
Cohabitation l


Adrienne, Felicia, and I emerged from the bedroom to survey the damage from last night's house party. Surprisingly, there wasn't much.

Yeah, I knew there had been beer cans and bottles strewn about the room, but most had already ended up in our recycle bins. The furniture was more or less where it was supposed to be, and someone had cleaned up the puddle of beer where a drunk Tracy McMillan had decided to upend a bottle over her tits last night.

"Oh, hey guys," I moved forward. "You're guests. You shouldn't have to do that."

Bert and Lynne were up and about, putting the last of the beer cans away and fixing the crooked lamp shade. Bert shrugged. "We were up. Seemed like the least we could do for you guys inviting us and letting us crash overnight."

Lynne just fixed a naughty smile on her face, her eyes obviously roving up and down my body. "Looks like somebody had a good time this morning."

Bert blushed a bright pink. "Sounded like it, too," he blurted.

Lynne giggled. "This house has absolutely no soundproofing."

It was my turn to blush. "Did we wake you?"

"Technically ... no," Lynne replied while glancing at Bert. Then her eyes rolled up to the ceiling. "It was Dayna squalling at the top of her lungs that really did it. Or I suppose it could be Tracy. Either way, it started upstairs. But then yeah, you guys were pretty loud. 'Cum, bitch, cum'? 'Take my cock up your ass'?" Lynne giggled. "Ben, I'm glad you never got that wild with me."

Bert turned bright pink again, his eyes darting back and forth between Adrienne and Felicia, who were standing behind me wearing nothing but my T-shirts. It seemed like the poor guy was trying to figure out which girl I'd just finished sodomizing.

"Anyways, we're almost done." Lynne waved me off. "Go ahead and get cleaned up you guys. We'll finish up."

"Okay," Adrienne then put in. "But you have to stay and let us make you breakfast. Deal?"

Bert's stomach growled loudly. He looked up with a goofy grin and replied, "Deal."


[knock knock]

I looked up and said, "Come in."

The door swung open and a cute redhead in a simple blouse and skirt stood in the doorway. It was the first time I'd seen Paige in something other than a schoolgirl uniform; and for the first time she really looked eighteen to me.

"Hi, Ben," she started nervously while waving back into the living room. "Adrienne said you shouldn't be too busy. But if you are, I can come back another time."

I read the hopeful need in her voice and simply nodded, gesturing next to me on the daybed. I put my book down and pushed myself into a corner. "You look better. Last time I saw you, you were a little green around the gills."

She blushed as she sat down and smoothed her skirt in front of her. "Thanks for getting me home. I don't think I'd ever been that drunk before. Actually, I had planned to come visit yesterday; but I wound up with the worst hangover."

I smiled. "Be glad you puked then; it cleared out a lot of the alcohol. Otherwise your hangover might have been worse."

She smiled and looked down, "Lesson learned."

I smiled back and relaxed somewhat. Another new development was that Paige was moving at what felt like half-speed. Normally she was such a hyper, chatty sprite. But today, with the more grown-up clothes and toned down attitude, I could see the young adult woman she was becoming. "So what's up?" I asked.

Paige pinched her lips nervously and glanced away before beginning, "I wanted to apologize for how I behaved at the party on Friday. My memory isn't perfect, but I'm pretty sure I kind of threw myself at you, didn't I?"

I shrugged. "No apology necessary."

She smiled wryly. "You probably have girls throwing themselves at you all the time, don't you?"

I chuckled. "Uh, I don't want to say ALL the time."

Paige looked at me a little funny. "Do you sleep with them?"

I shrugged. "Sometimes."

She bit her lip and glanced down for a moment. "Then why didn't you?"

I arched an eyebrow. "Didn't what? Sleep with you?"

She nodded.

"Paige, you know I'm with Adrienne."

The cute redhead looked a way, taking a long time to think before turning back to me and sighing, "Is that the only reason?"

"You were drunk, Paige."

"I'm not drunk now."

"You throwing yourself at me right now?"

"Would you have sex with me if I did?"

I had to cut this off before it got out of hand. Taking a deep breath, I collected myself and then asked, "Paige, what's going on?"

She huffed and looked away. "Am I not pretty enough for you? Sexy enough? I mean, I know I'm short and my boobs aren't that big but-"

"Paige, Paige," I sat up and took her hands. I squeezed until she slowed down again, calming her breathing and looking right back into my eyes. Only then did I ask again, "What's going on?"

She tilted her head. "I want ... I want..." She took another breath. "I've got a big crush on you, Ben."

I bit my lip and sighed. "Paige, I'm in love with Adrienne."

"I know..." She pulled her hands back and turned away.

"And you don't even really know me," I explained.

"You rescued me, Ben. That's all I need to know."

"Ryan rescued you. I just got my ass kicked."

Paige shook her head. "You did. You came in, even though you had no idea Ryan was coming; and I got free because of you."

"Then it's just a hero-worship complex. Paige, I'd be happy to get to know you, as a friend. And I WANT to be your friend. It's like I now have this cosmic responsibility to make sure you're safe and keep you out of trouble. But if you're looking for a boyfriend, I'm sorry."

Still turned to the side, the petite redhead blinked a few times before glancing back at me. "What if I just want to give my virginity to you?"

"Paige!" I barked.

She winced and looked away again.

"Think about that before you say anything. A girl's virginity is very precious to her."

"And I can't think of a better guy to give it to." She looked at me with big blue puppy dog eyes.

I shook my head. Yeah, I'd slept with other girls since hooking up with Adrienne, all with her permission. Girls like Candy, Heather, Helene, and now Dayna. But this was a little different. None of those girls had latent feelings for me; they just wanted sex. Romantic emotions ... complicated things. "Paige, it wouldn't be right. That's something you should save until you're sure about it, sure about the guy."

"I'm sure about you!"

"You don't even know me." I held up a hand to forestall her response. "Not really. Not yet. And it wouldn't be fair to you, knowing that my heart belongs to someone else."

A solitary tear rolled down her cheek, but she gritted her teeth and nodded. I wanted badly to reach out and hug her, reassure her, but in a moment like this, such affection would only raise false hopes. I waited patiently, looking sympathetic but stern.

At last, she took a deep breath, nodding again. "I get it. I'm not happy with it; but I get it."

"Paige, I'm sorry."

"No, it's okay. I know I can't compete with a goddess like Adrienne, anyways."

"It's not about that and you know it." I took a chance, saying, "If it makes you feel any better, you are very sexy Paige. You've a beautiful face and your body is quite boner-inducing."

