
Concealed Warriors

In a hidden underground facility, a nefarious organization conducts illegal experiments, pushing the boundaries of human physical and mental capabilities. Their ultimate goal? To create superhuman weapons capable of dominating the world above. Those who succeed become staff, soldiers, or hold positions within the facility, while the failed subjects face a grim fate - death. However, a remarkable turn of events unfolds when a group of these failed subjects band together, overthrowing the oppressive lab and escaping into the world. Operating in the shadows, they dedicate their lives to aiding others and thwarting the organization's ongoing research. These renegades move silently, concealed by the night, their identities hidden from their adversaries. Now pitted against the successful subjects, who possess fully developed abilities, they must rely on their resourcefulness and determination to prevail against the odds.

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3 Chs

I - The Escape

I gently pry open my heavy eyelids, awakening to the ethereal capsules that enshroud me. Transparent and delicate, they contain life's essence in their emerald fluid.

That's right... I'm inside this never ending nightmare...

As I survey the room, identical capsules dot my surroundings, each cradling a suspended human. The intricate spiderweb of wires courses across their bodies, connecting them to a multitude of machines emitting a symphony of beeps. It's a surreal sight, equal parts mesmerizing and disconcerting.

The sterile air bears a peculiar scent, a blend of antiseptic and anxiety. Doctors in their white coats scurry about, clutching documents with fervor, their brows furrowed with purpose. Their presence intensifies the ominous atmosphere that permeates the room.

In a distant corner, a piercing cry shatters the eerie silence, reverberating through the otherwise tranquil space. It acts as a haunting reminder of our collective destiny as mere test subjects trapped in this purgatory of physical and psychological torment.

Since the day they put me here... I've had my consciousness...

But I wish I don't...

Every day feels like torture...

Now I know what it feels like to be a bird in a cage

Suspended within the confines of my capsule, the raspy sound of my breath fills my ears, a symphony of desperation. Trapped within the prison of my own body, I am a helpless victim of this cruel experiment.

I remember how my normal life goes in daily...

But they take it away from me, my freedom-

Suddenly, two figures clad in white approach my capsule, their intentions masked behind stern visages. The first man, frantically scribbling on a piece of paper, speaks with an air of authority.

"Is he conscious?" he demands, seeking confirmation.

"Yes, he is. We don't know how and why." The woman responds

Fear and curiosity intertwine as I eavesdrop, longing for answers, for a glimmer of hope within their words.

I hope I can get out of here... As soon as possible

The first man, relentless in his quest for knowledge, inundates them with a barrage of questions, his search for truth unyielding.

"What is his status? How long will it take? Have there been any changes in his form, structure, or appearance?" Their dialogue unfolds, and I strain to catch every word, every nuance, desperate to unravel the puzzle of my existence. The woman's voice quivers as she struggles to provide the answers he seeks.

Unable to contain his frustration, the first man hurls his disappointment at her, his voice thundering with anger. He storms away, leaving a trail of resentment in his wake. The woman, left behind, trembles with a newfound determination to find the answers, to fulfill her role as a researcher.

It has been nearly a decade since I first entered this never ending nightmare. Has the world outside transformed? How does it feel to breathe the air of freedom? I need... I need to get out of here. That's for sure! I will make sure!

My musings are abruptly interrupted as three figures converge in front of my capsule. The first man, now revealed as Fujikawa Yami, exchanges hushed words with the woman. I strain to catch the details of their conversation.

"How is he?" Fujikawa Yami inquires, his tone imbued with authority.

"His heart rate has been steadily declining since yesterday," the woman responds, her voice tinged with anxiety.

So that's why I feel like losing conscious... Or did I already passed out?

"Sir, should we dispose of him?" The second man's voice punctures the void, heavy with hesitation and uncertainty.

Dispose of me? Why? Well- That's good in someway. Atleast I can get out of here...

"Why would I? He's the sole glimmer of success within this accursed laboratory. If you dispose of him, I will dispose of you. Understood?" Mr. Fujikawa's piercing gaze penetrates the second man, his words laden with an undertone of danger.

"Y-Yes, sir. My apologies…" The defeated man bows his head, surrendering to the weight of Mr. Fujikawa's authority.

