
Chapter one

I'm not completely confident in this but I trust you'll give me some positive feedback and or constructive criticism.


My fists collided with the black punching bag that hung from the ceiling.


I became numb to it all. Which worked well because I didn't want to feel anything anymore.


I felt the sweat drip down my face and onto the mat beneath my feet.


Coby screamed from some where in the room for me to slow down on my hits but the voices in my head seemed to drown out his.


I gave the bag a final blow before I sent it swinging with a swift kick. I collapsed down on the mat. My chest moving at rapid speed as a took in as much air as I could.

I felt a looming presence over my head. My thoughts were confirmed when a cold drop hit my face and I opened my eyes to see Ben standing above me with a water bottle in hand.

I sat up and saw how his eyebrows furrowed and a frown settled on his face.

"You should learn to take a breather, Ry."

"Well Benny boo, you and I both know doing that," I said pointing to the swinging bag. "is the only way I can breathe."

He sighed. "Yeah I know. How's school?" He asked changing the subject.

"Same old same old." I grabbed the water bottle and took a satisfying swig. The cool water hitting my throat.

"That's what you said last week."

"Well that's how it is every week."

"That can't be true."

"I'm sorry Benny boo. That's just how my life is. B-O-R-I-N-G."

Well that's I big bogus lie. My life is anything but that. Let me rewind it a little.


Friday 05:00

I woke up with a splitting headache.

"Today I'm in no mood to attend Ridgewood High."

I sluggishly made my way out of bed towards the bathroom.

I turned the showers knob to let the water run until it was steaming hot.

Stripping out of my onesie should have been easy if my brain wasn't about to pop open my skull. I stepped into the shower and let the steaming hot water relax my tense muscles.

I stood under the water a little while longer before I got out and wrapped myself in my towel. I lathered my body in lotion and slipped on my clothes. I put on my black knee ripped jeans and a black t-shirt. I threw on a yellow hoodie and my black jordans.

As I walked into the living room, I let a sigh pass my lips as I stared at the disheartening sight infront of me.

Right on the couch, lay my passed out father, with bottles of wine sprawled out on the floor. I put my brown hair up in a ponytail and got to cleaning. Not bothering to look at the time already knowing I'd be late.

After wiping away the ring marks on the table and picking up all the bottles and throwing them in the bin outside.

I got my backpack from inside and made my way to school.


I groaned.

I watched as my binder fell and released all the papers I safely kept inside it.

I ignored the echoing laughter of my peers and got on my knees ready to collect my assignments and test papers that littered the Ridgewood hallway. Some people kicked them further away, purposely trampled on them leaving shoe prints and some picked it up only to tear apart infront of me.

Just as I was about to reach for my English essay that I scored a very unfair 85 percent on, a red pair of stilettos came in my line of sight and almost stepped on my hand.

I retracted my hand and looked up at the bigfoot that stood in 5 inch heels.

Of course. Who else would wear their own death certificate on polished floors.

The almighty Britney Stevens.

Britney Stevens is Ridgewood's very own 'Queen-B'. Girls want to be her and boys want to be with her. She's my very own tormentor but if I have to put it in simpler terms, she's a bully with nothing else to do.

Today she wore a short leather skirt that barely came below her butt and a bright red top that hugged her figure perfectly.

"Well lookie here. The ogre finally found her place on the social ladder.

The minions laughed.

On Britney's right stood, Amber Hayes. The blonde with less brain cells than a deranged cat. She was the girl you could blatantly give answers to on a test and she would still fail. She wore a white of shoulder with a white skirt and black heels.

On her left stood Kimberley Walsh. She was a brunette like Britney. She was the trio's news lady. She filled Britney in on the latest gossip. Like who was dating who things like that.

"Yeah ogre." Amber comments giggling.

"She seems to have fallen in love with the floors Britney." Kimberley teased.

"OMG Kim." Britney faked a gasp. "I'm pretty sure not even the floors would stoop that low." They snickered.

I sighed. "I'm surprised you know how low the floors can stoop."

"What did you say ogre"

"You know Britney, my grandmother once told that if I nothing nice to say then I shouldn't say anything at all."

"Listen here you little-" I cut her off

"I'd love to here whatever you have to say but I'm pretty sure we're going to be late for class and you won't understand anything I say to you.

Suddenly somebody pulled my hair back.

"When Britney tells you to listen, you listen."  Amber sneared.

I hissed.

"Aww Amber thanks." Britney smiled. "Like I was saying, you better watch the you talk to me otherwise I'll teach you how to talk properly."

"Britney we both know you don't have enough brain capacity to do that." I answered

I expected what happened next. My cheek stung like crazy. Britney looked down at me with wild eyes. If looks could kill, I would've been dead a long time ago.

"Watch your back ogre."