A little smile tugged at the corners of her lips and she turned to face me with a twinkle in her eye. "Really?"


"So..." Paige began in a curious tone. "If I didn't have this crush on you, you'd consider sleeping with me?"

"No," I shook my head firmly. "Your virginity is still something I'd recommend you save for the right guy."

Paige grinned. "I DID say I still know stuff. There're ... other ... things we could do..."

"Paige..." I began in a warning tone.

"Okay, okay." She waved and turned back, taking a deep breath. "I can't help it, Ben. You turn me on."

"That's okay, I don't mind." I shrugged.

Paige inhaled again. "Please tell me I didn't totally ruin any chance of being friends with you."

I shook my head. "No, not at all." I sat up now and re-took her hands, squeezing gently and rubbing the backs of her fingers with my thumbs. "I told you I'd give you the chance to get to know me; and I'd like to get to know you, too."

She smiled radiantly, looking adorably cute. "Me, too."


"You were quite loud that time," Adrienne giggled as she unbuttoned my shirt and yanked it down my arms.

"Dayna was in a particular mood."

"YOU were in a particular mood," my girlfriend giggled while she worked my jeans. They were easy to remove since I'd never bothered to zip myself back up.

"Sorry ... I was just sooo horny..."

Adrienne laughed, "I know. I'm your girlfriend, remember?"

"Most girlfriends don't send their boyfriends upstairs to practically rape the hot blonde," I reasoned and stepped out of my jeans.

"I was busy. I was in the middle of a chapter and I didn't want to lose my train of thought," Adrienne hummed while she fisted my cock.

"I know, I know. I'm not complaining."

Adrienne giggled again. "Mmm ... you've still got her juices on you." And then the gorgeous blonde darted her head forward and almost immediately dropped her lips to the very base of my cock, taking my full length deep into her throat.

I groaned in pleasure and then she pulled back, smacking her lips. "Yummy. Now I want you to tell me what you did to her."

"What?" I arched an eyebrow.

"Tell me. Play-by-play." Adrienne nodded firmly before taking me into her mouth again. I'd only cum the one time with Dayna and was rock hard for more.

I grinned and thought about it. "Well, uh, Dayna did say anytime, anywhere," I began, sighing happily while running my fingers through my girlfriend's silky blonde hair.

Adrienne popped off. "And in any hole, right?"

I chuckled. "Well, I didn't want to have to clean up before coming down here. Otherwise, Dayna DID want me up her ass..."

Adrienne giggled and resumed her blowjob.

"Anyways, I was so hot and horny I literally just banged Dayna's door open, startling her away from her books. She looked frightened for all of half a second before she saw the gleam in my eyes. And she was unresisting from that point on as I grabbed her shoulders and started manhandling her. Hell, I think she got wet just because I was being so forceful."

"Mmm..." Adrienne moaned around my meat, her lips quivering and her eyelids fluttering.

"I took her right there over her desk. Didn't even bother to remove her clothes. She was soaking wet by the time I got her jeans and panties down to her knees, and I left them there, keeping her legs together. Her cunt was sooo freakin' tight that way," I sighed.

"Mmm..." Adrienne moaned again.

"I got my hands inside her shirt and under her bra. The straps kinda pinched down around my wrists, but I wasn't going to let go of her tits. I squeezed them roughly and pinched her nipples while using them as handholds to ram her body back against me. Dayna had her own hands braced on top of some papers, and they started slipping all over the desk and she had to scramble not to fall over while I kept pounding her pussy from behind."

"Mmm-nnnghhh..." Adrienne groaned. She was fingering herself by now.

"Once she got a grip on the desk and started fucking her hips back at me, I began spanking her. She was shrieking so loud by then, yelling 'Fuck me! Harder!' Could you hear her from down here?"

"Mm-hmm," Adrienne nodded and sucked again. I was getting close.

"I'm not sure how long it was, but it didn't take long. I was so revved up I just powered my way through her body without restraint. I never went near her clit, but Dayna tightened up and came pretty quickly herself. That time she was so loud, Brandi actually came over and started watching. Can you believe that?"

Adrienne smiled around my dick mirthfully, picturing me hammering away at Dayna over her desk while my big sister stood in the doorway, masturbating herself.

"I only lasted another minute after that. I wasn't trying to hold back, I just wanted to cum. So I dug my nails into Dayna's tits and jerked her against my crotch, roaring as I started spunking my load into her body. My hips must have jerked three or four times while I filled her up, and when I was done, I simply smacked her ass again and said, 'Thanks for the ride.'"

Adrienne giggled, causing pleasant vibrations to shoot up my rod.

"Dayna just groaned and sagged against the desk. I could see my cum already starting to leak out of her pink taco. And I simply turned around and grinned to Brandi, saying, 'She's all yours.'" I chuckled. "My sister couldn't get Dayna's jeans and panties off fast enough. I heard Brandi slurping my jism out of Dayna's cunt before I even got to the stairs. And now I'm here."

"Mmm-hmm..." Adrienne hummed, and then took me deep into her throat once again.

Listening to my story had gotten her revved up, and Adrienne attacked my cock with a fervor. She actually brought herself off once before reaching out with her hands to fondle my balls and tickle the underside of my shaft. A few moments later, the hot blonde got the result she'd desired as I started busting my nut inside her mouth.

I watched Adrienne's throat contracting with every gulp, hearing the wet sounds of her swallowing while she jacked my rod in her right hand and continued fondling my testicles with her left. And such a look of blissful pleasure crossed my girlfriend's face that I couldn't be sure she hadn't just orgasmed again.

In the end, Adrienne sucked me dry and pulled back to take a deep breath, filling her lungs with oxygen and causing her tits to expand in her tight top. She swept her lower lip out to clean up the little bit of cum that had started to leak out, and then smacked her lips happily.

"Next time, go ahead and fuck Dayna's ass." Adrienne grinned up at me from her position still kneeling in our bedroom. "Then come down here, bend me over, lube me up, and cornhole the hell outta me, too. Got it?"

I grinned. "Got it."


"Hey everyone."

I looked up from my spot on the couch to see Angela Chan and Monique St. Claire walk in. Only a couple of weeks into the semester, they — and all our other friends — didn't bother ringing the doorbell anymore. If the front door was unlocked, people just cruised on in. It was easier than having someone constantly get up to answer the door.

