

Part One.

On a quiet street in Surrey known as Privet Drive something unusual was about to happen. It all started with a tabby cat sitting on a wall outside a normal looking house that looked just like all the other normal looking houses in the street. In fact many people would say that this street was very normal, thank you very much, and would scoff at anyone telling them any different. That was before tonight and what was about to unfold on this very quiet and normal street.

Suddenly a cool wind stirred the leaves and an old man appeared on the road with a bundle in his arms. The tabby cat stretched her back before jumping from the wall and disappearing from sight. The old man smiled as a woman appeared next to him and the two had a slight, if heated discussion, before moving a couple of houses down the street. Where the old man moved towards the front door of number four and placed the bundle in his arms on the doorstep and stepped away as he took the younger woman's arm in his and they moved off down the street before disappearing into the night.

Quiet descended once again on the very ordinary street and the hours slowly ticked away as light touched the horizon. Just as suddenly as the two people before him appeared a man appeared limping along with a cane in one hand as he moved towards number four and the bundle on the doorstep. He stopped and carefully picked up the bundle, his green eyes looking down at the small child in his arms. He looked down at the child in his arms for a while before reaching up with his cane and knocked loudly on the front door.

A horse-faced woman answered the door with a sour look on her face as she looked down her nose at the man on her doorstep. Her eyes briefly flickered to the bundle in his arms and the cane in the man's hand before her lips tightened.

"Yes?" The woman asked primly.

"Hello, my name is Blake Sun." The man said, smiling politely. "Are you Petunia Dursley?"

"Yes." The woman snapped. "What do you want?"

"I'm sorry to say, that I come with bad news." Blake stated looking down at the baby in his arm. "Your sister and brother-in-law were killed last night."

Petunia nose crinkled up in distaste.

"Is that so?" The woman questioned, with cold eyes.

"I'm afraid it is, Mrs Dursley" Blake said softly. "I'm sorry for your loss but we have matters to discuss. May we come inside?"


Blake moved the blanket around to show the sleeping baby in his arms to the woman.

"Your nephew, Harry Potter, and myself." Blake said softly.

Petunia stepped back, her nose wrinkling even more.

"I want nothing to do with the child!" Petunia snapped as her eyes darted around the street.

Blake looked taken aback and said, "But this child-"

"No, I don't want that child in this house!"

Blake sighed and took a couple of sheets of paper from his pocket and held them out to the woman. She just looked down her nose at them.

"I was hoping that we could come to an agreement but it looks like these papers will be needed." Blake said quietly.

"What are they?" Petunia snapped.

"These papers sign over rights of Harry Potter to me to take over his care."

Petunia snatched the papers from his hand and closed the door in Blake's face sharply. The man stood back and looked down at the small child, still sleeping in his arms unaware that his life was going to change so much from the events of this night. Blake sighed and gently removed the letter from the boy's blanket and placed it into his pocket.

Suddenly the door reopened harshly and the papers were shoved towards him.

"Here, now leave before my husband wakes up." Petunia hissed and shut the door in his face.

Blake sighed and turned away as the sun crept higher and a few curtains twitched as he stood on the Dursley's doorstep.

"Well, little Harry." Blake said softly. "This is the start of your new life."

Blake stepped forward and disappeared before his foot could hit the ground and the quiet street of Privet drive went back to being just a very normal street, thank you very much.


Harry could still see the image of the Dark Mark floating above the burnt out remains of Godric Hollow as he closed his eyes. Frozen in place as Hagrid had dashed into the house and picked up the baby and rode away on Sirius's flying motorcycle. He was sure he would have broken down again if it weren't for the goblin that had appeared on the street close to him and beckoned him over.

He'd moved over to the creature still in shock, with the glow of the Dark Mark bathing the street in green light as people started to creep out of the houses around him. Harry had taken the adoption papers from the goblin's hand as the creature had explained since he was a Potter, he could take over guardianship of Harry Potter.

Harry just taken the papers and had stood on the street for a while as the Dark Mark had floated away on the wind and the Aurors had moved in. Locking down the scene and moving the witches and wizards back, they had looked at him with interest but Harry had just moved back with the rest when ordered. He'd watched with slight detachment as the bodies of Lily and James Potter were removed from the house and taken away.