And just like that Britney and the bobbleheads sashayed away.

"Yeah and you should drop out of school and become a wrestler. Sheesh my face hurts." I said rather lowly

I sighed picking up my binder and heading towards my seventhth period AP chemistry class.

I walked into class late but Mr Ford didn't seem to mind. The class was in havoc anyway.

I slumped down in my seat and my seating partner ground at my appearance.

"Nice to see you too."

I'm pretty sure you aren't that clueless to not know that I'm not everyone's favourite person.

Mr Ford cleared his throat before he spoke.

"Okay now I gave you your five minutes of fun, get back in your seats and settle down."

No one made a move to settle in their seats.

"Unless you'd like to join me in after school detention."

That seemed to do the trick as a sea of groans flowed throughout the classroom and people shuffled around.

"Seeing that today is a Friday and I assume you've all studied for the pop quiz," another wave of protest. "I've decided to assign you all new seating partners."

"Not cool dude."

"I ain't moving."

"Oh come on. You can't do that."

Words of disagreement were thrown from every corner of the room, except from my current seating partner who seemed more than happy to be moved away from me.

Same here bud, same.

Mr Ford sighed. "I technically can Camille and I will."

My peers huffed and puffed although nobody seemed to say anything anymore.

From behind me I heard someone mumble. "I just hope he doesn't place me next to dark-o over there."

It was no secret. I was darker than most of the students at Ridgewood High, hence the bullying. I'm originally from Africa, Namibia but my father met some white lady, married her and she made him move all the way across the continent using the excuse that all her family business was on this side of the globe. But guess what, turns out Mrs Perfect wasn't so picture perfect after all. She had a whole ass family- a husband, three kids, two dogs and everything - she wasn't willing to leave. She suddenly just woke up one day told my father that she couldn't do it anymore and left.

That's how we ended up here. I'm part Angolan and part Namibian. Being black was never really a problem but ever since I moved here it has been nothing but that. I'm sick of people judging me because of what my skin colour but everytime someone says something my body freezes up. I've been called all kinds of names. Godzilla, Darko, ape, ogre, troll, hyena, black fox, I've even been told that I'm as dark as a black hole and those are the nice ones.

It doesn't make it better because if they aren't talking about my skin colour then there talking about my weight. It's either that I'm too fat, too skinny, not skinny enough or that I'm not fat enough. I never knew someone could be too skinny and too fat at the same time.

When it comes to calling me out on my weight, it's either meatball, watermelon, cylinder, tube or even snapper. That one was apparently because I'm so skinny someone could snap me in half.

I'm use to it all. I just act like it doesn't faze me it all. Let the words bounce off of me like a wall. I made the conclusion that I'm just an easy target for them.

As Mr Ford read the names on his list, I look around to see people bidding farewell to their friends and catching glares from those who saw me look at them. We were seated in alphabetical order making me end up in the middle of the classroom but still a little too the front. Which made me an easy target for those who either wanted to cheat off me or those who just wanted to make fun of me.

This time he decided to switch it up a bit.As he got to the letter "D" I waited patiently for him to say my last name.

"Dahlia and Ashanti."

"Daihatsu and Colton"

"Daniels and Santoro"

"Damon and Watson"

As he continued reading out names I watched as my new partner made his way over to our new assigned seats. They were located on the left side of the classroom, in the second row from the front of the class. He had a huge grin on his face and I feared for the worst.

To a normal person it would have seemed stupid or even crazy to fear a person who smiled like that. So friendly. But I knew all too well what it meant. The beginning of my impending doom. It was the smile all my tormentors wore before they started their fun with me.

I took the seat closest to wall and moved my chair away from him. There was enough space between the wall and my seat that would allow me to make a run for it if he tried something.

He had dirty blonde curls that fell into his eyes. They were a soft yet vibrant green colour. Like the colour of a rain forest. Natural forest green with a little bit of a lime-ish green in the mix. He had a tan skin tone almost like a creamish brown. He smiled and exposed his pearly whites and it caused a dent in his left cheek.

I recognised him as one of the new transfer students that just showed up at Ridgewood in the middle of the semester. I don't know how their parents did it because Ridgewood rarely ever excepts any new kids. Especially in the middle of the semester.

"Hey, I'm Cyrus." He introduced.

I looked at him and turned to face Mr Ford as I waited for him to finish all while I mumbled my name.


"Spider? Why would your parents name you Spider? Wait unless their diehard Spider Man fans like me? In that case their pretty cool if I do say so myself." He smiled proudly.

"Who in the world would name their kid Spider?"

He shrugged. "I don't know. Spider Man's parents but that would only mean that you're.... Oh no way are you Spider Man undercover? God, this is so cool. How does it feel when you're swinging from buildings? Gosh dude your amazing you know that? Jeez-"

Despite his silliness, I grew tired of the act real quick. If he was going to pretend that he was a genuinely nice person, well then her was wasting his time. He could just cut to the chase already.