As people living in an off-campus house, within days I found that we'd become Social Central. We were convenient to a lot of academic areas, as much as the dorms. But our living room was a private lounge for our cadre of friends as opposed to the masses at one of the dorms or any other campus hangout. Some people congregated on the steps of Sproul Hall every day; our friends congregated here.

On this day, Dawn, Ryan, Gwen, Robin, Paige, and Bert were with me in the living room while we all studied or did homework. Including Adrienne, I supposed this was my new "crew". On any given day, most all of us would end up hanging out in some form or another. It wasn't quite as routine as my old High School lunch group, but we eight were the daily regulars in the living room.

Angela and Monique waved to us and then headed for the stairs, going up to hang out with Brandi and Dayna. Dayna's Master Bedroom had its own sitting area up there.

I was just getting back into my book when a loud voice shattered the silence. "Oh, come ON, Ben. This is the third time this week!"

"Wait, what?" I frowned.

My girlfriend came storming out of our bedroom looking as if I'd just dropped my shorts and taken a crap in her underwear drawer. "It's a frikkin' big hamper, Ben!" Adrienne bitched. "I thought you were a basketball player! How the fuck do you miss THAT?"


"Your socks! They're on the floor! AGAIN!"

I got defensive. "They're ... around ... the hamper."

"But not IN the hamper, Ben! IN the hamper!" Adrienne tossed her hands into the air and stomped back into the bedroom.

"Trouble in paradise?" Robin snarked.

"Don't!" I pointed a finger at the pretty brunette threateningly. The sarcastic girl just shrugged and turned back to her book.

"Classic roommate conflict," Gwen mused. She was a psych major and not taking Math 16A with us, but our house was still her primary hangout spot. "You and Miss Perfect starting to get on each other's nerves already?"

I rolled my eyes. "They're just socks, Gwen. Don't make a big deal out of it. And Adrienne's not 'Miss Perfect'."

Gwen shrugged. "If you say so. But if this is the first time you've ever lived with a girl, you're in for one hell of a nightmare the next few months."

"I've lived with FOUR sisters," I sighed.

"But never like this," Gwen giggled. "Mark my words."


"Come ON, Ben! What did you do with my Comparative Lit book?"

"What? What?" I frowned. I paused the PS2 on which I'd been gaming with Bert. I hadn't been much of a video gamer before but Bert had decided to leave his at our house since he didn't spend much time at home anymore. And with the console just beckoning to us every day ... well ... why NOT have a little entertainment?

Adrienne came stomping out of our bedroom waving a thick Comparative Literature text. "Well?"

I arched an eyebrow and pointed. "Uh, isn't THAT the Comparative Lit book?"

"Ben!" Adrienne huffed. "This is YOUR Comparative Lit book. Where's MINE?"

I screwed up my face. "Huh? It's the same thing."

"No ... it's NOT!" I swear you could see flames shooting out of my girlfriend's ears. "Mine has my NOTES in the margins!"

"Oh, uh..." I'd had the class just that afternoon. I fumbled around for my backpack and opened the main compartment, pulling out Adrienne's Comparative Lit book. "Uh, sorry."

"Ben!" Adrienne sighed. "I know we're sharing a room and all but you'd THINK you could keep your own shit straight."

"Sorry," I shrugged and turned back to the video game, unpausing it.

By the way, guys: Turning away and re-starting the video game is a BAD thing to do when your girlfriend is upset with you. Adrienne made this point quite clear when she walked up behind me and smacked me upside the head with my Comparative Lit book.

"Oww!!!" I squalled. But that was all I had time to do as Adrienne dropped my book onto the coffee table with a thud and grabbed hers, storming back into our bedroom.

Yeah ... I wasn't getting laid tonight...


"You look a little frazzled today," Dawn bumped her hip into mine, momentarily knocking me off balance while we trudged up the hill. She looked absolutely adorable in a navy blue Cal baseball cap with her sunny blonde hair drawn into braided pigtails, a la DJ. A ringer T-shirt that hugged her nice tits and spray- painted jeans completed her sporty but sexy look.

"Don't wanna talk about it."

"What? Big Ben goes a night without sex and he wakes up all cranky?"

"I said I don't want to talk about it, Dawn," I grumped.

"Hey, what good is it being your best friend if I can't tease you every now and again?" she giggled.

"Dawn..." I growled.

"What? You gonna get mad at me? Come on, I'd like to see that. You're NEVER mad at me," the pretty blonde laughed mockingly.

"Grr!" I turned and dipped my shoulder, pushing it into Dawn's midsection and lifting her up while she squealed and laughed as I stood up straight. My best friend was flopped over my shoulder like a rag doll.

"Ben! Ben!" she shrieked and giggled at the same time.

"I'll show you mad!" I laughed and spanked her butt.


I spanked her again. "Naughty girl!" [spank]. "This'll teach you to tease me!" [spank]

"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry!" she laughed and immediately I set her back down onto her feet.

"Whew..." Dawn sighed, stopping and putting her hands on her hips. "Sometimes I forget how strong you are."

I shrugged. "Fucking improves muscle tone."

"Maybe..." Dawn grinned mischievously, a new gleam coming into her eyes. "But unfortunately you missed your regular workout last night."

I rolled my eyes and then darted forward, Dawn turning and running away this time while cackling gleefully.

I chased her eagerly, deliberately not quite catching up to her while she bobbed and weaved amongst the other students around us until finally she stopped and turned, letting me grab her around her waist and lift her into the air while spinning us around.

With delighted glee on her beautiful face, Dawn laughed and hung onto me for dear life. But eventually, she patted my shoulders and I set her back down. The both of us then paused to catch our breath.

I had to admit one thing: I didn't feel so grumpy anymore.


"Oh, come ON, Adrienne!"

Adrienne could complain all she wanted about my inability to locate the hamper ... or trash can ... or whatever. It's not like she was a neat-freak either. She had an annoying habit of leaving papers on every single possible flat surface available in our room. Desks, shelves, bookcases, end tables, whatever. Paper, paper, paper. School notes, mail, flyers she picked up for some odd reason around campus: All managed to end up covering our room.

This day, I had to make a run into town to pick up groceries, things like a 25 lb. bag of rice and some other large items that would require the use of a car. Only ... I couldn't find the keys to the Mustang.

What felt like fifteen minutes later, I finally dug them out from underneath a pile of random crap on the nightstand. Of course, being a dude, I'd thought I checked the same nightstand already. But let's not talk about me.

