
Chapter 1

"Astral!" A baritone voice echoed the halls of the school. Can't a person just get peace? He was just about to learn a new spell until Mr. Harder disturbed him. Andrei groaned and turned to the man on the end of the hall, trying not to show annoyance. "What can I do for you, Sir?" He dropped his book to his side and looked at the teacher.

"Oh.." The man patted the boy's back. "I'm just here to wish you luck, boy! Heard you're going to join the talent expo. My, be sure to blow those freshmen's minds with your tricks."

"You can count on that, Sir. After all those training, I'm sure to get them right during the show." The man flashed a smile and bid goodbye. "I'm sure you will, boy. I'm sure you will." He whispered as he walked away and smiled to himself.

Andrei sighed and continued with the spell. He navigated through the halls easily without any help. Though it was just his first two months in the MSU, he had memorized the entire layout of the school perfectly. Being a so-called-prodigy gave him advantages. Having access to the highest levels of the library, advanced lessons, and quiz exemptions were the best, but all of this had a price. Even though he was just a freshman, the teachers already gave him a lot of responsibilities and it included joining the talent expo. All for the sake of learning, they say.

In the heart of the eastern forest, stood a giant mansion, with the liveliest shade of beige and white, wide windows and the fanciest balcony, and a beautiful garden full of the rarest flowers. It looked like a very welcoming place, but the moment you stepped past the gates, your intentions would be judged by the barrier surrounding the place. Good will pass, Bad stays out. My fault, Andrei chimed.

"Good evening, Andrei.." The ghosts would greet as he passed by. Nodding and greeting them back, he happily took in the sounds of surroundings. The trees rustled as they welcomed their young master home. Smiling, he took a deep breath, taking in the smell of fresh air and leaves. He looked up took a glance at the sky. Suddenly, an ominous aura surrounded the woods. All the spirits hid and warned the young boy of the incoming danger. Andrei did not hesitate and ran as fast as he could until he had reached the barrier.

Just in time, he thought. Taking deep breaths, he looked behind him and saw the malicious spirits being restrained by the barrier, banging against the transparent dome trying to enter the premises. Andrei knew what they came here for. They wanted to steal the energy flowing inside the barrier and take hold of the sacred treasure lying inside. As if I'd let you do that.

"Paz ir tahar!" He raised his hand, pointing at the demons and chanted. In an instant, a sudden burst of air knocked the demons out as they disappeared into thin air. The forest's aura had returned to normal and the spirits began reappearing again, thanking him for the protection. He bid them goodbye as he knocked on the doors of the house.

He opened one slightly and took a quick peek. "Mom? Brake? Anyone home?" His voice seemed to go miles as they echoed through the empty halls. Where are they? Climbing up the stairs, he constantly called their names across the halls. When he reached his room he swiftly threw the bag across the room and into his bed. Closing the doors, he cautiously began wandering the house, searching for his mom and brother.


The sound seemed to come from the kitchen along with whispering and giggling voices. Intruders? Impossible! He ran to the direction of the sounds and stopped in front of the doorway; noticing that it was the only unlit room in the entire mansion. Unfazed, he stepped inside guiding himself to the location of the light switch.

Light came into the room as the switch turned. Sensing a presence behind, he turned around to look, then all of a sudden, he found himself rained down with little colored confetti as his mom and brother shouted their greeting.

"Happy Birthday! Andrei!" His mom was holding a birthday cake with the number 14 while his brother was holding a camera taking shots of his emotionless brother. "Well were you surprised?" His mother asked, smiling, while Brake raised his hands to emphasize the decorations they had hanged around the walls for his birthday.

"Yeah, a little. Thought you got eaten by a demon for a moment there... Would have been nice too.." He smirked, looking at the two angry faces. "Hey! We took all the time and effort to arrange this and that's what you say?!" The two screamed glaring at him.

"Obviously....Just kidding~" He laughed and hugged the two. They all laughed together, before Brake and his mother started singing.

In this special day

Just once a year

We celebrate the day

of a person dear

The redhead dragged Andrei into his seat and put a matching party hat onto his head. His mother placed the birthday cake in front of his son and kissed his cheeks.

With a blow of a candle

And a single wish

We all sing and say

Have a happy birthday!

