks that danced in the breeze.

With a burst of infectious energy, the girl skipped towards 001, her voice brimming with excitement and mischief.

"Hey, hey! We did an amazing job planting those bombs, didn't we? RIGHT?!" she exclaimed, her words laced with a contagious enthusiasm that filled the air.

Before the girl's exclamation could sink in, the boy intervened, his tone gentle yet firm.

"Hey, Haru, let her rest," he said, his voice carrying a sense of authority that demanded attention. All eyes turned towards him, waiting for his next words.

A sheepish grin spread across his face as he scratched the back of his head. He chuckled, breaking the tension that had momentarily enveloped the group.

"Oops, did I call you by your name? Hehe... My bad," he admitted, his playful demeanor melting away any lingering tension. But amidst the lightheartedness, a subtle sigh escaped the 001 lips as she gathered herself and stood up.

With her gaze fixed on me, spoke with a sense of purpose and curiosity.

"This is 03, the only conscious subject in this facility. I didn't expect to find him in such a small laboratory," she stated, her voice holding a mix of intrigue and wonder. With measured steps, she made her way towards me, extending her hand in a gesture of friendship.

"Wanna join us?" she offered, her voice a blend of genuine curiosity and camaraderie, carrying the weight of untapped adventures.

Caught off guard by the invitation and the sudden turn of events, I hesitated, uncertain of how to respond. The weight of my freedom hung in the balance, and the swirl of emotions within me threatened to overwhelm.

"I-I... Uh..." I stammered, my mind racing to make sense of it all, to navigate the uncharted territory that lay before me.

The boy interjected, his voice dripping with persuasion as he laid his eyes on 001.

"I guess it's okay. We don't like to force things on people, do we?" he chimed in, his words resonating with a sense of respect and empathy. But that sentiment was met with a firm and resolute response from 055.

"We should, though. We can't let him wander around," she asserted, her tone imbibed with a commanding certainty.

Haru, ever the optimist, injected her perspective into the conversation.

"Why not? I mean, he looks like a kind person to me," Haru reasoned, her gaze lingering fleetingly on me. And it was 054 who further added to the discourse.

"He landed an attack on 002. Not once, but twice," she emphasized, gesturing towards the numbered figure.

Before I could fully grasp the weight of their words and their implications, the boy, identified as 020, rushed towards me. His grip tightened forcefully on my shoulder as he shook me with determination.

"That—002? Hey!" he exclaimed, his fervent excitement palpable in his voice.

"Ouch-ie-ie-ie! Ouch!" I winced as a surge of pain shot through my body, his grip causing discomfort and rendering me momentarily speechless.

In the aftermath of the commotion, 001 took a moment to explain to 020.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know you were such a fragile man—ow!" Haru's swift slap to the back of 020's neck ended her sentence, silencing any further protests.

"Don't mind him. Why don't we build some trust? Let's introduce ourselves? What do you think?" Haru suggested eagerly, clapping her hands together with childlike enthusiasm, her eyes gleaming with anticipation.

As the cool night air enveloped us, 055 voice crackled in the atmosphere. "Sounds good to me,"

Ayame's voice resonated with an undercurrent of excitement, her words carried away by the whispering wind. "That's right! That's right!" Her agreement echoed through the night.

020 mustered the courage to speak his mind. "I'm not—" He tried to protest, but the sting of another slap silenced him, leaving a throbbing ache at the base of his neck.

Attempting to quell the rising despair, he sighed, resignation clinging to his words. "I don't have a choice, do I?" He knew in his heart that his fate was sealed, like a bird caught in the merciless grip of a predator.

Fear twisted his words as he hurriedly conceded, eager to avoid further physical retribution. "Ah-! Don't! On it! I'm on it!"

001 stepped forward, her eyes reflecting determination and a deep sense of purpose. "I'll go first. My name's Ayame, subject 001. The first subject of this experiment. The commander of Veiled Guardians. Looking forward to working with you." With each word, she vowed to uphold our shared mission.

"Veiled Guardians... Funny name, isn't it?" 020 innocent remark was met with another slap from Ayame

"By the way, I'm Kaito. Subject number 020, the 20th subject of this experiment. I'm an expert when it comes to building structures! I can see through the walls! Powerful, isn't it?" With a cheeky wink and a mischievous twinkle in his eye, he reveled in his ability.

055, never one to mince words, corrected him, "Correction, he just sees the structure behind walls, nothing else." She effortlessly exposed Kaito's embellishment

"You-!" Kaito's words interrupted by 055

"I'm Hayuki. Subject number 055. The 55th subject of this experiment. Daggers are my expertise. Throwing or slicing, if we're talking about daggers, leave it to me," Hayuki declared boldly, exuding an air of confidence in her craft.