I met my girlfriend out in the living room where she was hanging out with the rest of our crew. "What is WITH the papers? You practically buried the keys on the nightstand!" I jiggled the keys in front of her.

Adrienne took one look at me and rolled her eyes. "And exactly how difficult was it to lift the paper and grab the keys?"

"That's not the point! It took me fifteen fucking minutes to FIND them!"

"Then just ask me." Adrienne sighed as if I was the biggest whiner in the world.

"If I ASK you then you roll your eyes at me like I'm some dumbass who can't even find a damn thing on my own!"

She rolled her eyes again. And in the most condescending voice, she asked, "ARE you a dumbass who can't find a damn thing on your own?"

Yeah, you can guess how the fight went from there.

After about three minutes, Gwen finally chirped, "Roommate issues. I TOLD you."

"Gwen, shut the FUCK up!" Adrienne turned and practically breathed flame.

I just jiggled the keys and walked out the door.

Later that evening, I was sitting at one end of the couch ... and Adrienne was sitting at the other. Neither of us spoke to each other. Yeah, we were studying, so we technically didn't need to talk to each other. But at the same time, you could cut the tension between us with a freakin' chopstick.

"Ben, you got a minute?"

Both Adrienne and I looked up to see Brandi standing in the doorway to the living room. I glanced at my girlfriend for the briefest of moments before shrugging to my sister. "Uh, sure."

Brandi turned and headed for the stairs. I put my book down and followed after her. She went into her bedroom and then motioned for me to close the door. My sister then patted the bed beside her and I sat. And then she turned and knelt before me, reaching for my fly.

"Hey, what?" I blurted, surprised by the turn of events.

"You're all stressed out, Ben."

"I'm fine," I grumped.

"No you're not. You and Adrienne look like you hate each other's guts, and I can tell you're all tense inside."

I sighed. "I said some things I shouldn't have."

"So make it up to her."

"No! It's her fault as much as mine!"

"Well one of you is going to have to start patching things up."

"Doesn't mean it has to be me."

My sister sighed and then reached for my fly again.


Brandi rolled her eyes. "Well I've got a craving. Can you help me? Please?" My sister batted her eyelashes at me and licked her lips. My cock started to rise in my shorts and I just leaned back, bracing my hands against the mattress.

Less than a minute later, my sister's head bobbed up and down in my lap. Feeling new pleasure shooting through my body, I paused to admire her pretty face and ran my fingers through her long, dark hair. She smiled around my cock and fixed her big brown eyes on me. Once I was hard and twitching, she pulled off and said, "Now that I have your attention, tell me what's going on."

"Brandi!" I whined.

"Tell me, or I won't finish you off."

"Please?" I begged. Once brought to this state of arousal, I was pretty helpless.

My sister bent her head, taking a long lick at my prick from balls to crown, humming happily before pulling her head back and fixing me with a stern look. "Apologize to her."

"For what?" I whimpered, biting my lip. "Today was her fault."

"And tomorrow will be your fault. Shit happens. Fault doesn't matter. All that matters is what you want to get out of it in the end." Brandi bent back over my cock. "So right now, Ben, do you or don't you want me to suck you off?"

"Yesss..." I pleaded.

"Is it fair that I'm making you play twenty questions first?"

"No," I whimpered.

"But it's still the reality you're facing." She licked me again. "Forget about fault, Ben. Your relationship with Adrienne is fraying at the edges and you've got to do something about it."

"But it's not about our relationship," I whined. "She nitpicks me as a roommate, not as a boyfriend."

"Doesn't matter. Right now, you're both roommate AND boyfriend. And either conflict will fuck up the way you two act around each other."

"Okay, okay," I groaned and added desperately. "I'll talk to her."

Brandi licked me again, forcing me to shiver. "I mean it. Talk to her," she intoned. "Don't argue with her. Be the bigger man. Because you've got to remember, she's a girl Ben, and sometimes it's more important to us to win the argument than be right."

"That's not fair," I simpered.

"I never said it was fair. It just is. This is your reality. Deal with it and man up."

I sighed. And in a more calm voice I nodded. "Okay."

Brandi searched my eyes to make sure I really understood while stroking me in her hand lightly to keep me aroused. She arched her eyebrow at me, waiting for my next whining, little-brother complaint.

Instead I just said, "Okay, I get it." I pulled my dick away from her. "You've got my attention and I get it."

Brandi smiled and sat back on her heels.

"Quite the unorthodox method for a sister to get her brother's attention, though," I growled while tucking my erection back into my shorts.

The pretty 20-year-old brunette smiled. "We're not an orthodox family." And then as if to prove her point, she lunged forward again, yanked my dick back out of my shorts, and shoved it into her mouth.

"Whoa! Whoa!" My eyes popped open. "I thought you were just trying to get my attention?"

Brandi smirked around my cock, pulling away just long enough to say, "I want some incestuous brother cum. That's MY reality."

I planted my hands on the mattress and let my head loll backwards, groaning as Brandi sucked and licked with exquisite technique. And after another couple of minutes, she succeeded in pulling out my orgasm.

After firing a couple of pints of sperm into her belly, I sagged back until just my elbows were holding me from falling flat across Brandi's bed. My sister tucked her hair behind her ears and knelt over me, bending down to kiss me softly. "Feel better?"

"Yeah," I sighed.

"Good. Now go downstairs and fix things with your girlfriend. We all love you Ben, and we won't LET you screw this up."

I thrust forward a final time, grunting my orgasm into Adrienne's ear as a quart of spunk flowed out of me and into her sucking pussy. My girlfriend clutched at me with all four limbs, holding me tightly as if she never, ever wanted to let me go. She crooned her own climax into my ear and our bodies thrashed violently together until our energy ran out and we collapsed together, sweaty and satisfied.

"Mmm ... that was a good apology, Tiger," Adrienne patted my shoulder.

"I love you, Adrienne."

"I know. I love you, too."


"Ben, I want you to meet Grace Choi. We have a couple of classes together." Adrienne smiled at me. "Grace, this is my boyfriend, Ben."

I had to stop and let my eyes run up and down the simply gorgeous Korean girl, who was right out of the mold of the hottest Asian babes I'd known in my lifetime. Almost as tall as Adrienne, Grace nevertheless was built more on the fashion model frame, with slender limbs and a delicate bone structure that made her good-sized tits look over-proportionally bigger. Matched with an exotically angular face, Grace was very much "my type".

I steeled my spine and stepped forward confidently. I'd bedded some of the most stunning creatures on the planet and I wasn't about to be shy in front of another beautiful girl. "Hi. Pleased to meet you."