He was sure that it was stupidity that pushed him to apparate to the Dursley's house. How he thought he could take care of a child when he was having enough trouble just pulling his own mind together he wasn't sure.

Harry just sighed as he shook the memories away and knew that there was no way that he could have walked away from the baby. From the moment he'd picked up the child he'd known he wouldn't be leaving without him. He would just have to deal with the situation he was in now and try to push the events that lead to him stepping through the time rip and the darkness in his mind later.


Harry held his head in his hands as he looked down at the notebook on the table and reread his own writing. He sighed and leaned back in his chair before getting to his feet and paced a few steps before picking up the beer on his table and swallowing down another gulp. He replaced it on the table as he looked out the window and into the darkness.

He cursed as he turned away and pulled another memory from his mind and placed it into the bowl. He could tell that it was fragmented and he knew it would be useless to him. He was having no luck. Every time he would try to think back, it was just too far. Every memory he pulled was too fragmented or faded to be of any use to him. Too many years had passed since he was a child. Too much blood and chaos.

He looked down at the beer but could only see the blood on his hands and with a yell he threw the bottle at the wall. It smashed into a thousand pieces as crying started up next door and his green eyes flicked to the dor. He ran his hands through his short hair and sighed. He wasn't sure how he was going to do this again, how could he face it? Those green eyes looking up at him again.

He looked down at his hands as they shook, no blood to be seen, just another memory as he moved into the other room. Harry Potter looked up at him with big green eyes, crying. He picked the child up gently and rocked him as he murmured softly until he settled and he just held the child. Feeling the warmth of the body against him as he looked around the room blankly.

Just the fact that he held the child went against everything he had read about time travel. He should not be able to even touch him without making ripples. He rocked the boy slowly, thinking of his own children and grandchildren and a calmness started to come over him. This was something he had done so many times before as the boy settled down.

He had fled with the boy as soon as Petunia Dursley had signed him over to him. He just couldn't stay in England. There were just too many memories there at the moment. Too much darkness and pain. All things he just couldn't deal with in his state of mind.

He moved back into his office, limping more heavily with the added weight of the child and looked down at the will of Lily and James Potter and knew there would be a time when he would have to return. He wouldn't be able to run forever, if he wanted to honour their wishes.

His eyes caught on the word Hogwarts in the will and he sighed as he laid the sleeping child on the table in the blanket and picked up the will. He had to honour the wishes of the boy's parents. They wanted him to go to Hogwarts for his whole education, even if it meant that the child would have to face the possible dangers there.

Harry felt the grief and frustration growing in him again as he read through the will and he sighed as he placed it back on the table and looked down at the boy. His eyes catching on the lightning bolt scar and he bowed his head. He still couldn't wrap him mind around the fact that the time rip had sent him to the one time in his life that everything had changed, the night his parents had been killed. It could have taken him anywhere but fate had played her hand and he now had no choice but to deal with it.

The boy made a soft sound and he glanced up to see green eyes looking at him, so much like his own, so much like his son's had been and he felt the grief try to overtake him again. He reached out and little Harry grabbed his hand and he smiled.

The goblins had already been at his door and the German Ministry had sent him requests. They all had work for him to do as he looked at the boy's little fingers curled around his own. He would do what he always did; he would survive. He would fall back into work, to bring up his son and hope that he could recall more memories of what his life had been, when he'd been Harry Potter.



Harry started from the book he'd been reading at his son's yell. He dashed out of the room and down the hallway, his cane forgotten in his rush to get to his son. He crashed into his son's room scanning everything with his eyes looking for any danger.

His son sat on the bed crying and hugging his small body. Harry's heartbeat slowly returned to normal as he limped towards his son and sat down on the bed. The little boy fell into his arms crying into his shirt as Harry cupped his head and rocked him, his right leg stretched out before him.

"It's okay Ry." Harry cooed into the boy's ear. "You are safe here. It was only a nightmare."

The little boy hiccupped before turning his head up to his father.

"It was the green light." The boy whispered, with big green eyes.

Harry's heart clenched as he ran his hand through the boy's hair.

"It's okay Ry." Harry whispered as the child cried.