Not to be outdone, 054, with her shy voice "I-I'm Yumi. 54th subject. I'm also a dagger specialist."  She also explains that Hayuki and herself, shared a deep bond as twin sisters, their unspoken connection strengthening their resolve.

Haru, the embodiment of fiery enthusiasm, introduced herself with a touch of pride. "And as you know, I'm Haru. Subject number 110. Explosives are my thing! Bombs are my babies! I'm also the cutest member of this group, Tehee~" Her voice lilted with confidence and mischief as she demonstrated her cuteness by squeezing her cheeks with each index finger.

Finding it hard to swallow Haru's self-proclaimed title, Kaito couldn't help but mutter under his breath. "Cute? Cute my nose." Unfortunately, his whisper wasn't as discreet as he had intended, echoing through the tension-filled air.

Eyes narrowing and fists clenched, Haru's anger ignited like a blazing inferno. "What did you say?" Her voice was laced with a seething determination, her gaze piercing through Kaito's facade.

Caught in a precarious situation, Kaito's eyes darted anxiously between each of us, seeking a lifeline. "N-Nothing! I said nothing! Guys, did you hear anything? Nothing, right? Right??" His voice trembled with panic, a testament to the imminent danger that loomed over him.

Taking her mischievous cue, Hayuki couldn't resist further provocation. "He said you look like a nose," she teased, relishing in the frenzy that unfolded.

Flushed with anger and her face masked by a fiery visage, Haru closed the distance between them, her threatening step forward fueling Kaito's survival instincts. Desperate to escape her wrath, he bolted, his instincts kicking in like a wild animal desperate for freedom.

"No, I didn't! I swear! Save my neck—Ow!" Kaito's plea for salvation was interrupted by a sudden jolt of pain. Amid the chaos, Ayame, always calm and composed, interjected with a question, severing the tension like a knife through parchment.

"And you? Do you remember your name?" Her voice, laced with a hint of mystery, enveloped me, pulling me deeper into this enigmatic world.

With a flutter of nervous excitement, I answered. "Uh, I do. It's Kazu." Gazing at each of them, a flicker of hope ignited within me. "So, what is this experiment all about? C-Can you explain it to me?" Uncertainty laced my words, longing for clarity and understanding.

As Ayame's voice wove through the night,  "This experiment pushes the limits of both physical and mental abilities of humans. As you witnessed earlier, we are no ordinary humans. We were created as weapons."

Hayuki's words cut through the air, their sharpness laced with a bitter undertone. Her voice trembled, mirroring the intensity of the emotions that welled up inside her.

"In experiments, there are always the failed ones. And we...we are one of them," she said, her voice quivering with a blend of anger and sorrow.

Yumi, her voice filled with a mix of trepidation and a glimmer of hope, interjected, "But after enduring all the torture, it felt like a tiny glimmer of hope, didn't it? A chance for salvation."

Kaito, his gaze piercing through the darkness, stood tall with an unwavering determination. "That's precisely why this group exists," he declared, his voice brimming with resolve. "To destroy every single one of their despicable laboratories, and save those who are still trapped within them."

Unable to tear my eyes away, I noticed a noticeable lump on Kaito's neck. My curiosity got the better of me and, almost instinctively, my gaze fixated on it.

"Hey, don't look at my neck!" Kaito protested, a mix of embarrassment and defensiveness coloring his voice.

However, amidst the tension, Haru's voice broke through, offering a sense of reassurance. "Ayame saved every single one of us," she said, her tone calm and soothing. "And now, here we are, standing together as survivors."

As I listened to their words, a whirlwind of thoughts started to swirl within me. I couldn't help but wonder about my own abilities, about the very essence of my existence. What was I truly capable of? Was there more to me than met the eye?

And then, it hit me. The numbers. They were etched into our very beings, our identities. As a wave of uncertainty washed over me, I couldn't help but voice my confusion, seeking answers from the group.

"But...why is my number only two digits?" I wondered aloud, desperately hoping they held the key to the mystery.

In that moment, silence enveloped the room as they pondered my question. Their brows furrowed, a testament to their collective concentration, as Kaito stepped forward to provide an explanation.

"Allow me to elucidate. It's a straightforward concept. This new model of the experiment has limited the number of subjects to 99. You, my friend, are the third one," Kaito proclaimed

Hayuki, her words laced with a hint of irony, chimed in. "Well, that makes sense," she said, tapping Kaito's head playfully. "Sometimes, I forget you actually have brains."

Swatting Hayuki's hand away, annoyance mingled with amusement in Kaito's voice as he exclaimed, "Oh, shut up! And hey, don't you dare touch me!"