"Likewise. Adrienne talks a lot about you," Grace replied with just the smallest trace of an accent. And I noticed that her eyes were similarly giving me the once over, a pleased smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

I gestured towards the café. "Shall we?"

Adrienne and Grace nodded and we all went inside. Due to a quirk in scheduling, this was a rare opportunity for Adrienne and me to meet for lunch. And while I'd been momentarily disappointed not to have the time alone with my girlfriend, I couldn't complain about the company.

Grace was flirty and giggly and all the things I liked about girls. She and Adrienne were getting along famously and even getting a little touchy-feely with each other; the little shoulder slaps and cheek pinches somewhat more than the usual girly relationship. And about halfway through lunch, recognition of what was going on finally clicked for me.

I waited until after lunch and after we said goodbye to Grace before asking Adrienne about it. And then the first free moment I got I leaned into my girlfriend's ear, rubbed her ass, and queried, "Is she going to be the new 'Candy'?"

"Ben!" Adrienne hissed while pulling her head away from me and giggling. Adrienne actually looked embarrassed as she stammered, "She's just a classmate."

I folded my arms over my chest and arched an eyebrow at her.

She caved after another two seconds. "Well ... maybe. I don't know yet. Although, she IS quite hot, isn't she?"

I glanced off into the distance, where Grace was not yet out of sight. "That she is."

Adrienne sighed and wrapped an arm around my waist while laying her head on my shoulder. "I have to admit, I really do miss Candy. You know, a part of me hoped I would develop that kind of relationship with Dawn, but I don't think it's going to happen."

I frowned. "Why not?"

Adrienne turned and poked me in the chest. "You, silly. Dawn's already YOUR best friend. She can't be mine, too. And besides, while she and I are comfortable around each other, I think the shared history with you two won't ever let me and her quite be that tight with each other, you know?"

I sighed. There went my fantasies about living with both of them for the rest of my life. Yeah, it would be awesome; but human beings don't always fall neatly into the roles you might hope for. I nodded in understanding. "So you'll tell me if things with Grace start ... ah ... progressing?"

Adrienne shrugged. "Of course. Open honesty, remember? But I'm not going to rush things. If it happens, it happens." Her words said she was being cautious, but I recognized the hopeful look in my girlfriend's eye.

I leaned in and pecked her forehead. "Good luck."



The shrieking voice startled me from my book, popping my head up. I blinked twice and looked over to the desk at Adrienne, pausing for a moment to admire how devastatingly sexy my girlfriend looked at this moment. She was wearing one of my button-down dress shirts. Hell, she wore them more than me, lately; it had become something of a uniform for her around the house. Her massive tits pushed out the material and caused each gap between the buttons to open, so that I could glimpse her creamy titflesh every now and again when I had just the right angle. Sometimes she didn't even bother to button it, letting me see the color of her bra and the swells of her cleavage. After all, our friends usually all left before 11pm and we locked the front door, so modesty was no longer much of an issue.

"BENNN!!!" The shriek went off again. "SPIDER!!!"

Another spider. This old house had a zillion places for the damn things to hide and it seemed like I was on spider-execution duty every other day. I sighed and closed my book while Adrienne smirked. I stood up and pointed a finger at her. "Don't pretend that you haven't shrieked like that under the same circumstances."

My stunning blonde girlfriend held her hands up defensively and nodded. "I know, I know." Adrienne had certainly had her fair share of spider-panic moments. In fact, only Dawn seemed to be immune to spider-fear, camp girl as she was. Dayna and Brandi were also supposedly outdoor-types, but even they had the typical double-X-chromosome genetic fear of the arachnids.

"Just don't take too long, okay?" Adrienne asked. "We're going to sleep in twenty minutes."

I nodded and then turned and left the bedroom before jogging up the stairs. Dayna would probably have been happier if I was rushing full-tilt to rescue her, but she could handle a few extra seconds. And so I arrived at the blonde's bedroom with paper towel in hand. "Where is it?"

"There! There! There!" Dayna hopped up and down, distracting me for a moment as her tits jiggled enticingly unfettered beneath her T-shirt. But then I followed her pointing finger and saw the rather large brown spider camping out in the corner just above the white baseboard.


"Wanna see it?" I turned and asked.

"Uh ... n- no ... just you look and tell me you can see it," Dayna whimpered while hopping up and down from one leg to the other.

I gingerly turned the paper towel over, seeing the brown and black mess of crushed spider guts and quickly crumpled the excess material around it. "Got it. I swear."

Then I stood up and carried the entire ball downstairs, got into my slippers, and took the wadded mess down to the trash container outside. I then came back into the house, washed my hands, and returned upstairs to Dayna's bedroom. It was a lot of work for a single spider, but the girls relaxed much more knowing that even the spider's remains were out of the house. If it had been a little baby, I might be able to get away with just throwing it in the trash, but definitely not one of these big ones. "All done." I waved my hands as proof of completion.

"Oh, THANK YOU!" Dayna flung herself at me, even wrapping a leg up and around my hip while clutching me like I'd just rescued her from drowning. You'd think she hadn't had me kill a half-dozen spiders in the last few weeks.

"It's okay." I patted her back and made to release myself. "I'm just going to head down and get back to Adrienne. It's our bedtime."

"Oh, please let me thank you!" Dayna rolled her eyes up to me, the crystal blue burning brightly.

I sighed, feeling a little tired. Four out of the last six times I'd killed a spider for Dayna, she'd either blown me or screwed me in her idea of "gratitude". Personally, I thought Dayna just wanted any excuse to fuck. Actually, just last night she'd conned Brandi into calling me upstairs and then conveniently emerged from the bathroom before "accidentally" letting her towel slip. Adrienne had been out of the house with a study group and I'd taken up the blatant offer, carrying Dayna naked and screaming into her bedroom before bending her over her bed and slamming my dick into her asshole from behind.

But not tonight. "Sorry, Dayna. Adrienne's waiting for me."

She screwed up her face but seemed to relent. "Just a quick blowjob?" She bit her lip. "I'm really wound up right now and I just need to relax, Ben. Otherwise I'll never be able to study."

I exhaled and looked toward the stairs where my books — and Adrienne — were waiting. "Can you make it fast if I don't hold back?"

The busty blonde was already grinning and working at my shorts. "Sure thing. I promise."