Harry continued to stoke the boy's hair until the five year old fell back into sleep. Harry tucked the boy back into bed and looked down at him softly. Five was just too young for a boy to be remembering the night that his parents were murdered and he wished not for the first time that his son didn't have such a good memory.

He knew it wasn't possible but he believed that his younger self had an even better memory than he did himself and he was starting to think that young Ry was becoming more of his own person and developing away from the path that Harry himself had taken. He wasn't sure if that had to do with the fact that the boy was away from the childhood that he'd had or if it was the fact that Harry lived in this time, when there had been no Blake Sun in Harry's life when he was a child.

With a sigh he pulled himself to his feet, his right leg protesting slightly as he limped back to his living room and the book he had been reading.


"Come on, dad!" The young child of eleven yelled, bouncing on his toes. "We are going to be late!"

Harry sighed as he pulled his shoes on, if only he had a tenth of his son's energy.

"What will we be late for?" He asked the young boy.

Ry rolled his eyes and said, "To get all my school things!"

"We have a week before you start school, Ry." He reminded the dark haired child.

"I know, but I want to read all the books before I start!"

Harry sighed feeling the beginning of a headache forming already. He was starting to think that his son was going to be sorted into Ravenclaw with the way he threw himself at his studies and yet he seemed to throw himself into trouble just as easily.

"Do you have your letter with the list of everything you need?" Harry asked.

"Yep," Ry held up the letter proudly.

The letter had arrived a couple of weeks ago via an owl and his son hadn't stopped bouncing around since.

"Very well," Harry replied.

He pulled himself to his feet with the help of the cane at his side. Together the two moved towards the door with the boy chatting away excitingly. Harry held out his hand for his son to take as they walked the short way to the bus stop and waited for the bus to London. Harry loved living a muggle life and hadn't given that up when he'd taken on the child.

Ry kept chatting away as they made their way to the Leaky Cauldron and Harry just nodded along. The little boy was so excited but Harry was sure that that would be dampened once people started to notice the lightning bolt scar on the child's forehead.

"Now Ry," Harry started as they stopped out the front of the Leaky Cauldron. "I want you to keep close to me and not run off."

"Yes, Dad." The young boy replied with big green eyes.

Harry looked down at him sternly.

"I want you in my sight at all times, young man." Harry said sternly.

"I understand, Dad." Ry said softly.

Harry smiled and made him way into the magical pub keeping the boy close to his side and glaring down anyone that even looked towards them. He moved towards the back room but not before Ry was noticed.

"It's Harry Potter!"

Ry looked around at his name but Harry kept walking.


Harry turned to see a slender man close behind him, looking down at his son with wide eyes.

"Yes?" Harry asked, looking down his nose at the man as he leaned on his cane.

"Is this Harry Potter?" The man asked squinting at his son. Ry hid slightly behind his father's leg.

"Yes," Harry said shortly, gaining the attention of the pub.

"Oh, my." The man just stood there as a few other people made their way over.

"And we must be going," Harry replied.


Harry kept walking, ignoring everyone else that tried to get his attention. Making his way to the entrance to Diagon Alley where Harry tapped his wand on the stones to open the way. Harry smiled as his son gasped beside him as the street was revealed before them. Harry had never taken Ry to the Alley before preferring to take him to the smaller magical shopping areas, but that wouldn't cut it when it came to getting his son's school supplies.

"Dad?" Ry asked softly, bitting his lip.

"Yes, son?" Harry asked looking down at the boy.

"Why was that man asking about me?"

"Remember what I told you about people calling you the boy-who-lived?" Harry replied with a sigh.


"Well there are some people that believe that you saved the wizarding world, the night that your parents were killed."

Ry seemed to think this over for a little while.

"But I was one!" Ry said softly.

Harry sighed this was hard to explain to an eleven year old child. Mainly because he still didn't understand it well himself.

"Yes, you were." Harry agreed. "How about we have a look at the book shop first?"

The boy grinned at him as they headed to the first shop of many. It was going to be a long day.


"Did you want to get some ice cream before we leave?" Harry asked his son.

"I want to go home." Ry said with a shake of his head.