Days melded into each other, a ceaseless cycle of observation and experimentation. For three hours a day, they dissected my existence, probing and prodding, like I was nothing more than a lab rat.

I can't help but question- who are they? What is their motives? Why us? Why me?!

Another week passed with agonizing slowness, indistinguishable from the countless that came before it.

A week... After all this years... A week feels like a centuries now...

Time itself morphed into an abstract concept, swirling beyond my grasp. It's been ten years. A full decade trapped within these sterile walls, yet I couldn't be certain if it was morning or night. Time became a shadow, flickering in the crevices of my fractured memories.

Mr. Fujikawa approached my confined capsule once more, flanked by a group of white-coated individuals. They moved with a sense of purpose, their fingers dancing across keyboards, manipulating the machinery with surgical precision.

"Today is your day, 03." Mr. Fujikawa's towering figure loomed in front of me, his hands buried deep within his coat pockets.

My day? What he's talking about?

My breath hitched, an adrenaline-fueled surge of anticipation rising within me.

I tried to speak, to express the tumultuous mix of emotions churning inside me, but only feeble bubbles escaped my lips.

As the wires released their grasp on my body, leaving behind vacant holes, the verdant fluid that enveloped me began to recede. With each drop, I felt an awakening, a reunion of my senses. Tingling sensations coursed through my fingers, my feet, my entire being.


Gasping for air, I craned my neck as the last vestiges of the green fluid retreated, and life surged back into my veins.

"Look at him...!" Mr. Fujikawa's voice dripped with satisfaction as the final remnants of the fluid drained away.

The capsule opened wide, and I found myself stumbling to my feet, muscles protesting in protest.

I-I am free—


A searing agony gripped my body, emanating from the labyrinthine network of hollow openings that riddled my being.

It felt as if twisted knives relentlessly pierced through each cavity, overwhelming me with excruciating torment. Collapsed on the cold floor, I lay paralyzed, the pain rendering me immobile.

"It's all right. That pain will be gone soon." Mr. Fujikawa took a step forward. He gently patted my head, offering an odd contrast to the suffering ravaging my body.

Summoning every ounce of determination, I mustered enough strength to utter a vow, each word a battle with searing pain.

"I-I will make... you pay for this...!" Despite the torment, my unwavering resolve pierced through the layers of agony.

Mr. Fujikawa turned around, momentarily captivated by something else. His attention diverted, he commanded his companions, his urgency filling the room.

"He can speak... ? Quick! Get my documents! We need to record this-" His words were abruptly silenced by a deafening sound reverberating through the facility.

An explosion? I'm sure it's from the facility... And it's not an ordinary machine failure or something...

The ground trembled under the weight of the eruption, ripping through the peaceful facade of the laboratory. Panic engulfed the others, their worried glances exchanged as they rushed towards the exit, desperate to investigate the source of the commotion. In that moment, it was only Mr. Fujikawa, the mysterious girl, the enigmatic figure in the adjoining capsule, and me left in the room.

As I stood there, observing the tense scene unfolding before me, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Dimly lit by the glow of the screens and the flickering lights above. The air was heavy with anxiety, each breath filled with uncertainty.

The sound of Mr. Fujikawa's voice broke through the silence, his tone filled with urgency.

"Do you think it's them?" he questioned, his eyes fixed on the door.

Them? Who's 'Them'?

The girl, who had been staring intently at the entrance, turned to face him, her expression a mix of fear and hopelessness.

"I wish not," she replied softly, her voice tinged with worry. Her words hung in the air, lingering, as we all contemplated the magnitude of the situation we found ourselves in.

What exactly is they're talking about? Is it a matter I need to be aware of? Maybe not-

Freedom is only what I want!

"Retrieve all the data from this facility and transfer it to the main server. We have no time to waste!" Mr. Fujikawa immediately took command.

His voice was filled with urgency as he and the girl swiftly began their work, their fingers dancing across the keyboards, desperately trying to secure their only chance of escape.

And there I stood, caught between the chaos and my own internal struggle.

Is this an opportunity to escape? Can I even walk? I will never know until I try -!

Summoning the last ounces of strength within me, I braced myself and attempted to stand. Miraculously, I managed to rise, a surge of determination overriding the ache in my legs.

I can do it...! Just a little more!

Every step felt like a heavy blow, but the desire for freedom propelled me forward, one unimaginable paun each step at a time.

