
Finding Shelter

"Done. That should be the last one," I say and take the healing laser out from under Lohikaarmi's chest plate.

"I thank Master. I can't help but feel shame from being helped by the one who defeated me."

She says she feels things, but I don't see a hint of emotion on her face. Oh well, I guess I will just have to take her word for it.

"It's no problem. It was me that caused them, anyway," I say.

"Master is very kind."

"Thanks. I still have some questions for you, though, but uh…" I say and look up at the now dark blue sky, "It looks like it's almost nightfall."

"You might want to find shelter, soon," Cisca says.

"Yeah." I turn to Lohikaarmi and ask, "Can you stay here for a second?"

"Of course."

I am going to head back up the cliff to retrieve the little girl, and while I am at it, I will scout the surroundings for anywhere to set up camp for the night.

A couple of jumps here and there, and I make it up to the top. The girl is still peacefully resting exactly where I had placed her. I pick her back up in my arms and look around from the vantage point.

On one side of the cliff is the meadow where I came from, and the other is just more forest for as far as I can see.

"Doesn't look like there is anything around," I say.

"What about a cave?" Cisca asks, "Is there a cave on the side of the cliff?"

"I don't remember seeing one, but I'm pretty sure Lohikaarmi can punch one out for me."

"That sounds ridiculous, but give it a try," Cisca says.

"That's what I was planning on to do."

I jump back down the cliff with the girl in my arms, crunching charred wood under my feet. Lohikaarmi is sitting at the same spot and waiting for my return.

There might be curiosity in her eyes when she looks at the girl, but it's only my interpretation as her expression is completely indecipherable.

"She's just a girl I found lying in the plains," I say.

Lohikaarmi nods and asks no questions.

"I am going to need you for something," I say.

"Of course, Master, what is it?"

"Can you still turn back into a dragon?"


"Okay, good. Do that and punch a hole in the side of the cliff," I say and point at the cliff in question.

"To make a cave?"


She nods.

"I understand. I suggest Master to distance himself."


I back off from Lohikaarmi. She takes a deep breath and a white glow emits from her entire body. I close my eyes shut and hear the cracking of metal.

Oh, right. I forgot to tell her to take off her armor.

When I open my eyes, the dragon is back. Lohikaarmi raises her front claw and takes a swing at the huge rock in front of her.


The ground shakes and a huge cloud of dust raises from the impact. A tree on top of the cliff falls over. Pieces of rocks roll down from the side. When the dust clears, Lohikaarmi takes her hand away, and there is now a room-sized hole in the cliff.

"Using a dragon as a demolition crew, eh?" Cisca says with a smile, "That's badass."

I chuckle at what she said.

"Great! That's good!" I yell while holding up an okay sign with my hand.

Lohikaarmi glows again and transforms back into a human. Each time that happens, the light is so bright that I can't see the process itself. By the time I open my eyes, she is naked again.

"Uh… can you put on another set of armor?" I ask.

"Yes, Master," Lohikaarmi says and walks over to a dead body.

I stroll past her and check out the newly created cave. Her power is really something. A chunk of solid stone just went missing from this cliff in less than a second.

"Cisca, can you judge the structural integrity of this cave?" I ask.

"I will let the comms take care of it," she says and presses a key. Text pops up in the corner of my eye.

"SCANNING…" it reads.


That's good enough for me. I step up into the cave. It's rather roomy. I set the girl down in the back corner.

"Cisca, temperature, please," I ask.

"You can just ask comms for these tedious tasks," Cisca says and presses a button again.


Sounds like it's going to get quite cold. I don't really mind because I have the Exosuit, but I think I will have to start a fire for the little girl, and maybe find something to eat.

As for the firewood, that's not going to be a problem.

I walk out of the cave and see Lohikaarmi coming toward me with a new set of armor. I pick up a charred piece of wood, which is everywhere, off the ground.

"Lohikaarmi," I say.

"Yes, Master."

"Can you breathe fire as a human?"


"Cool. Light this piece of wood on fire for me," I ask and hold up the log in my hand.

"Yes, Master."

Lohikaarmi purses her lips and gently blows. A stream of fire shoots out and engulfs the wood.

"Alright, thanks," I say as I pick up more pieces of firewood with my other hand and walk back to the cave.

I place the wood in a little pyramid and insert the one that is currently aflame under the other pieces. A bonfire is just made, warming up the cave and illuminating it with its red flames.

I figure while there is still some light out, I should get as much done as possible. I can save the questions for Lohikaarmi for later.

"Lohikaarmi, are there any wild animals around here?" I ask as she enters the cave.

"Usually, but I doubt they are still around after our battle."

Yeah, that makes sense. Anything with legs in a ten-mile radius is gone by now.

"Hmm, I see. What about fruits?" I ask.

"Yes, there are berry bushes in the undergrowth."

"That's good. Can you protect the girl while I go out and gather some berries?" I ask.

"Yes, Master."

"Thanks," I say and head out of the cave.

The sun has fallen beneath the top of the trees now. My first day in this new world is about to be concluded.