The young boy was looking around at all the people that kept looking over in their direction. Harry looked down at Ry and thought maybe he should have taken his son to a few more magical areas while he was growing up so he could get use to people staring at him but he just couldn't bring himself to do that. It was better when they were in Germany since Harry Potter wasn't as well-known there.

"Okay, Ry." Harry replied, picking up a couple of lightened bags as Ry picked up Hedwig's empty cage. "Let's head home."

"My, my, if it isn't the famous Harry Potter?"

Harry looked up to see Lucius Malfoy standing a few paces away from him with his son at his heels. Harry stood up straighter tightening his grip on his cane as Ry looked up at the blonde man with wide eyes.

"Yes," Harry said slowly, looking the other man dead in the eyes. "This is my son, Harry Potter and I am Blake Sun. And you would be?"

"Lucius Malfoy," The man sneered looking down his nose at Harry.

"Is there something that I can help you with Mr Malfoy?"

"Just wanted to welcome Mr Potter to the wizarding world." Malfoy said with a sneer.

"That's nice of you, Mr Malfoy." Harry replied, his tone implying something completely different. "However, we must be on our way, it's been a long day."

"Ah, yes." Lucius replied. "It can be tiring keeping up with children at your age."

Harry smiled with a cold look in his eyes.

"Yes, people of our age do tend to tire quickly." Harry said with a smirk.

Harry turned away from the fuming man and made his way to the exit as Ry glanced over his shoulder at the blonde-haired man and his son.



Harry sighed he had only gotten through one page of his book since his son's last call.

"What?" Harry called back.

"I can't find my potion's book!"

"Keep looking, it's there."

Harry turned back to his book.

'…Time is believed to be free flowing always moving forward and moving backwards in time can cause ripples. Any slight change can alter the future that was known to the person using time devices…'

"Dad! I can't find my red shirt!"

"It's in the wash."

'…Depending on the ripples they can cause rips and tears. It is believed that people or objects can fall through these gaps. Studies into these time rips have been conducted without confirmation about the changes to established timelines. Theories have been put forward of alternate dimensions being created due to using time devices but they are unconfirmed and…'



"Hedwig isn't back yet! Will she know to go to Hogwarts?"

"Yes, she will. Don't worry."


'…Studies have looked into these gaps without much luck. It is however known that two of the same person can't coexist for long in the same time. This is why time turners are monitored very closely and with very strict rules applied to all people with permission to use one. If two of the same person were to come into contact, the results could collapse a timeline…"


Harry sighed and placed his book on the table. He knew that he wasn't going to get any work done until his son left for school tomorrow morning. With a soft groan he made his way to his feet as he picked up his cane and limped towards his son's room.

"Never mind, I found it!"

"Oh god," Harry moaned.


Harry placed the last of his son's bags onto the trolley and allowed Ry to push it into the station as he made his way behind the very excited child. Up ahead he could see a red headed family making their way towards the barrier between platforms nine and ten.

"Just follow that red headed family, Ry." Harry said to his son.

Ry looked over at the large family.

"Okay dad," Ry replied softly.

Even thou Ry was short he was the right height for his age and could just see over the bags on the trolley. Harry was sure that he had been a lot shorter than his son was now and it looked like the differences between himself and his younger self were starting to become more apparent as time went on.

They both had the dark hair and green eyes but the slight lines around Harry eyes and face showed him as being in his late forties, even if he was a lot older than that. He'd stopped aging in his late forties but it wasn't until a lot later that he'd noticed that something was wrong and the true meaning of the Master of Death had become clear to him.

He kept his hair short, similar to a military cut and wore dark jeans and light blue shirt, allowing the scars on his arms to show plainly. He also didn't wear glasses and his eyes seemed to look paler then his son's eyes did without them. Ry made sure he wasn't going too fast for his father as he tapped along with his cane in his right hand as they made their way through the busy station. Keeping the red headed family in their sights.

Suddenly one of the twins up ahead turned around and spotted them and turned to his mother who looked over her shoulder and stopped to let the two catch up.

Molly Weasley smiled at the two as they drew even.

"Hello dear, are you starting this year?" Molly asked Ry.

Ry looked up at his father unsure and Harry smiled at Molly.

"Yes, it's his first year," Harry confirmed.