"Where are you going? Stay right here, and we'll protect you," Mr. Fujikawa's attention momentarily shifted from the screens to me. His gaze fixed on the massive display before him.

"I don't want protection... I need freedom!" I declared resolutely, my voice filled with an unwavering determination.

Walk! For your freedom- walk!

"What? Thinking of escaping? We're the reason you're alive!" Mr. Fujikawa's desperation seeped into his voice, his declaration echoing through the room.

" 'alive' you said?"

I halted in my tracks, turning to face him, my eyes burning with a fierce resolve.

"You call this a life? I would rather be dead than endure this existence! Every day is torture! Memories of freedom haunt me relentlessly! It's as if I'm being consumed by hell!" My words reverberated throughout the room, filled with anguish and longing.

A moment of silence hung heavy in the air as Mr. Fujikawa's fingers ceased their dance across the keyboard. Slowly, he turned his head towards me, his eyes widening in disbelief.

"Y-You have memories? You never ceased to surprise me!" he stammered, the shock evident in his voice.

"Look at this-!"

In that moment, the girl tore her gaze away from the screen, briefly glancing at me before returning to her task. Mr. Fujikawa gestured towards her, urging her to pay attention.

What's the big deal of being able to speak? I'm a human with a tongue! Am I supposed to just shut my mouth up?! That would never happen!

"You know," he began, his tone shifting, "I can give you your freedom back. But there's one condition—you'll have to work for us." His arms spread wide, encompassing the facility around us.

Tss! What the heck? Is that what his little head could think of?

"Work for you? Ha! Do you think I've lost my mind? You make my life miserable enough to be better dead! And you-!" I scoffed defiantly, resuming my arduous step towards freedom.

He clenched his fist, his resolve hardening.

"In that case, we'll have to use force," he threatened, his voice laced with determination.

The sound of metal cracking behind me caught my attention, causing me to swiftly turn my head. Mr. Fujikawa was holding a gun-like object that emitted lightning-like energy. Panic coursed through me as he prepared to strike.

What do I do?! Can I dodge it? Or in any case block it? But I can't even walk straight-!

But in a twist of fate, a dagger intercepted the lightning projectile, causing it to scatter throughout the room in a brilliant display.

W-What is that?

My eyes shifted towards the door, following Mr. Fujikawa's gaze.

There, three shadowy figures advanced towards us. As they drew nearer, the dim light illuminated their faces. Three girls stood before us—one with dark blue hair and blue eyes, and the other two nearly identical, their brown hair framing their striking blue gaze.

Are they the one Fujikawa's talking about? If I picked it up correct, they're the enemies of this facility...

"The Veiled Guardians- I was expecting your visit, but isn't it too early for this?" Mr. Fujikawa remarked, his tone surprisingly relaxed, as if he knew what would transpire next.

The girl at the machine began frantically typing on the keyboard, racing against time.

But who are they exactly?!

As the three hooded figures closed in, their presence radiated an aura of mystery. The tension in the room heightened, anticipation thick in the air.

"Looks like your research has been paying off, sir?" the blue-haired girl spoke, her voice laced with curiosity. Her gaze shifted, alternating between Mr. Fujikawa and me.

Suddenly, the two brown-haired girls took a step forward, their movements too swift for my eyes to track.

I-I can't follow up their movements- Is that teleportation? No, I'm sure I catch a glimpse of her step, but...

Before I knew it, a piercing scream filled the room, piercing through the chaos and landing directly in my ears.

I turned my head, my heart pounding, only to witness the white-coated girl, the doctor's assistant, with a knife plunged into her stomach. One of the brown-haired girls held her captive, her face devoid of emotion, detached from the pain unraveling before her.

If I were right ... And they are enemies to the facility. That makes them my allies.

Helplessness washed over Mr. Fujikawa as he watched his assistant gasp for breath, unable to alleviate her agony. The weight of his choices, the consequences of his actions, finally hit home.

"Anything important regarding your research, Mr.?" the blue-haired girl inquired, stepping closer to Mr. Fujikawa, who remained motionless in the corner.

A sly smile adorned his face as he taunted,

"001, the first subject of this experiment. I see you've grown stronger than before. Mind if your father wishes for a hug?" The irony of his words hung in the air, a testament to the twisted relationship between them.