Dayna was never good with these promises. She blew me to the brink of ejaculation and then laid back, dropping her shorts and spreading her legs while lifting the hem of her shirt up to her neck to expose those jiggly double-Ds. "Please, Ben? I need you."

So close to cumming and not quite there, I was helpless to do anything but crawl between her legs and start humping away. FUCK her cunt felt so good wrapped around my dick. Dayna threw her head back, squeezing her own tits and tweaking her own nipples between her fingers. I felt her inner muscles clamping down on my invading prick in such a way that sent lightning bolts of pleasure up and down my spine. And once I got started, all my rules and automatic instincts kicked in and there was no way I could stop until my girl had been satisfied.

I satisfied her alright. Dayna came to two shrieking orgasms within a few minutes before I nutted my load into her body. But just when I was going to dismount her and return to my girlfriend, the hot and horny blonde bombshell grabbed my head and yanked my mouth down around her tongue. She locked her legs behind my hips and started squeezing me again with those inner pussy muscles, massaging my sensitive cock from all sides and making me groan into her mouth.

"Dayna ... I gotta go..." I pleaded.

"Just one more, Ben. I wanna taste you. Just one more, please? Fuck me and then cum in my mouth. Please? For me? Please?"

A half-hour later, I got up and searched for my shorts, leaving a well-fucked Dayna cooing at the ceiling while my semen leaked both from her pussy and the corners of her lips.

I checked the clock and realized how late it had gotten. "Ah, HELL."

Adrienne was already in bed, mostly asleep, by the time I got back to the bedroom. She was wearing her own pajamas and not one of my T-shirts, a subtle sign that my girlfriend wasn't exactly thrilled with me. After all, she always wanted to fall asleep with me holding her; and on this night, I'd failed to arrive on time.

"Adrienne, baby, I'm sorry," I started as I sat down on the bed beside her, cursing myself for letting my dick think for me again.

With heavy-lidded eyes, my girlfriend glanced at the clock and then frowned at me. "How many times did you fuck her?"

"I'm sorry."

"How many times?"

I winced. "Twice." Once might have been understandable, but twice reasoned that I'd taken the time to get hard and fuck Dayna again. "She got me so close with the blowjob that I nutted within two minutes and then I didn't want to just leave her there and..."

Adrienne waved me off, looking away. "It's okay."

"No, it's not. You always want me to hold you while you go to sleep."

"No, I get it," she tried to reason. "I'm still on my period and you won't sleep well tonight if you don't get off."

"I still should have come down here and let you blow me or something. Or maybe I should have gone back to Dayna after you'd gone to sleep."

Adrienne's mouth was a hard line. "Yes, you should have."

I grimaced. "Maybe I should just stop entirely with her. She's got other guys she can call. I don't need to be this living dildo for her."

"Don't say that again. Dayna would much rather it be you than one of them and I really don't mind. Actually, it's nice having some other girls around to satisfy you. I mean, I like sex, Ben; but you're a fucking machine and sometimes it's hard to keep up." Adrienne sighed. "Just as long as you make the time for me when I really need you."

"I will! I will!" I promised. "I'm sorry. This won't happen again!"

Adrienne exhaled slowly, rolling her eyes but considering my apology. At last she simply opened her arms and I quickly rushed forward to hug her. But after the first second she pushed me away. "You smell like Dayna. Go take a shower."

"Right, right," I nodded hurriedly. I quickly stripped and headed out the door, Dawn was passing by from the living room to her bedroom and arched an eyebrow at my nakedness; but I ignored her and quickly slipped into the shower to try and clean up as fast as possible. I tried to figure out the optimal duration, knowing I had to get clean enough to pass Adrienne's smell test in as short a time as I could. After four minutes and some frantic soap scrubbing, I quickly emerged, toweling myself off as I returned to the bedroom.

But Adrienne was already unconscious. Grimacing, I slid myself beneath the covers and fitfully tried to sleep.


Dawn, Bert, and I walked into the house after a day of classes and we said hello to Robin and Ryan, who were already on the couch waiting for everyone else to arrive. I looked around. Usually on a Tuesday, Adrienne was also home before me.

Just then, a tall, slender guy walked out of the kitchen, holding a can of raspberry iced tea, one of my favorites. Just the mere thought of another guy stealing one of my cans made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. And my mood soured further toward envy when I realized that in some ways, with similar builds and dark hair, the guy was a more handsome version of me. We had different facial structures, but he looked an inch taller, had the same broad shoulders, but had an even thinner waist and more chiseled muscles. He was fit and well- defined without being bulky — more of a slender, wiry strength. His dark hair was thicker and tousled in a way my thinner hair could never match. And he had the palest blue eyes.

I always wondered just how much more handsome I'd look with blue eyes. Damn him.

The guy stopped and looked me up and down, perhaps catching the menace in my gaze. We evaluated each other for a few seconds, but before either of us could say anything, Adrienne came out of the kitchen as well.

"Ben! Hey!" My girlfriend quickly crossed into the living room and gave me a warm hug.

My eyes narrowed and my arm cinched tightly around MY girlfriend's waist, and I struggled to maintain a calm expression as I nodded back towards the intruder. "Who's your friend?"

"Oh, this is Will Adler." Adrienne moved to let go of me, but I gripped her hip and kept her pinned against me. Her eyes furrowed for a second but she just waved. "He's in my American Politics class and he's been helping me with my studies the last few weeks. I thought I might as well bring him to come hang out with the gang today. Will, this is my boyfriend, Ben."

I just nodded curtly. Dawn at least moved forward and held out her hand. "Pleased to meet you, Will. I'm Dawn."

Bert just waved and then pointed at himself. "Hey. Bert."

"Hello," Will said in a deep, but surprisingly soft voice. He shook Dawn's hand and head nodded to me and Bert before crossing to the couch and taking a seat at one end. Adrienne then tugged me over and sat in the middle. I swallowed my jealousy and moved to sit on her opposite side. At least I wasn't the only one feeling weird; even Ryan looked a little uncomfortable around the guy.

Relax, Ben, I told myself. He's just a classmate. Adrienne adores you. It's nothing.

"Hey! Who's the cute guy?" Gwen burst through the door, a saucy grin on her face.

I sighed.


"Looking forward to going home?" Dawn bumped her hip into mine, momentarily knocking me off balance while we trudged down the hill.

"Sure," I sighed.

"Come ON, Ben." The beautiful blonde patted my arm. "You used to be so excited to head back!"

I sighed. "That was when I was excited to see Adrienne."

"What? You're not excited to see her?"

I exhaled. "Not exactly."

