
Comprehensive Manga: Invincible From The Beginning

Travel through the Uchiha clan and bind the sacrifice system. Obtain all abilities through sacrifice. Sacrifice to get Mera-mera Fruit. Sacrifice to get Sparkling fruit. Sacrifice and get a Platinum Star.

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51 Chs

Chapter 42

In this way, through the turbulent flow of people, the three of them relaxed until they returned to the Uchiha family's clan.After all, the crowd just now was densely packed, and the voices were still messy. There was noise everywhere, and I was very depressed.So, the three of them didn't say anything, and hurried home.Uchiha clan land."call!"Appeared together with the relaxation sound of the three.Uchiha Katsushi, Uchiha Zhushan and Uchiha Mikoto, the three looked at each other and suddenly laughed together."Hahaha!!!""No way, Mikoto, how was your first day at school?""Elder, why are you so happy!"Before Uchiha Katsushi and Uchiha Mikoto could speak, a voice came from the Uchiha tribe behind them."It's the Second Elder! Isn't this my grandson? Granddaughter is going to school today? After school, alas! You should understand!" Seeing that it was the Second Elder of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Zhushan vomited bitterly.Hearing Uchiha Zhushan's words, the second elder also nodded quickly and said: "I understand, the first day of school and the end of school are the most chaotic times!""That scene, once a year, is hard to forget!" The second elder sighed."This is Katsushi and Mikoto! They have grown so big in the blink of an eye." The second elder said."No way, Mikoto, this is the second elder, say hello to the second elder!" said Uchiha Takeyama."Hello Second Elder!" Uchiha Katsushi and Uchiha Mikoto said in unison."Okay, okay, you are the future of our Uchiha clan, you should practice hard!" The second elder said with a smile."We know, don't worry! Second Elder." Uchiha Katsushi said."Okay, then I won't bother you, let's go home and celebrate!" After saying that, the second elder left the Uchiha tribe."Let's go, no way, Mikoto, let's go home." Uchiha Takeyama said.In this way, the three of them returned home while the Uchiha tribe greeted each other with a big elder."call...""Finally home, Grandpa, you didn't forget the hot pot, didn't you! Uchiha Mikoto asked.""Haha!! How come!" Uchiha Zhushan laughed.~~~After the meal, the three of them lay on the tatami in the living room after eating the hot pot, clutching their stomachs and saying, "It's cool.""No way, Mikoto, how are you guys doing at the ninja school today!" Uchiha Takeyama said following the question on his return."Does it need to be said? Grandpa, the ninja school is a play house for me and Mikoto." Uchiha Katsushi said while lying down in another position."Yeah! Grandpa, ninja school is so boring!" Uchiha Mikoto also said."Haha!!" This is normal. The ninja school mainly trains civilian ninjas. For us ninjas, it is just for you to have a relaxed childhood."Moreover, the ninja school can also allow our ninja juniors to get in touch with each other and get to know each other in advance, and it can also let you know some talented ninjas among the common people.""Only for commoners, a ninja school is a place for serious study," Uchiha explained."So that's it, by the way, old man, we have a lot of family ninjas this year!""In our class alone, there are the Senju clan, the Hyuga clan and the Ino–Shika–Chō clan." Uchiha Katsushi was deliberately curious.After all, Uchiha Katsushi is still young, and it is not normal to know too much, so Uchiha Katsushi behaves like he doesn't understand much."Senju family? What's their name?" Uchiha Zhushan asked curiously when he heard the Senju family."Senju Nawaki." Uchiha Katsushi said."I see, grandson of Senju Hashirama!""Unfortunately, after the death of Senju Tobirama, the Senju clan is also abolished. It is difficult to compare with our Uchiha clan. This can also be said to be self-inflicted!""Hahaha!!!" Uchiha Zhushan smiled happily.Hearing what Uchiha Zhushan said, Uchiha Katsushi certainly understood what it meant?However, he didn't say anything, and asked pretending not to understand: "Old man, what are you talking about?""No way, you are still young. When you grow up, grandpa will show you and Mikoto the family history of the Uchiha clan.""Okay! I didn't expect that the family history of the Uchiha family also recorded how the Senju family was abolished. It really deserves to be an opposing family." Uchiha Katsushi sighed in his heart.~~~The sun rises, the sun falls.Uchiha Katsushi and Uchiha Mikoto, who finished breakfast, went to school by themselves today."Master, I went to school with Mikoto." Uchiha Katsushi said."Grandpa, Katsushi and I are leaving." Uchiha Mikoto also said."Okay, go slowly, there is no rush today." Uchiha Zhushan's voice came from the house.However, after Uchiha Katsushi and Uchiha Mikoto left, Uchiha Takeyama was a Body Flicker Technique that appeared outside the house.Then, he quickly moved to the outside of the Uchiha family's clan. After Uchiha Zhushan appeared, two figures appeared behind Uchiha Zhushan in an instant, kneeling on one knee."Great Elder." The two said in unison."Um!""From now on, as long as Katsushi and Mikoto leave the clan territory, you two will be responsible for protecting the two of them in the dark."Yes, Great Elder." The two replied."Um!""I'm going back first!" After saying that, Uchiha Zhushan disappeared in an instant.The two Uchiha ninjas also disappeared instantly.At this time, Uchiha Katsushi and Uchiha Mikoto have just walked outside the Uchiha clan."Um?"Uchiha Katsushi's Observation Haki felt it, two eyes.Uchiha Katsushi felt a little strange, and immediately covered the surroundings with Observation Haki.Sure enough, there were two ninjas hiding in the dark, but after using the Observation Haki to see the [Fan] clan emblem behind them, Uchiha Katsushi was not surprised.After all, the only ninjas who dare to hide near the Uchiha clan's land are the Uchiha clan.As an outsider, even Hokage's direct subordinate Anbu has to be driven out, because Uchiha is very powerful now, not as cowardly as Uchiha Fugaku when he was the patriarch."It seems that these two ninjas should be sent by the old man to protect Mikoto and me.""After all, although I am very strong in the eyes of the old man, I am still young and have never experienced ninja battles, so it is normal to send someone to secretly protect Mikoto and me." Uchiha Katsushi thought analytically in his heart.