
Commander's Unrestrained Harem (18+)

(WARNING!! This novel features graphic sex scenes, including traps, incest, and may include graphic depictions of violent acts.) In a well-kept and thriving kingdom, in a world full of magical races, orcs, monsters, goblins and even normal humans, a commanding officer by the name of Boku goes about leading armies and protecting his land. In a life-threatening situation, he is rescued by a strange girl with wings. Schedule: As many as possible, whenever I can. lol

LiterallyAnApple · Fantasi
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8 Chs

Final Round; Messenger (18+)

"You made me hard again." Boku whispers into Misumi's ear.

She was still half-limp in his lap with her liquids running down both their thighs, reaching a point on the couch and creating a wet spot which ran off the couch and hit the floor.

She began to pant harder as her breath become hot as steam, and her eyes practically had hearts in them as she began to smile and drool, fantasizing about what Boku was going to do to her. Her arousal began to reach its zenith as her body moved up and down due to her breathing, feeling Boku's abs and rock hard cock against her lower back.

She took the ribbons, which held her twin tails, out of her hair and threw them across the coffee table, flying past the open water bottle.

She stood up and bent over, pressing her hands onto the coffee table, which had a reflective glass top, exposing her privates in a doggystyle position.

"Go wild." she said in a seductive tone, looking over her shoulder in anticipation. "Make me feel good."

Boku stood up really quickly and rammed his cock in between Misumi's tight walls.

Misumi moaned and tightened up hard as Boku entered her for the second time. "Ahhng~!!"

She lost her balance on the table as she lost control of her body for split second and she slipped. She managed to catch her self, but her arms ended up in a planking position on the coffee table as she was being thrusted into.

The both of them were like animals. The sound of Misumi's ass clapping against Boku's thighs at high speeds radiates throughout the room powerfully.

"Nnnaagh~! Uh~! Ah! The...the sound of my ass~...! Its so lewd! You're breaking my pussy! Your thrusts are so powerful ngh~...and fast-! Gyaaaah~! Ah! Ahhnnnn~!"

Misumi breaks her position, and her left arm is released from the planking position, and she hits the open water bottle, causing it to fall and spill on the carpet. The two are so consumed in their activity that they don't even notice it.

While thrusting, Boku leans his face closer to Misumi's ear.

"Misumi...I-hah~...my hips are running out of strength--!"

"Haaah~...aagh~...then--!" Misumi struggles to speak as her vocal chords are obsessed with only producing sounds of satisfaction.

With a grunt, Misumi makes a powerful pump with her ass and pushes back Boku, which causes him to fall on his ass, back resting against the couch, and she goes right along with him.

"Agh!" Boku moaned.

Misumi swung around, reversing the doggystyle position, lifting her leg over Boku's head with his dick still in her. She is now facing him, and bouncing up and down vigorously on his cock.

"Boku~! Ah! This time...let me-aahnnn~! Let me do the work!" she says, yelling over her own moans.

"M-Misumi! "Boku says, completely devoured by the pleasure of Misumi's pussy.

Misumi embraces Boku, wrapping her arms around his neck as he grabs her ass, supporting her pumping. Her massive tits squeeze between herself and Boku's chest, and the warmth of her breath on his neck as she moans in his ear makes him even hotter and hornier.

"B-...Boku~!" Misumi moaned aloud. "You make me so hot! You--nnaah~! Am I making you feel--nn~...feel good?"

"Oh~...your pussy is..." Boku's mind began to go blank as his head lost its strength. The only thing holding it up was Misumi as she held him tightly. "I feel like my dick's gonna melt!"

"Yeah? Yeah? Aah~! Then melt! Let my pussy make you feel good! Oh~! I can feel you so...so deep inside me! Ah! Ah! Your dick is penetrating me so hard! You're so big!"

Misumi kissed Boku, being very thorough with his mouth. Their tongues intertwined as their love juices mixed together like hot and cold water creating a perfect blend of both sides of the spectrum.

"Mm~! Mm!" Her moans muffled by the connection of their lips.

"Gaah~!" Boku broke free of their passionate kiss. "Misumi...I-I can't last! Its too good! I'm gonna cum!"

"Then cum! Cum! Aah~! Ah~! Please cum inside me! I want you to cum so much that my pussy can't hold it all! I want to feel your tadpoles in my womb! Impregnate me! God, do it, pleassseee~!"