"I thought you fixed your roommate conflicts."

"We talked. But I'm still capable of fucking up my responsibilities," I said mournfully.

"What is it this time?"

I moaned. "I forgot to strip the sheets. She wanted to do laundry today."


"So? She's gonna kill me when I get back."

Dawn rolled her eyes. "It's no big deal."

"YOU'RE not her roommate." I sighed. "This was so much easier when she was just my girlfriend."

Dawn shrugged. "It'll pass."

I frowned. "And how would YOU know? Who was the last boyfriend you lived with?"

"I just know."

I shook my head. "I dunno. I just feel like ... like if I don't find a way to remember to do the dishes or start the laundry or ... whatever ... that I'm going to lose her."

Dawn snorted. "Lose her? Yeah, right."

"I'm serious! I mean, if I don't prove myself as a capable household partner, then she'll drop me for someone else."

"Ben, that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard."

"Adrienne's gorgeous, Dawn. She's got guys hitting on her all the time. She's flush with options. And hell, she's spent more time with this new Will guy this week than with me!"

"You know Will isn't a threat to you, right?" Dawn gave me an odd look.

"Of course, of course," I nodded.

"Adrienne loves you, Ben," Dawn reminded me.

"I know, I know."

"And you love her, don't you?"

"Of course."

"Then love conquers all."

I snorted. "That's a Disney fairy tale. Love won't go back in time and strip the sheets so my girlfriend doesn't get pissed off at me."

"It's real, Ben," Dawn huffed.

I smirked. "You really believe that? Love conquers all?"

Dawn stopped and touched my hand. "I have to."

I stopped as well and saw the shimmering look in her crystal blue eyes. I knew what she was thinking; after all, we were still connected. But I couldn't face that right now. I shrugged and pulled my hand away from hers, continuing to walk. And after the briefest of seconds, she followed after.

"Relax, Ben," Dawn said encouragingly when she caught up to me. "You'll find a way to make it up to her."

"Maybe..." I sighed. "But for now, I'm not planning on getting laid tonight."

"Everything will be alright. Just wait and see."


"Oh, come ON, Adrienne!" Dawn huffed in front of the closed bathroom door. "There aren't any guys out here except Ben. I even made sure the front door is locked."

Ten seconds later, the bathroom door swung open and I got an eyeful of Adrienne's big tits. My stunningly gorgeous girlfriend was topless with her hands on her head, fiddling with her hair. She smirked at me and then turned back to the mirror where she continued primping. Dawn then tried to sneak into the side with her own makeup bag.

"Seriously, A.D.," Dawn drawled. "I don't see why you need to go to all this effort. It's not like Ben hasn't seen you without your makeup, and he's staring at your tits in the mirror right now."

"It's not about looking good for Ben so much," Adrienne shrugged. Then she glanced at me in the mirror. "Sorry, Tiger."

I just waved. Adrienne could say whatever the crap she wanted as long as I could stare at those tits a little longer.

"Anyways," Adrienne continued. "I wanna look hot while we're out on our date. Period."

Dawn shrugged. "I guess I get that. But we seriously need more mirrors in this house."

That was the truth. Now I've lived with five girls before: one older sister, three younger, and Mom. I know what it's like to try and share a bathroom with them, especially in the mornings when it's time to get ready for school. But Brandi, Brooke, and the twins were ready-to-rumble kinds of girls. Even as teenagers, they didn't need that much makeup or mirror time; and both Brandi and Brooke had mirrors in their bedrooms anyways.

Adrienne was an entirely different creature.

I've said it many, many times. My girlfriend is fucking gorgeous. With makeup, without makeup, she's a stunning example of femininity. But she looked her best with makeup and she damn well knew it. Adrienne could take more time in front of a mirror than all four of my sisters combined when she put her mind to it. And she and Dawn often had to fight each other for bathroom time, especially for these Friday night dates.

A light bulb went off in my head just then. There was no time today, but maybe tomorrow ... So tits or no tits, I turned and headed back to our bedroom, thinking that this was one roommate conflict I just might be able to resolve.


I'd had to borrow Dayna's Impala to fit everything, and all the girls in the house had expressed more than a bit of curiosity while I shuttled various small IKEA boxes and metal brackets from Home Depot into Adrienne's and my bedroom. But I expressly forbade anyone from entering and locked the bedroom for good measure.

An hour later, I opened the door and almost immediately, all four of my roommates, plus three of Dayna's girlfriends who were visiting, came to my room in curiosity.

Adrienne took one look at the desk, where I'd set up a large mirror surrounded by a frame with low-power lights. It wasn't the most elegant looking thing ever, but it was a true, functioning vanity for her. My girlfriend squealed, her pitch high enough to alert every dog for three blocks around, and then screamed, "Ben, you're a genius! I LOVE you!"

My girlfriend promptly ran forward and launched herself into my arms while shoving her tongue into the back of my mouth. "Oh, Ben!" Adrienne paused her nuclear kiss and husked at me from millimeters away. "I'm going to fuck you so good right now!"

Oh ... bliss ... Yeah, we'd had a bit of a rough month, getting adjusted to living together and all the little foibles that could potentially get on each other's nerves. But we could work through it. And every now and again, I just might have a good idea that helps to make everything better. Girls don't expect you to be perfect all the time; but they certainly want the occasional reminder that you care and are thinking of them.

Adrienne's legs were still wrapped around my waist while I put all my effort into holding her upright. She then promptly began pulling her blouse up and over her head, wriggling enough to send me staggering around and using every ounce of strength to not drop her. My girlfriend giggled as she tossed the blouse aside and started reaching back for her bra clasp. She just managed to unhook herself when I finally staggered over to the bed and dropped her onto her back, the bra cups just barely still on top of her prodigious mounds.

But not for long. Adrienne giggled and started whipping the shoulder straps down her arms while I blushed and looked to the still-open doorway where six girls smirked at me and my suddenly horny girlfriend.

Dawn smiled and started ushering out the girls, winking at me. They hesitated for a moment, but went obediently ... except for one.

"Come ON, Dayna." Dawn tugged her older sister's arm with her right hand and physically started dragging the girl out the door while closing it with her left hand.

"But ... but ... maybe we can join IN!" Dayna protested.

"Not now," Dawn chuckled. "Leave them to it. If you really want, you can ask Adrienne later tonight."

The door closed, my jeans dropped to my ankles, and Adrienne spread her legs to the sides. "Come and get it, Tiger."

Yeah, I got extra-special sex that afternoon.

