
Comprehensive Manga: Invincible From The Beginning

Travel through the Uchiha clan and bind the sacrifice system. Obtain all abilities through sacrifice. Sacrifice to get Mera-mera Fruit. Sacrifice to get Sparkling fruit. Sacrifice and get a Platinum Star.

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51 Chs

Chapter 9

"System, open the panel.""brush!!!""I saw a light curtain that only Uchiha Katsushi could see appeared in front of me, and it said..."sacrifice systemHost: Uchiha KatsushiSacrifice Shop: Hokage World is openSacrifice points: 20/100Ability: [Simulated Star Creation Map: Root]Bloodline: Uchiha Bloodline, Perfect Sage BodyNinjutsu: Chakra Refining Technique, Three Body TechniqueSystem Space: UnlimitedWorld Authority: None"Um!""There are already 20 sacrifice points!""Yes, yes. The sacrifice will be ready soon.""Hahaha!!!""From now on, this era will be called Uchiha Katsushi." Uchiha Katsushi thought excitedly.~~~Noon, after lunch.In the study, it was still the same place, with the same proud old man and the two brats."No way, how is it?""Have you learned it? Do you need grandpa to teach you?""Hahaha!""Smelly brat, you've got to suffer." Uchiha Zhushan said with a long-planned tone while talking and laughing."Uchiha Katsushi...""Looking at Uchiha Takeyama, who was laughing wildly in front of him, and Uchiha Mikoto, who was covering his mouth and giggling next to him, to be honest, Uchiha Katsushi was very excited.""Because this means that Uchiha Katsushi will soon receive a huge wave of sacrifice points.""Thinking of this, Uchiha Katsushi couldn't help it.""I saw Uchiha Katsushi put his hands on his chest and quickly formed a mudra.""Nani, seeing Uchiha Katsushi's posture, Uchiha Zhushan and Uchiha Mikoto were shocked, and there was a burst of doubt in their hearts. Did Katsushi really learn it? The two thought together.""Boom""What shocked the two of them really happened. Uchiha Katsushi became another person sitting in the study.""How is it! Old man, does it look like it?""Seeing these two identical Uchiha Bamboo Mountains, Uchiha Mikoto was shocked. He didn't expect Katsushi to be such a genius. Even family members like her who live together day and night would not be able to tell the difference if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes.""As for Uchiha Zhushan, after being horrified for a while, he was filled with joy. Unexpectedly, Katsushi is such a genius. Even the ancestor Uchiha Madara couldn't have such a talent.""You must know that Uchiha Madara is a strong man who suppressed an era. If it weren't for the existence of First Hokage Senju Hashirama, then Uchiha Madara would be the representative of invincibility.""In this way, Katsushi can also become that kind of existence.""Thinking of this, Uchiha Zhushan's heart became hot, but then he became depressed, because this is not the Sengoku era, and now Uchiha should keep a low profile. The era of the Uchiha clan covering the sky with one hand is over."However, looking at Uchiha Katsushi who has become like himself with the Transformation Technique, Uchiha Takeyama sighed excitedly: "Uchiha's future is born today."~~~"Yes, it seems that the lottery for the sacrifice point has been settled."Looking at Uchiha Takeyama whose expression is constantly changing in front of him and Uchiha Mikoto who is surprised and unable to close his mouth beside him, Uchiha Katsushi thought excitedly."Um!"Seeing Uchiha Mikoto's expression, Uchiha Katsushi suddenly had a bad taste in his heart, and then said: "Mikoto, call me grandpa.""Uchiha Mikoto...""Uchiha Takeyama...""Um..."All right! Seeing that the two of them were stunned first, and then looked at the scum, Uchiha Katsushi was defeated, and then said: "Just pretend I didn't say anything.""Boom" With a soft sound, white smoke drifted away, Uchiha Katsushi released the Transformation Technique, and transformed back."Ahem...""Looking at Uchiha Katsushi who has changed back to his original form, Uchiha Zhushan thinks that it may be because he cares too little about Katsushi that he develops such a frivolous character."So he said: "Katsushi, don't worry, grandpa will definitely care about you in the future, and he looked at Uchiha Katsushi Katsushi with a guilty expression.""It turned out to be like this, so Katsushi wanted me to call him Grandpa because he wanted me to get closer to him, and he felt lonely." Uchiha Mikoto saw Uchiha Takeyama saying this, and relied on his own imagination to sum up a story."So Uchiha Mikoto said to Uchiha Katsushi: "Don't worry, Katsushi, I will accompany you more in the future. "He said and nodded to Uchiha Zhushan, expressing his understanding."what!...""Watching Uchiha Takeyama and Uchiha Mikoto comfort themselves while nodding to each other with a cheering expression.""To be honest, Uchiha Katsushi said that his brain hurts a bit. What did you make up in your brain? That's why you said that.""By the way, Katsushi, have you learned all the Three Body Techniques?" Shi Yu Zhibo Zhushan asked with interest as if he remembered something.Uchiha Katsushi breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that he finally got back to the topic. Then he said, "That's right, I've learned everything.""I have learned it all, so it seems that the cultivation of Katsushi has to be accelerated. After all, for a true genius, he is not afraid of learning too much, but he is afraid of not learning."Thinking of this, Uchiha Zhushan said to Uchiha Katsushi: "Since you have learned it, come here first today.""Tomorrow morning, I will teach you other basics. Now I will teach Mikoto first, and tell Mikoto about your impressions of sealing.""No problem, then Uchiha Katsushi's teaching time begins."~~~"time flies."At night, the crescent moon dominates the stars in the sky, and Uchiha Katsushi is inexplicably excited to see this moon created by Sage of Six Paths Ōtsutsuki Hamura."In the future, I can do such small things. Even the unfilial son Sage of Six Paths is just a reptile in front of me.""Hum hum!""Hahaha!" Uchiha Katsushi thought while looking at the moon and laughing wildly in his heart."System, open the properties panel.""brush!""A light curtain emerged, with the words..."sacrifice systemHost: Uchiha KatsushiSacrifice Shop: Hokage World is openSacrifice points: 50/100Ability: [Simulated Star Creation Map: Root]Bloodline: Uchiha Bloodline, Perfect Sage BodyNinjutsu: Chakra Refining Technique, Three Body TechniqueSystem Space: UnlimitedWorld Authority: None"I rely on..."