The what- First? She's the first subject? And they were here for revenge... ?

In a split second, the girl identified as 001, dashed towards him with lightning speed. With a powerful kick to his core, she sent him crashing into the wall, his body collapsing under her strength.

Mr. Fujikawa's weak groan reverberated through the room. The impact had left deep cracks in the once sturdy wall, bearing witness to the violence that unfolded before my eyes.

Should I intervene? But which side do I go?? But that shouldn't be my main goal. It supposed to be to get out of here no matter what!

The weight of the decision paralyzed me, rendering me motionless as I stood, rooted to the spot, analyzing the chaotic scene unraveling before me.

Girl, known as 001, raised her hands, poised to deliver the fatal blow.

My eyes widened in disbelief as a sword materialized above her, its ethereal form gleaming with an otherworldly power. Time seemed to slow as anticipation hung heavy in the air, the impending strike threatening to shatter the fragile balance of the room.

T-That's- What did I just witnessed? That sword came out of nowhere... And what's with their movements?! What's is happening here?!

Just as the sword was about to descend upon Mr. Fujikawa's vulnerable head, the jarring sound of clapping shattered the tense atmosphere. It reverberated through the room like a crack of thunder, commanding our attention and redirecting our gaze towards the door.

A masked man stood tall, leaning against the door frame with an air of undeniable authority.

His very presence commanded attention, his eyes hidden behind the cold mask of his disguise. It was as if the room had become his stage, and we were mere players in his twisted production.

"002? I'm glad you're here-!" Mr. Fujikawa, his voice filled with relief, called out to the masked man, now identified as 002.

Before his words could fully escape his lips, they were abruptly silenced as the sword descended upon him, severing his life with a swift and merciless stroke. Blood sprayed forth in a crimson arc, painting the room in a macabre display of chaos and violence.

She killed him...

The masked man continued to clap, his tone laced with sadistic delight.

"Ah, such an exquisite performance," he remarked, his words dripping with a perverse satisfaction.

The two partner-clad girls, having successfully disposed of the coated girl, now prepared themselves for the impending battle. As the tension escalated, the lines between friend and foe blurred, leaving me in a state of profound uncertainty.

001, the girl who had wielded the deadly sword, took charge, her orders delivered with an unwavering authority. "054, take this man and get out of here," she instructed one of the brown-haired girls with a sense of urgency. "055, we'll buy them time," she directed the other, their obedience swift, their loyalty unquestionable.

Wait- wait... I think I get it-

The masked man, his sadistic glee not yet extinguished,

"No one's leaving!" He charged towards me, his malevolence practically tangible.

Once again... Just what the heck is with their speed?!

I tracked his movements with my eyes, but my body remained unresponsive, trapped in a cocoon of helplessness.

Move-! I CAN'T MOVE!

The two girls, sensing my vulnerability, positioned themselves protectively in front of me, their determination unwavering.

They're protecting me? Alright! Now it's seems clear now. I would take their side! Why? Because my intuition said so, and they're protecting me.

The masked man approached, engaging the girls in a dangerous battle of wills and weapons. Their strikes clashed and echoed throughout the room, each movement a testament to their formidable skill.

This man... And this girls... They're all far from being a normal being, that's for sure.

Yet, amidst the chaos, I caught a glimpse of the masked man's sinister smirk, his eyes fixated on me with a chilling intensit.

He's after me now! I didn't do anything!

In an instant, he vanished, leaving behind only whispers of his presence.

Where'd he go?! I know he's after me... With that stare he had... He will not leave me alive!

Adrenaline surged through my veins as I frantically searched for any trace of him. But my efforts were in vain; only to see the three girls dashing towards me with concerned and determined paints on their faces.

Behind me -?!

Instinct kicked in, and I swiftly turned my head to dodge, just in time, but there was nothing behind me.

What now?! From above-

My intuition urged me to roll to the side. As I did, a small explosion erupted, accompanied by a gust of wind, where I had been sitting just moments before.

I didn't look up... but I... I-I dodged it?

Relief washed over me, but the masked man wore an evil smile, his eyes conveying his twisted pleasure, even through his mask.

"Oh... You dodged it? How exciting!" he taunted, clenching his fist and charging at me once again.