
Waiting and a brief history

Odin looked down at the world it was full of vibrant green lands and blue water. Its expansive range of mountains made it look like a swirling blue and green pill.

Odin was double thinking about his outfit choice should he wear the black suit or other clothing. He decided to switch to his king wear as he did need to attend as a king considering his daughter was a literal princess.

His clothes soon changed to a black torn cloak and baggy pants made of hemp he had a tight black crown that had small horns on his forehead. This soon changed as he picked his more advanced form the cloak became a fur collar long coat. His bants became black combat pants and his old crown became pure horns that grew from his head.

The left arm that was always hidden by his cloak was now covered in a full dress shirt and jacket and his hand was covered with a crimson glove. He now also had shoes they were simple combat boots the outfit wasn't actually designed by him but made by well something. When he became a nu all his items were upgraded or redesigned.

His eyes became crimson small little white veins appeared on his face near his eyes. Odin soon flew into the planet and headed for a mountain range. The cold wind made him feel relaxed he took in the sights even though at this speed most people would only see a blurred mass of a forest. Odin soon found the mountain range he saw a palace that was on top of the highest peak flying to it he entered the palace by the window.

Entering the room he saw many men and women with masks these were his sons and daughters some were even his grandchildren. Odin had already prepared and had a mask on it was a simple fox mask he found a seat and waited. The rest of the people looked at Odin in confusion since they didn't know his mask no one wore a fox mask.

The mask was a tradition that they head for any gathering so they wouldn't reveal their family being a son or daughter of Odin or having a connection to him was a death sentence. as many wanted to kill him so what better way than using a close relative or friend to bring him out. Of course, most were well known but they still work the mask for tradition.

A woman in a red dress walked to Odin she stopped a few feet away from him before talking.

"Who are you?"

The rest looked at Odin wanting to know his identity they didn't need to hide it in the room they just did it for tradition since they knew no threat was here.

"Vannessa it's best to wait," Odin replied his voice sounded like a mix of everything somehow it was understandable but yet not.

"You know me?" Vanessa said with a surprised look in her eyes. She didn't remember the man for the life of her but he did.

Odin kept silent and soon Vanessa left to talk with her brothers and sisters. Each child had a different mother because of odins multiple Lives he was bound to have children. but even if his true self had no feelings for the mother his kids were different.

Each child was the best at whatever they did some ruled universes and others lived in peace with massive wealth none here was weak. Vanessa was the queen of the southern galactic group in the southern sector of the universe.

Her strength here was weak but in influence, it was at the top of the children of Odin. Odin listen to them talk about their life he had a small smile knowing they were ok. He closed his eyes to rest for a while his still and unmoving presence made the group uncomfortable but they ignored it.

Soon more people arrived each was a child of Odin even the concepts came. The only one that knew who the masked odin was fate. She kept quiet as she sat next to Odin. Soon a small chime was heard and everyone left the room heading for the outside.

'So what did you get as a gift for her?' fate asked using telepathy.

'She always liked this world so i got it for her and i also got her her own personal reality.'

'I'm amazed didn't the man who owned this world hate you how did you convince him to sell it to you?'

'Haha all I did was 'convince' his family a bit and he gave it for free.'

Exiting the palace they felt the cool fresh air on their skin. They walked further out and soon saw a grand scene of the planet. The tall green and blue trees stood tall the small leviathans that swam in and out of the void sang distorted but beautiful songs. The sky turned an amber color as the binary star pair set.

The people took their seats as they waited for the start of the wedding. Odin took off his mask and took out a cigarette each of these cigarettes was made with medicinal plants. The smell they gave off could easily cure many diseases, of course, odins were made to give more spiritual energy. if someone were to make it they would explode from the high energy in them.

Some people looked around and noticed Odin they widened their eyes and started to tell the people around him to look. Odin ignored the attention and waited for the start of the wedding. A small girl ran to Odin her small legs made her look as if she would fall any second.

The small girl jumped at Odin and he grabbed her subconsciously he was still watching another him this Odin was cultivating it was boring but better than nothing. the little girl hugged Odin tightly her strength was nothing to scoff at even for a five-year-old she was at the peak of the immortal ascension realm.