"I'm not Spider Man and I'm clearly a girl. And you do know that Spider Man is just a made up movie character, right? Not to mention the fact that he's name is actually Peter Parker in the movie and that he was born normal until he was bit by a radioactive spider."

"Wait for real? My whole childhood has been a lie." Cyrus cries out. "But hey, you can't blame me. Your the one who said your name's spider."

"I said Ryder not spider." I corrected him.

"Oh well then you shouldn't mumble. It's really hard to tell what someone's saying when they're mumbling."

I sighed and decided just to ignore him. I turn my attention back to me Ford just as he was handing out the pop quiz.

As he passed our table Cyrus spoke up. " Hey Ford Mustang, I can't do the pop quiz today."

Mr Ford sighed. "And why I my ask?"

"Because my doctor said that my brain needs special rest and care. It's under slot of stress from all these tests you've been giving us lately."

"And do you have any proof Mr Santoro?"

"Yeah. Wanna check my brain?"

The class erupted into laughter and I simply rolled my eyes.

"Cyrus if you're fooling around could you please start working?" Mr Ford asked.

"Well since you asked so nicely,." Cyrus tapped his finger on his chin as if in deep thought. "I guess so."

Mr Ford sighed in relief and made his way towards his desk. Not even three minutes later, I felt a nudge.

I looked over at Cyrus expecting him to demand I give him some answers. Instead I found him looking sheepishly between me and his desk as he awkwardly scratched the back of his head.

"Could you erm... borrow me a pencil?"

I warily passed him the one I was using. Mind you it was my favourite one. I grabbed a new one out of my pencil case and got back to work.


I felt someone staring at me and as I looked up I found a very awkward looking Cyrus.

"Can I help you?"

"I was just wondering if you could pass me a piece of paper?"

I sighed and gave him one from my notepad.


Not even a minute passed when I heard him call my name. I grabbed my backpack and pencil case and gave it to him.

"Anything else?" I asked clearly annoyed.

He didn't seem to be fazed by my behaviour. He simply chuckled.

"As much as I would love the year supply, I just wanted to tell you that your sheets upside down."

And who knew? My sheet was actually upside down. My cheeks were scorching hot and awkwardly looked away as I took out a new sheet of paper to write on.

"Right. Sorry." I apologized.

"No need partner."

Twenty minutes later I was handing in my paper and stepping out of class just as the bell rings signalling the end of this period and on to next which was History.

The halls began to fill with students and I raced to class not wanting to be found in the halls by any of my tormentors. But if you really think about it, the whole school torments me.

I took a sharp turn ready to enter the class through the door when I bumped into another body and landed on the floor.

"Thank you so much." I groaned

I looked up to find another one of the new transfers. Bennett Santiago. I swear I've heard the name somewhere but I can't seem to place a finger on it. He and I have history, English literature and Independent research class together but I've never spoken to him. He actually never spoke up unless he was required to.

His jet black curly hair fell over his grey eyes. If you looked close enough his eyes almost looked blue. He had an olive tanned skin tone.

"I'm sorry. I didn't see you coming-"

"Of course you didn't." I rolled my eyes as I helped myself of the floor.

"No, really. I didn't-" he tried explaining.

"Just because you're some pompous rich kid doesn't mean you can do whatever you feel like. I may not fit in with the rest of you but that doesn't mean you get to push me around."

He stared at me for a moment. "I don't understand."

Oh so his going to play that game.

"But I'm pretty sure you do. Your some rich idiot who thinks he deserves the world but let me make something clear, I have enough to deal with as it is so grab a card and get in line." I glared at him.

"What? Look I honestly don't know what you're talking about. I'm sorry I bumped into you but I think your confusing me for someone else." He looked genuine but I knew what game he was playing at.

I sighed. "Just stay away from me."

I turned to leave but he called out to me. "Wait! You dropped this."

I saw my binder in his hand. I hesitantly reached out to grab it and when I did I ran right into class.

Mrs Abraham wasn't in class so everyone considered it a free period. I'm one for skipping class but being in a room full of people who despise me isn't going to work.

I left class deciding to head to the library than staying in class and having the probability of being tortured. As I walked down the hallway leading to the library, I was shoved into a dark room. The smell of chemicals and cleaning products engulfed my nostrils and I instantly knew it was the janitors supply closet.

I turned back around to scream for help but a hand was slapped over my mouth and I knew I wasn't alone. Panic seized control of my body and suddenly I felt like the walls were closing in on me.

"You scream and it'll be the last thing you ever do." I heard him.

The voice that tortured me for the last six years. The voice of one the monsters that took over my dreams. I froze. I felt all my senses leave my body leaving me numb.

