
The kind will die the weak will suffer and those that believe they are equal to one another are but ignorant fools that will die sooner or later

The bartender soon came back and brought them to a private room.

"He currently isn't here so he will take a while to arrive but please order anything you want he will pay for it." the bartender said as he bowed and ordered a waiter to attend to them.

The bartender left and the man introduced himself.

"Hello my name is Wu Sung-Nam but most call me bones as you can see I'll be your waiter so feel free to order whatever you wish." the man said as he bowed slightly he looked very skinny but it looked more like he had a high metabolism then being undernourished.

Odin nodded to the man and ordered a few drinks and also told the man to get himself some food as he understood how most people with a high metabolism felt. When he was on earth he had a high metabolism that even his doctors worried about it no matter how much he ate he didn't gain weight and was always tired.

The waiter although he looked energetic was faking it and looked ready to drop any point in time. The man looked grateful and ordered a small burger.

"Thank you very much, sir I really am starving!" Wu sung nam said as he bowed again.

Odin only nodded as he played with the woman's hair as she laid on his lap. The music that was played outside sounded very muted but Odin preferred it compared to the ear-shattering music that played when he opened the door.

Soon the order arrived and and wu sung placed it on the table he took his burger and went to the side to eat quietly.

"You should get a bigger meal that not even an hour's worth of energy," Odin said as he looked at the burger it looked big but he knew it was basically nothing to people like him.

"Well, I get off after you guys leave so I'm fine with this." Wu sung said as he finished the burger in a few bites.

"Just do it it's free food who would deny that?"

Wu sung thought for a while before he agreed on it either way he gets free food and his customer doesn't get offended. Odin refilled his glass and took another drink but before he could bring it to his mouth the woman took it and swallowed the gin in one swig.

"Damm," Odin said as he watched her take his drink.

"What surprised I can drink?"

"No, I'm surprised you took my lover right in front of me."

"Your lover have I been dumped for some liquor that quite sad?" the woman jokingly said as she pouted.

"No matter what liquor and my sword have stood with me since time immemorial it has brought comfort and guided me in this path of thorns."

"Maybe it's an addiction but I can't stop now there's an interesting thing with alcohol addiction that is different from others."

"One can quit smoking at most they will have cravings and be anxious but alcohol can be a little more unpredictable."

" as you can die from the withdrawals I had a friend die from it's a sad thing I might say he was finally gonna be a good man for his family only to spaz out and die in the living room next to his five-year-old kid."

"It's the same for me but not the alcohol as well I can't die but for me, it's bloodshed I have done a lot so many have died by my hand and I will tell you I don't regret it at all."

"To me, it never mattered whether they were young or old weak or strong man or woman killing was just the same I remember a god once asked me if I regretted it but my response made him reevaluate me."

"I have changed I am not the man you knew from long ago I don't believe in being kind and protecting the weak I don't believe that people should be equal."

"The kind will die the weak will suffer and those that believe they are equal to one another are but ignorant fools that will die sooner or later."

"Nature does not care whether you are right or wrong it only cares if you can survive and those that don't won't pass their genetics to the next generation."

"It is true but you aren't the only one that has changed you became me while I became you I became the sun and you became the moon." the woman said as she took the bottle and drank from it.

"I remember I used to dirty my hand when others wanted you dead and you never knew now it's time for you to do the same."

Soon the door opened and a man came in with a few other people. He sat down and asked one of the men to bring him a drink.

"Odin it's been so long since I've seen you and even my sister in law is here!" the man shouted as his serious expression turned into a carefree one.

"Never thought you still be alive you fuckwit." Odin said as he smiled at the man.

"Let me introduce you to someone this beautiful lady right here is Ren Jian you can guess who she's related to by the name." the man said as he pointed to a small girl she had long black hair and grey eyes that stared at your soul her smile showed her large canines.

"Your ancestor is that dog dude right?" Odin said as he looked at the woman

Odin's question made the girl offended as she was proud of her lineage. She was about to say something but the man stopped her.

"I'm sorry that was rude but your ancestor and I were friends and I just call him that no disrespect meant," Odin said as he took a drink as a form of apology.

"You knew my ancestor?" the girl said.

"Of course, I know the wolf emperor and all 394 hidden emperors who did you think erased their history?" Odin said as he laughed.

"Then that means you are that Odin?" the girl said as she gasped.

"The one and only that will ever exist."

"I know your ancestor and even mister crow here it seems you got a new wife didn't you Yi Xiang?"

"No, you just never met her that's why."

The man that left came back and gave them a glass with some liquor in it and then went back outside. Yi Xiang took the glass and finished the liquor in one swig before sighing in relaxation.

"Now the info you wanted here you go but I got to ask a favor from you."

Yi Xiang took out a folder from his spatial space and handed it to Odin.

"Ohh what's is it?"

"As you know the heavenly wolf and golden crow have always stood together since basically our birth but an outlier was born and took a symbol of our alliance."

The man said as he turned depressed the girl looked the same a small growl was heard by her as she clenched her hand.

"The symbol is the sword of heavenly ice fire and when he died he left it in a distorted space the time there would easily turn us into ash and you can easily grab it so I ask you to please help us."

"That sword ok I'll help you I created that for you guys so I can't let some little rebel just throw it away," Odin said as he got up and patted the man's shoulder.

"Thank you very much when you get it keep it and we'll come to pick it up." the man said happily.

Odin said his goodbye and left the waiter was eating his fifth burger when he saw them leaving. He ran to them and thanked him for the meal before Odin left. The fresh air from outside made Odin relaxed he looked at the woman next to him and walked to a hotel.