She was a descendent of Odin his 594 times great-granddaughter. He held her and let her sit on his lap he was still not paying attention but fate who was next to him smiled at the girl. Everyone here she considered her family as she was made by Odin and could be considered the ninth daughter of Odin.

She played with the girl's hair to which the little girl smiled with glee. Fate and the girl talked and soon a man approached Odin he wore a kingly attire. The man and Odin looked the same the man carried a high sword on his side and he sat next to Odin.

"Father how have you been?" the man said as he looked at Odin.

"He is watching a different universe right now just tap him on his eye or something." fate said as she played with the little girl.

The man did as fate said and jabbed his index finger into odins eyes Odin blinked and looked at the man he looked annoyed but soon his mood became happy. The man was odins first biological child and the tenth child born of Odin he was called the emperor of defiance. Becoming an Emperor in his teens he ruled a vast empire after his father became determined to bring back his mother.

He fought many wars to protect the kingdom during the second ruling the empire was struggling with new rising kingdoms. They seemed certain to die but vili soon turned the tide he used his father's fighting style and mixed it with his own. The result was a devastating fighting style it seemed as this style was meant to defy fate.

As he improved his style the soldiers felt as he was truly defying the fate of their empire it would not fall. They felt as if their empire would not fall but also become even grander and it was true. After the wars, he conquered more land and lead a new building of his father's castle. Their world was huge just their castle was already huge being 3.8 million square miles.

The empire was 197 million square miles by the end of his ruling the castle took a short span of 1589 years. Of course, the current empire was even bigger the empire was split into two hemispheres the west and the east. The northwest was covered in snow and was where the capital resided southwest was a desert where the navy kept their starships.

The southeast was an expanse of wilderness that was 6.4664879 x 10^17 Miles squared. The trees it contained were all world trees reaching a few million miles into the sky. Any civilization that encountered this world would think it was a galaxy and then fall Into absolute shock when finding out it was a planet.

Under many laws of science, this world should not be possible having a diameter of 22.685 light-years. During the second expanse cenicor the emperor of expansion fully conquered the western hemisphere. The technology of the world could be considered to be the same as the 21 century.

If not for the magic it would have taken an unknown amount of year's to do this. During the fourth expanses, Odin conquered the eastern hemisphere and headed for the stars.

After conquering their moons a war happened with their neighboring civilization. The star system they resided in was huge having a total of 47,000 planets each was bigger than galaxies. Each planet also had an average of a few thousand moons because of this most planets were spaced apart very far being tens or hundreds of thousands of light-years away.

Many scientists wondered how this was possible and only a few knew that Odin did it just because why not if you can defy any law why obey them. To keep these planets this size required gravity and just imagining how strong the force was on it made many people confused.

The gravity on odins world was 11.930 meters a second squared. Naturally, this was too little but then again with a God-like being doing things it became normal. The war between odins world and their neighbors the nelexotre was not really a war Odin thought they were equal in strength as he assumed every world had magic.

Odin chose a few soldiers for an assassination before sending them he gave them an assist core it was a simple mana battery in case they used different energy. Once the assassin entered the world they found out it was devoid of any magic energy.

These five soldiers easily destroyed the government sending the world into chaos. After a month they easily conquered the world and ended the war or skirmish it depends on what side you look through.

Later on, these five people became the shadows and even much later became the harlequins residing on the moon of Bastet. Each was considered the worst threat you could have the weakest of the harlequin was a major threat to worlds. the strongest was a threat to the universe by the most recent time they weren't used as well they weren't needed.

Now the 52 trillion harlequins live and fight in the arenas. The five original harlequins have been sent to aid other universes in any multiverse wars. Of course, after so long the population has grown that even their system can't hold them so a new place is being created in the abyss.

That is why many of the starships they have are in the abyss the most notable are Sagittarius and the twin Pisces starships. The three are the largest ships in existence as Sagittarius was made in the abyss since of its size it can't enter any realities if it did many universes would be destroyed.

Pisces is 78% its size and the other one is only 39% its size. Of course, even the bigger pieces can't enter the only one that can is the small Pisces which docks around any universal docking port to deliver resources.