"Ngh! Agh~!" he moaned.

"Please! Please! Please! Please! Spread your seed in me~! Ahn~! Make my vacuum of a pussy overflow with your love!"



Boku exploded inside of Misumi. The both of them moaned so loud and came so hard, its a wonder if it weren't audible outside.

Her pussy couldn't contain his load. It shot of her pussy and drizzled down onto the floor and as well as his cock.

The both of them panted, still embracing one another, even tighter than before.

"Haah~...haah~..." Misumi panted. "It's...so...hot...haah~..."

"...Misumi...that was..."

"I'm so full~..." she said and then giggled a little afterwards. "Boku...lets do that again. I want to stay with you forever."

Boku tried to slowly lift Misumi off of him, but she pushed herself back on, regardless of the small amount of inches he barely managed.

"Uff!" Boku groaned.

"No!" Misumi exclaimed.

"What? What is it?" he asked.

"I wanna stay like this..." she said. "I love this embracement. You're so warm. Your love inside me. I wanna stay like this with you all night..."

He giggled slightly, entertained by her words. "Geez, you're so sentimental."

She lifted her head to look at him. "Hmph! Why wouldn't I be! I love you, Boku!"

He grabbed the back of her head with one hand, while his other was on her back, and pushed it back to its original place, resting on his shoulder. Returning her to her original embrace.

"Yeah...I love you too, Misumi."

Boku got up, while still embracing Misumi and laid back down on the couch where she rested, exhausted, on top of him. The both of them sentimentally and softly talked the night away, before going to sleep, naked with love juices still on their thighs and crotches.

Right back on the couch that initiated it all. Only this time, the moon was out.

At about a quarter before 9, the sun leaks through the unclosed window and onto the naked bodies of both Misumi and Boku.

Still on top of Boku with her head on his chest, she opens her eyes as she snuggles in a little bit more. She exhales as she lifts her head, and she pokes Boku on the nose a couple times.

"Heyyy~...wake up..." she says softly.

"..Mm...what?" he groaned. "Oh...good morning."

"Good morning, baby." she said, peering at him from underneath her long eyelashes. She proceeded to pin him to the couch, putting each hand on opposite sides of his head, pushing herself up from the couch. She inched closer to his face.

"I love youu~..." she said softly before interlocking her lips with his for a short period of time. She laid her head back down on his trapezius, and Boku could feel her breath on his neck. It relaxed him, and it made him begin to close his eyes again.

"Hmm~...your dick's hard again." she said as she could feel his erection in between her thighs, pressing against her pussy due to the position in which they laid.

"Its just morning wood." he said, closing his eyes and paying her no mind.

She sat up on his stomach.

"I'll do anything to feel that pleasure again! So let's have sex!" she said, puffing her cheek.

Boku put his hand of his forehead to express his exhaustion whilst exhaling. "But...I'm still exhausted after last night. That really took a lot out of me. And besides, its early..." he explained.

She groaned and pouted, still with her cheek puffed out.

"I mean...it's not that I don't want to. I just can't, you know?"

She got in his face, smothering his chest with her tits, and grinding up and down on his dick.

"That's fine!" she exclaimed. "Then let me do all the work---!"

There was a knock on the door downstairs. The two naked lovers froze.

...There was a second knock, followed by an audible "Eep!" by both Boku and Misumi as they didn't expect company while they were having their "private time."

"W-w-what!? Who is that?" she exclaimed.

"I don't know-I don't know!" he shouted. "Okay, okay. Get in the shower and don't come out until I get back! And uh...take your clothes with you too!"

"O-okay!" she agrees, hurriedly pickup her clothes. She tries to run whilst picking up her clothes, so all she does is squat right before she picks up a clothing item and then proceeds to keep on running. She finally picks them all up and makes it about halfway to the bathroom when she trips with a thud and a grunt.

"Oof!" she grunts.

"Hurry it up!" Boku hurries her, as he quickly finds his jeans and puts them on.

"I'm going! I'm going!" she exclaims, picking herself back up and running into the bathroom.

There is a third knock on the door, much louder than all the others. This makes Boku jump and he sprints down stairs.

"Coming! Coming! Give me a second!"

The knocking gets even louder and faster.