No, no, no, no! This couldn't happen not again please. Please I can't let this happen.

"I've been looking for you." He whispered.

"Ashton p-please let m-me go." My voice barely audible.

Ashton Blaine. Black orbs and brown hair. He had light skin. He was a monster. He infiltrated my dreams, he hurt me. I couldn't handle it. 

"And why would I do that?" I felt his his and roam up and down my arm.

No, no, no, no please! Someone please!

With very little strength I pushed him back and he stumbled backwards. I guess he wasn't expecting it because I definitely wasn't strong enough to do that. He was a football player and I'm just me. I couldn't match up to him. Not now anyway.

He regained his balance but not before knocking two or three things over.

He laughed. "Sweetheart I know you want it. Don't fight."

He stalked towards me and just as he was about to pull me towards him, the door opened.

We both turned our heads to look at the person who was probably going to join in on the fun.

"What's happening here?" He spoke.

I recognised the person as Noah Santi He was in my AP calculus class and we had P.E together. He had brown eyes with a bit of hazel in them and brown curly hair and a dark caramel tanned skin tone. And just as you guessed he was the third of the transfers. He had more muscle than other two that he could no doubt over power me.

"None of your business Santi." I turned back to find Ashton glaring at Noah. Guess that didn't like each.

Noah ignored him and looked at me. "Did he hurt you?"

I was frozen. I couldn't move.

He reached out to me and I flinched back afraid that he would hurt me. Something flashed in his eyes and before I could decipher it, it was replaced with anger.

"You son of a-" he stopped himself.

Ashton's laughter echoed through out the room. "She gets what she deserves. Isn't that right?"

Noah grabbed my arm just as Ashton was moving towards me and pulled me out of the room. His eyes softened.

"Stay away from her."

"Your getting yourself into trouble Santi."

"And you're messing with the wrong person Blaine."

The stared at each for a little while longer until Ashton broke it off and smiled. He turned towards me.

"See you soon Ryder." And he walked away.

I knew what he meant. Noah touched my shoulder and I jumped.

"Hey you okay?" He asked. His voice soft and hesitant.

I panicked. This always happens. There nice until they become monsters.

He must've seen my panic because soon enough he had his hands up as if he surrendered and backed away for a bit.

"I'm not going to hurt you. Just tell me if you're okay." The way he said it seemed genuine and made it hard not to believe but I wouldn't trust him.

"I-I'm fine." I stuttered

"Come on let's go to the principal."

His fingers barely touched me before I pulled away. "No!"

"What? What do you mean no?"

"I'm not going to the principal."

"Why not? You need to report him."

"Why?" I yelled. "So that the whole school can come after me? Not going to happen." I scoffed

"I saw what he did to you." He argued.

"It doesn't matter what you saw. It's me against the entire school. Guess who they'll believe?"

He opened his mouth to continue arguing with me but I beat him to it. "Look, I appreciate your help but you need to leave me alone."


"I mean it. Stay away from me. It'll be good for both of us." I didn't wait for a reply. I turned and left the school. It was almost the end of the school day anyway. Just ten minutes left.


I'm pretty sure you know what happened afterwards. I got to the gym and let it all go out on the punching bag.

"Ben as much as I enjoy talking to you about my boring day, it's getting late. I have homework to catch up on." I stood up.

Ben sighed as I helped him up. "Fine. Get home safe and call me when you do."

"I will. See ya Ben"

"See ya Ry."

I walked out if the gym and made my way back to the house I call home.


I sat on my bed doing my AP physics work when I reached out to grab my textbook. My phone dinged which was a little wierd seeing as that I don't have friends and the only person who I actually talk to is currently in a match.

It was an unknown number that sent a simple text. To someone else it would have been crazy and they would have simply ignored it. I would too but I'm anything but normal.

I opened the text and the first thing I saw was my name. I didn't understand. Where were the hideous nickname. Where was the nerdy or even geeky infront of my name. I read further to find a simple sentence. A sentence that would change my life forever.

Your world may seem dark but we won't let it consume you. It's easier to hold on than to let go.

Starbucks at noon tomorrow.

- The Elite Musketeers.

I did what any person in my situation would do....


Ciao, Ola, Salam and Hello to everyone in the world. Where ever you are I hope your having a wonderful day. Thank you for reading the first chapter to Comfortably Numb.

This book was and is being written by a fifteen year old. I hope to edit it in the future but for now please don't forget to comment, vote and give constructive criticism.

There may be spelling errors, please do forgive me. I'm only human. I have no clue when I'll be writing or editing again but if you're interested please do click on ADD TO YOUR READING LIST.

I hope you enjoyed reading and I'll try super hard to fill every chapter with adventure for you my dear readers.

I can't think of anything else to say except for I'm open to any ideas and don't forget to follow.

Until we meet again.