Andrei blew the candles and smiled for the picture. "Hey let's all take a picture! Come on mom!" Brake said as he held the camera backwards and high into the air, with the lens facing them. "Okay everybody say cheese!" They all smiled and took a few more frames before they decided it was time to eat.

"So you skipped your weapon practice just to prepare this?" Andrei asked the grinning redhead who was now looking at him sheepishly. "Of course!" Stuffing another spoonful of cake into his mouth.

"You do know the talent expo's three days away right?" A hint of sarcasm as he took a bite of the green jelly. Brake choked on the cake at the sudden realization. He looked at his brother, dumbfounded. "I-I do know. It's that I--kinda forgot...?" Laughing nervously as he looked at Andrei's menacing eyes. Shit..

"You do know I'm not going to help you with this one right?" Andrei pointed his fork at Brake, smirking.

"W-what?" Brake dropped his spoon at his brother's sudden question. His world seemed to fall apart just thinking of the possible outcomes of his performance. Everyone will laugh at me if I fail! NO way am I going to let that happen!

"Andrei...Help, please?" He stared at his brother with puppy eyes only to get a blank response. Psh. Silent treatment my face. They kept on it for minutes before their mother broke their staring contest. "That's it you two. Andrei you'll help your brother and Brake do practice seriously, okay?"

"What?! You're just going to let him pass?" Andrei's voice shot up as he looked and pointed at his brother. "Problem?" The redhead smirked while flailing his arms around, irritating his brother even more. Before they knew it, they were screaming; throwing insults at each other. Little did they know, their mother was seething with anger getting redder and redder by the minute. Until.... All hell went lose.

"Shut up...." The voices stopped at the order. They looked at their mother's angry face as she pinched their cheeks. Rhea sighed as she stared at the two. "You will do as I tell you, clear?"

"Am I clear?"

"Yes, mom.."

Brake's face lit up while Andrei's went back to being emotionless.

Rhea stood up and began to take the dishes to the sink. "I can't believe that you both are already 14 years old yet you can even get through the day without arguing about the smallest things..." She sighed and looked at the two who were still glaring at each other. "Take a bath then brush your teeth. Afterwards it's off to bed you two!"

"Yes mom!" The two stood up and kissed her on the cheeks. They exited the room leaving her in silence. Though they've grown up, they'll never change. I do hope they don't. She smiled at her thoughts. Bringing her back to the day she gave birth to Andrei and the day she adopted and welcomed Brake into the family. It had been the best moments of her life and she treasured them very much. They are what completed her.

She put the clean dishes into the racks and hanged her apron on the wall hooks, taking a last glance of the room before turning off the lights. The moon shined brightly along with the stars, lighting the halls of the mansion. Stopping at a door, she opened it slightly and entered cautiously, not wanting to wake the sleeping redhead. He was sprawled in his bed with the pictures he had taken a while ago.

Taking all of them, she had fun watching each and every one before taking one of her favorites and putting the rest on the bedside table. Grabbing the blanket, she covered him with it after giving his favorite teddy bear to hug. She kissed his forehead and turned the lamp off before leaving the room.

Meanwhile, Andrei had just finished his papers for tomorrow's class. The teachers had been pressuring the students to give in reports and commentaries about changes in the school. Being the president in the class, he was forced to do it or otherwise his classmates wouldn't be able to join in the olympics.

"Come in," He turned to the sound of knocking. "Mom, you're supposed to be asleep.."

"I just wanted to check on you, son," Rhea leaned on the door, her eyes roaming around her son's room before looking at her son's sleepy face. "You've been working non-stop. You know what happens when-"

"I know... But if I don't, more work will stack up..." He pointed at the two remaining folders on his desk. "I'll lose even more training and time with you guys..."

"That's so sweet of you, dear. But overworking yourself and getting sleepless nights gets you into more trouble, than you already do". Rhea stepped inside the room, picking up the scattered documents on the floor and placing it on the desk.

"Mom, please.." Andrei looked into his mother's eyes, pleading for more work time.

"Fine... But if you get sick, I'm reporting this to the school. You hear me, young man?" Sighing in defeat, she kisses the boy goodnight and leaves his room. He sighs in relief, seeing his mother finally going to sleep. Turning his head back to the papers, he starts compiling the works and moves onto the next one. This was going to be a long night.