And yeah, Dayna came and joined us that night.


"You were quite loud that time," I chuckled as I unbuttoned Adrienne's shirt and yanked it down her arms.

"Dayna was in a particular mood."

"She gets like that sometimes," I growled while I worked Adrienne's jeans. So tight they were quite difficult to remove, I wondered why my girlfriend had even bothered to put them back on. Didn't she know that listening to the two of them was going to drive me crazy?

"That girl gets sooo horny..."

I laughed, "I know."

I then leaned in and kissed her while hooking two fingers into her sopping wet pussy. Adrienne was so soaked that I knew I would be able to completely impale her in a single thrust once I got my cock free. I pulled back and tasted my own lips. "Mmm ... you've still got her juices on you."

Adrienne giggled. "She got more of me. I never knew what hit me. One minute I was coming out of Brandi's room after we were just chatting and the next I was flat on my back across Dayna's bed while she was jerking my jeans off harder than you're doing right now."

I grinned and nipped at her shoulder, bringing my hands up to cup my girlfriend's magnificent breasts. "Tell me exactly what you two did."

"Exactly?" Adrienne arched an eyebrow.



"Hey, no fair! You cut me off!" Paige howled.

"Name of the game, Red." I grinned and twisted my arms to the sides as if the physical motion would help my video game car hold the turn better.

"In that case, you won't mind me doing... this!" Bert crowed as his Nissan Skyline blitzed took the inside turn, forcing me out and off the course.

"Dammit!" I grunted.

Paige giggled. "This is so much fun! And I don't even have a driver's license!"

"Welcome to the addiction young Padawan," Bert intoned.

"Don't forget you have homework, Ben," Adrienne called even louder from behind me.

"Yes, Mom," I groaned and grimaced as I twisted my arms again, desperately trying to catch up to Bert. Homework or no homework, I wasn't putting this damn controller down until I beat him.

Then Paige turned to me. "Did you just call me 'Red'?"


"What are you doing, hiding out in here?" Brandi stood in the doorway, leaning against the frame with her arms crossed beneath her breasts.

I turned away from the paperback I was reading and shrugged. "It's a Friday afternoon. Everyone's out."

"Adrienne leave you all alone?"

"Lingerie shopping with Felicia in San Francisco before our date tonight," I explained. "She used to get all of her underwear from this British-import shop in Newport because they had a unique fit. But since they didn't have a store up here, she wanted to find a boutique closer by." I smirked. It would take a special kind of place to handle the unique proportions of her gloriously perfect melons. I was already looking forward to seeing the tag on an American-scale 36F bra instead of her usual UK-measurement 36E's. It's not like her boobs would be any bigger, but I still got a thrill out of the idea of a higher letter in the alphabet.

"What about you?" I asked. "I'd thought the house would be empty by now."

"Matt's got this thing tonight." Brandi's smile turned into a predatory grin as she stepped into the room, closed the door behind her, and rather obviously flipped the lock. "So if you're not doing anything too important, I've got a craving to taste some brother cum."

By the way, Adrienne came home not only with 36F bras, but some 34G's. The cups were about the same volume as her UK 36E's, but the band was different. Something to do with slight variations by manufacturer.

And of course, the measurement letter was way higher. Adrienne immediately started laughing about how big my eyes got when I read the tags. Those internet models ain't got NOTHING on my girlfriend.

We didn't bother leaving the house for our date. I couldn't WAIT to take those puppies for a spin.


"Go on, Ben. Do it!" Adrienne cheered.

I grinned drunkenly and bent forward, swirling my tongue around Kerri Trainor's navel and slurping up Jim Beam whiskey. I followed that up by scooping chocolate sauce onto my tongue. And then on a whim, I turned and grabbed Julie Carpenter's face and shoved my tongue into her throat.

"Woo!!!" I could hear Adrienne's voice leading the cheers behind me. And then I felt a sharp tug at my ear and suddenly Kerri was pulling both me and Julie around the table and down so that she could kiss us both, the hot redhead alternately snaking her tongue into both of our mouths while the whoops got louder and louder. I was surprised some neighbor hadn't called the cops on us already.

When I stood up, I saw Bert and pointed. "You ready to try body shots?"

The poor guy's eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets and he shook his head nervously. I really needed to get that guy drunk enough to let loose, although it wasn't easy since he carefully controlled himself.

Then I pointed at Grace Choi. "Feeling frisky?" My eyes gleamed as I openly ogled Adrienne's best friend.

"He's incorrigible!" Grace giggled while slapping Adrienne's arm.

I then pointed at Ryan. "Come on, dude." I slid my arms around Kerri and Julie, tugging on their waists to pull their hips against me from either side. "I'm sure the girls would like to finally see what Mr. Ken Doll tastes like."

The girls giggled cutely but Ryan just looked nervously at his girlfriend. Dawn laughed and pointed him back at the girls. Ryan arched both his eyebrows as if trying to decide if he was inebriated enough to do it.

"I'm next!" Gwen called drunkenly and moved to climb onto the table, already lifting up her tank top while Kerri and Julie moved away.

"Gwen!" Robin gasped.

Then Gwen pointed at me, "And you're doing the exact same thing to ME."

I giggled and glanced back at Adrienne, who smirked and waved me on. Two minutes later, my dirty-blonde friend was sucking whiskey and chocolate off my tongue while she wrapped her arms around my neck to hold me tighter.

Dawn finally came around and broke us up. "You just wanted an excuse to kiss Ben, didn't you?"

"Fuck yeah," Gwen giggled.

"You're not still hung up on him, are you?" Dawn asked with mild concern.

But Gwen laughed and waved. "Nah. I know Ben and me aren't meant to be." Then the dirty-blonde fixed her dark eyes on me. "But if you ever just want a roll in the hay, you know where to find me."

I arched an eyebrow and Gwen pulled up her tank top, baring her well-shaped tits to my gaze for a few seconds before dropping the shirt and prancing away, giggling all the while.

I shook my head and returned to Adrienne, who opened her arms to me as I swept her off her feet and spun her around. "Having fun?" I asked.

She giggled. "You still in love with me?"

Kissing Julie, Kerri, and Gwen notwithstanding, I very confidently answered, "Hell, yeah." Adrienne's subsequent nuclear kiss sure put any further doubt to rest.

And then little Paige was exclaiming, "Can I go next?"

I whirled around, all my big brother instincts kicking in. "PAIGE!" I growled threateningly.

"Oh, poo."