
Complete Martial Arts Attributes

The dimensional rifts link the earth to the Xingwu continent. This is the dawn of the martial arts era! I will be useless if I don't practice martial arts? Don't worry, I have a system that allows me to pick up attributes. When other people drop attributes during their training, I can pick them up secretly. Huh? Did you just say that beating up people will make them drop attributes too? In that case... You defeated a sword skill genius. He dropped Enlightenment×2, Sword Talent×1... You've picked them up. Your insights have improved and you've gained a beginner stage sword talent! You defeated a blade skill talent. He dropped Blade Battle Technique×1, Malicious Blade Intent×1... You picked them up and learned a rare blade battle technique! You've also figured out Malicious Blade Intent and have become extremely fierce! You defeated a physique talent. He dropped Physique Scripture×1, Holy-Blood Dominant Physique×1... You picked them up and learned a new top-grade scripture! You are exceptionally lucky to have received the Holy-Blood Dominant Physique. It can change your physique completely and you earned a god-level title 'Endless Health'. Someone killed a powerful star beast and dropped Spiritual Sight×1 and Blank Attribute×60... You picked them up secretly and receive a spiritual eye talent as well as 60 points to add to any of your current attributes! You defeat many opponents in your life. You accidentally kill an innocent devil and split the universe into two when you're practicing your blade at home. You burst the sun with your fist and the world is engulfed in darkness... That's when you realize... You're invincible!

Don't Enter The Jianghu · Fantasi Timur
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2359 Chs

Call Me Papa~

Penerjemah: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

The deafening explosion echoed in the air, enough to wake up the dead.

Towering green flames engulfed the entire mountain, almost burning everything in its path to ashes.

Ferya's face turned red. She quickly retreated and released her constellation light force to form a shield and block the terrifying flames.

Fortunately, the Emerald Glazed Flame wasn't aimed at her, so she managed to escape easily.

However, she still felt burned by the high temperature alone. The force in her body was boiling.

She left the peak and retreated far into the distance, stopping only when she was a few thousand meters away. She looked at the scene from that safer point.

The enormous spiritual tree image seemed to shudder; numerous light droplets rained down on the true spiritual tree below.

It was like a cover made from light drops.

The giant tree avatar managed to block the blazing dragon's attack!

Origin power!