He reaches the door and opens it with vigor, and the force of the swing of the door creates a gust of wind, blowing back not only Boku's hair, but the person's at the door.

It was a young girl, maybe 19 years old, with amazing white hair pulled up into a long pony tail. Although her hair was pulled back, some of her hair still covered up her ears. She's shorter than Misumi, maybe 5'3, and Boku towered above her like a skyscraper does over a city street, causing her to have to look up at him.

She wore a something reminiscent of business attire. A white, collared, button up shirt and a black skirt that goes to right above her knees with a brown satchel on her side attached to her belt. The second to third couple of buttons or so were not fastened, revealing her cleavage. She seems to be a C-cup and she's very skinny. A small drop of sweat dripped down in between her breasts and disappeared. It must be hot out this morning. Her lips are perfectly plump and pink. Her hips and butt are very curvy, but not quite as much "meat" on her thighs and tits as Misumi. Her eyes are light blue and are extremely mesmerizing, but she showed no expression on her face. She seemed to be emotionless. One might call her a kuudere, only minus the "love" part.

Pretty much everything about her screamed "Misumi", only slightly more reasonable proportions. She kept her hands crossed at her front and held a rather professional and polite stature.

She looks at Boku up and down and notices he doesn't have a shirt, as well as the fact that he doesn't have a belt or shoes on. And she also notices how low his pants are riding on his hips, like he barely had the time to put them on before he opened the door.

"I never took you for the type of person to sleep naked." she said.

"Welp, that's me." he responded nervously. "So quirkyyyy...do I know you?"

"I'm one of the king's messengers."

"I've never seen you around."

"I'm new." she said, never once changing her inflection or facial expression.



There was silence from the both of them for a little while.

"...Soooo~...? What are you here for?" he inquires.

"I came to give a message directly from the king." she states.

"Well why didn't you just say it!?" he raises his voice in complete confusion.

"I'm bad at this." she admits.

"No shit."

She takes a bow. "I will relay the king's message to you now."

She regains her polite posture and relays the message: "...Get the hell over here."


"Is...is that it?" Boku questions.


"Then tell him I'll be there in about an hour."

"He says its urgent."

Boku sighs. "Okay-then make it thirty."

"He said it was really, really, really urgent--."

"Okay-I WILL BE THERE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!" Boku said, raising his voice is frustration. He just woke up, give em a break.

The emotionless girl takes a bow. "Yes, sir."

Boku slams the door, creating another gust of wind, and the girl turns around and begins to make her way to the king's castle. While not changing her expression, her cheeks become bright red as she walks away from Boku's residence.

"He totally had a six pack." she said in the same monotone voice.

Inside, Boku grunts and grumbles as he walks up the stairs.

"Hey! It was a false ala-!" he walks in the room he sees Misumi staring out the window, still naked, watching the beautiful white-haired girl walk away from the house. She had her pouty face pressed up against the window.

"...The hell are you doin--?"

Misumi cuts him off, runs over to him, grabs his shoulders and shakes him. "Who was that girl!? Did she see you with your shirt off!? Your pretty ass is only for me!? And why are your pants so low!? You didn't flash her did you!? Did she flash you!?"

"Did you press your bare tits up against an open window?" Boku asked, completely disregarding her interrogation.

"Don't fuckin' worry about that!" she yells.

"Oh okay, yeah. Fuck my actual logical question." Boku mutters sarcastically.

"Do you like her!?"

"I mean, she was pretty, but I--"

"So you DO like her!"

"Look, she's a messenger from the king." he informs. "She said that the king requested my presence as quickly as possible. She didn't come over here to see me for me, or anything like that."

This calmed Misumi down a bit, and she got out of Boku's face and off of the tips of her toes.

"Hmm...okay. I hope it isn't anything serious." she says.

"Yeah, you and me both." he responds. "Anyway, I need to take a shower and get ready. The both of us probably smell from last night. Don't even know how you kissed me this morning. My breath was probably not at the top of its game."

"Okay." she says. "Oh, by the way. Can you lean down a little?"

Boku leans down and Misumi gets on the tips of her toes again to increase her height. She moves her face up to his ear and licks it, moaning softly.


Boku blushes, jumps back and grabs his ear, confused at what just happened.

"Let's take a shower together." she says softly while grinning. She grabs Boku's hand and runs, leading him to the bathroom.