Gently, Ayame's voice regained its calm composure, extending a hand of invitation. "So... are you joining us?" she asked, her tone filled with warmth. "I promise not to limit your freedom, but as one of the survivors of this experiment, it is our responsibility to put an end to this madness."

With conviction, Haru added her own reassurance. "Indeed! You can live freely within this group," she exclaimed. "In fact, I have my own tavern in the kingdom of Silverstone while pursuing my dreams at a knight's academy!"

"W-Wait, a kingdom?" I stammered, confusion clouding my mind. "Is there really such a place in the year 2023?"

As my eyes darted around, searching for any clues that could make sense of my own question, Haru furrowed her brow, attempting to connect the dots herself.

"2023? Is that some kind of subject number, too?"

What is happening here? I murmured

Amidst the chaos and uncertainty, I turned to Ayame, hoping she held the key to unraveling this intricate tapestry of confusion.

"It's alright, you can come with us" Ayame reassured me, her voice firm yet calm. "You can decide about joining later. For now, let's focus on finding the answers we seek."

Yumi, her eyes shining with enthusiasm, piped up. "I promise to introduce you to a myriad of delicious foods!" she exclaimed, her excitement infectious.

Hayuki, unable to contain her own anticipation, jumped in, voice brimming with fervor. "And wait 'til you see the blacksmiths in the kingdom! They're incredibly skilled at forging exquisite swords and daggers!" A droplet of saliva threatened to escape her mouth, evidence of her genuine enthusiasm.

With a mischievous grin, Kaito, despite the swelling in his neck, couldn't resist chiming in. "And if it's love you seek, count on me to guide you in the right direction. Just ignore the swelling," he added, wincing in pain.

Amidst the banter and laughter, Haru rolled her eyes, playfully admonishing Kaito. "Oh Kaito, whatever. Anyway welcome aboard Kazu!"

Taking control of the situation, Ayame concluded, her voice radiating a sense of authority. "Rest up, everyone. We're leaving in the morning. Our journey to unlock the mysteries that await us begins then."

As I cautiously surveyed our surroundings, a sense of awe washed over me. We found ourselves in the midst of an untamed wilderness under the gentle illumination of the moon's rays. Towering mountains stretched out behind us, forming a majestic backdrop, while dense forests enveloped us on all sides. The air was thick with the earthy scent of vegetation, and the distant sounds of wildlife added a symphony of nature to the serene ambiance.

As our group ventured deeper into the heart of the forest, we forged ahead, driven by a shared purpose. Setting up camp became our top priority, and each of us undertook specific responsibilities. Kaito and I were tasked with securing our evening meal, while Hayuki and Yumi scouted the area for any potential threats cunningly concealed amidst the tree branches. On the other hand, Haru and Ayame skillfully arranged our sleeping arrangements, ensuring our comfort amidst this unfamiliar landscape.

As Kaito broke the silence, sweeping aside the grass obstructing our path, his curiosity sparked a conversation. "Hey," he began, "is it true that you managed to land a decisive attack on entity 002?" His inquisitive gaze locked with mine, awaiting my response.

For a moment, I hesitated, unsure of how to frame my modest achievement. "Y-Yeah," I stammered, "it was more luck than anything else."

Kaito's eyebrows arched in surprise, "Eh? I see. Anyway, how is your body holding up? The pain has subsided, hasn't it?"

His question prompted a sudden awareness of my own physical state. "Yeah," I replied, my hand instinctively pressed against my chest and stomach, seeking reassurance.

With a reassuring smile, Kaito gave me a thumbs up "I'm glad to hear it" he replied warmly.

Together, the two of us successfully caught a wild boar, a feat that filled us with a sense of accomplishment. Returning to camp, our comrades had worked diligently to create a semblance of home in this remote wilderness. A makeshift shelter made from an assortment of leaves stood tall in one corner, and the comforting crackle of a well-constructed campfire emanated from the opposite direction. Eagerly awaiting Hayuki and Yumi's return, we ceremoniously prepared our meal.

As the night progressed, we sought refuge beneath the leafy shelter, though it barely provided enough headroom. Unable to sleep, I seized the opportunity to gaze up at the night sky, the twinkling stars evoking a sense of wonder within me. Each flickering light seemed to hold untold stories, inviting contemplation and introspection. The more I pondered, the more the questions swirled in my mind—why had I been transported to this world resembling a bygone era, and what awaited me in its depths? A tinge of longing gripped me as I wished for the familiar comfort of a cellphone, a connection to the life I had left behind.

With a lighthearted chuckle, I resigned myself to the unknown. Closing my eyes, I embraced the rest that beckoned, eagerly awaiting the adventures and challenges that lay ahead in this mesmerizing new world.