
Concealed: The Hidden Power

"The earth where we live is like an illusion of the real world. You have to travel all way to a parallel world to gather the stone to save this world." She was just an alonely orphan but suddenly she becomes part of the most influential family. When the evil force which her ancestor has surpassed began to raise again a group of teenagers was given a task to defeat it again. All they have to do was find seven stones and unseal the hidden power. However, will they even find the stone, awaken their power and save the world. And mainly will they be able to shut the mouth of people saying. "They are girls, can they even save themselves."

Geniesa · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

Kiro I

"Oh my god, what is that?"

Druhi cry pointing at the things outside the window.

There was a mysterious insect outside of the window having a face like a bullet ant but has large wings like of butterfly but with thorns in it. Its body was like a bird but with no feather on it and where one could see all of its internal organs.

"Stop screaming you are going to alert other people," she said not wanting Druhi to scream attract not only people but also the monsters ahead of them. She grabs Druhi arms tightly and stands in front of her as a shield.

"What the hell it is, it looks kind of gross." Druhi whisper trying not to vomit seeing all the blood running in their body which was surprisingly yellowish. They slowly move backwards as they notice, the monsters outside hasn't attacked yet. And was trying to sniff the scent of them.

"Kiro, it is one of the dangerous species out there,.... mainly it will not have those wings and thorn on them and they are mostly blind. Maybe it's the mutant one, it must be stronger than the normal one."

Druhi looks somewhat confused and lost.

"Are they that dangerous, it doesn't look like it spat fire."

She chuckled listening to Druhi words before continuing.

"Oh, it does sweetheart, It spat the fire and not a normal one. It could turn you into ash before you even realise it. And it stings, its sting hurt so bad that you will lose your mind from pain in a minute."

She still wants to question her but then they heard the loud growl of the monster outside the window. As if they were hungry for some days they began to drool and sniff frantically.

Druhi looks at the girl in front of her as if she knows so much about these monsters. Which she has never heard of or has never seen then it must be after her, as long as she stays far from here they will not harm her in any way. But again she thinks this girl has saved her life although she couldn't do anything she shouldn't leave her alone.

"Don't try thinking running away, they are dangerous. Trust me you are safer with me." Druhi heard the girl whispering to her and glaring at her as a warning. But again she thinks if she stays she will be a burden to her. Thinking that she slowly move backwards and once she reaches the door she sprints off. "We'll meet again."

"Yahh, you idiot." she looks at the monster ahead which has begun to trace their scents and moving forward. She hated the decision to not tying Druhi with her and let her make some stupid decision. "Come back you little stupid."

Druhi ignored all of her shouts and began to run toward the elevator. She can hear the buzzing sound of an insect being near to her and also the sound of a girl calling her. But thinking as long as she hid away from the girl she will be okay she runs with all her might.

But before she reached the elevator a large blue flame melt the elevator door to the point that there was a big hole in the wall of a building. She then notices one of the Kiro was coming in her direction trying to sting her. But with her quick reflex, she dodges it down and then runs towards the staircase. But to her surprise, the staircase was also totally damaged from the attack before.

She then can feel something sniffing at her from above, with the last remaining courage she looked to find a Kiro above the head before it can attack her someone grabs her arm and pull her toward the damaged staircase.

And in another second they were falling off from the six-storey building. She felt an arm tightly hugging her from behind. But what amazed her as they have a safe landing as if falling in the pool of feather. No pain and bruises.

"You idiot, didn't I tell you to stay with me."

"Didn't I get into trouble because they are following you."

The girl rolls her eyes at her comment.

"How can you be so sure if they are all following me or not."

"Because I know, they aren't the normal insect which can be found on this planet. I'm sure it must be do something with you."

"Don't be too much sure to your own logic." With that, she gets up on her feet and proceeds to look at her surrounding.

"What are you looking at hurry up and help me to get up." She grabs her hand and pulls her up but before Druhi can get up on her feet, suddenly Kiro released a ball of fire. In order to dodge the fireball their hand slip and Druhi fall down again. But this time she falls bad bruising her arms in the process.

As of some sort of signal, many other Kiro also starts to come towards them. It makes Druhi panic, she thought she was gonna die in this instant. Then she remembers her only best friend. She was glad at least she wasn't there with her. Otherwise, she would also suffer the same tragedy she was suffering right now.

She curves herself into the ball ready to feel the pain of burning alive. But only she felt was an immense heat no pain no ache at all. She slowly opens her eyes only to find herself wrapped in a large blue bubble. Which was protecting her from all the ball of fire from Kiro's. And her being inside the bubble she felt it floating in the air and in a matter of second she was tossed into the air far from all the agony.

She was landed a bit far but she didn't pain at all as she was still inside the bubble. Suddenly she appeared in front of her again. Druhi was shocked to see her dark blue eyes were burning now and her whole body emits the trail of blue mist as the colour of her eyes.

"Stay here don't be panic, this bubble will keep you safe. I'll handle the Kiro, stay here. You may not have trust in me but you have to believe me I'll not let anyone hurt you."

Druhi nods her head as she didn't have many options left besides believing in her.

With that, she turns to leave. But was stopped in middle.

"Y-You, You too stay safe."