"Well, just follow us." Molly said warmly. "I'm Molly, this is Ron. He is starting this year and this is George, Fred and Percy. And this little one is Ginny, she starts next year."

Harry smile widened and said, "I'm Blake Sun and this is my son, Harry Potter."

Molly didn't even blink at Ry's name, even if her sons started whispering between themselves as Ginny peeked around her mother with large eyes.

"Nice to meet you," Molly said kindly as she shook Harry's hand.

Molly moved back to walk with Harry as Ry moved forward to talk to the rest of her family as they made their way towards the platform.

"They grow up so quickly!" Molly gushed, as the kids started to move through the barrier. Seeing who could run at it the fastest without losing control of their trolley.

"That they do." Harry said. "Doesn't stop them from regressing now and again."

"I don't think my twins will ever grow up!" Molly replied with a laugh. "I've lost count of how many times Headmaster Dumbledore has sent me a letter about those two."

Harry smiled in understanding.

"Knowing Ry," Harry said dryly. "I am expecting that I will be receiving just as many letters. I got enough from his boarding school."

"Ry?" Molly questioned.

"Oh, sorry." Harry said with a grin. "My son likes to be called Ry. He just told me, one day out of the blue, when he was about four that he wanted to be called Ry since Harry was too much of a mouthful. Just wait until he is learning spells, now they are a mouthful."

Molly laughed as they moved through the barrier after their children and onto the magical platform.

"Well, I better make sure my lot are all on board." Molly said with a smile. "Nice to meet you, Blake."

"Nice to meet you too Molly, looks like Ron is showing Ry what he needs to do." Harry pointed out as the red heads surrounded Ry as their bags were loaded onto the train.

Harry stood back watching the train and all the children, parents, and animals running around as the train waited. Suddenly Ry separated himself from the red heads and dashed across the platform and hugged Harry tightly.

"Bye, Dad." Ry said, looking up at his father. "I'll write as much as I can!"

"Make sure you do," Harry replied ruffling the boy's hair. "Now off you go. Looks like Ron is waiting for you."

Ry grinned up at him before dashing off with one last good bye over his shoulder. Harry watched as the train pulled away and waved at the grinning face of his son in the window. With a sad sigh he moved off the platform with the other parents. He looked after the train sadly and hoped that Albus would look out for Ry, like he had for him as he turned away.


'Hi Dad,

I got sorted into Gryffindor! And so did Ron! It's up in a tall tower and it's great. I've made a few friends but the other kids keep staring at me. I don't like it. I hope it gets better. I'm learning some really cool stuff but Snape is mean. He is one of my teachers and he always calls on me and takes points. It's not fair!

Love, Ry.'


Harry was sitting in his living room having a coffee when an owl flew down onto the windowsill and tapped on the glass. Harry waved his hand and the window opened letting in the brown owl in. Harry took the note from the owl with a frown. The Hogwarts seal revealing whom the message was from.

'Dear Mr Sun,

I wish to invite you to Hogwarts School to discuss your son Harry Potter. If you could write back a time that would be suitable for you with the owl and I will endeavour to make that time available to you.

Yours sincerely,

Headmaster Albus Dumbledore.'

He reached for a pen on the side table and wrote back a day, and a time and also his home address before giving the note back to the owl. Albus would need to contact him via his mail box due to the fact that owls had trouble finding him for some reason he hadn't worked out. Some owls found him without a problem but others just seemed to get lost, which was frustrating for him and the person sending the owl.

"Please return this to Albus Dumbledore," Harry said to the owl and watched as it flew off.

The next day a portkey arrived in his mail box for Harry to attend his meeting with the Headmaster. Harry didn't have a floo connection to his house due to the fact that he didn't trust them so a portkey or apparation were his two options. He stood and moved to his room and removed a few items, if he was meeting the Headmaster he didn't want to have anything that would raise the man's suspicions, anymore then they probably already were.

Once everything except his wands were removed, he moved back towards his front door, picking up his keys and wallet before moving out of the house and using the portkey once he was passed his wards. He landed with a slight stumble in a bare stone room with Albus Dumbledore standing in his brightly coloured glory with a smile on his aged face waiting for him. Harry just took in the image of the man for a second.

"Welcome to Hogwarts, Mr Sun." Albus greeted, holding out a hand, which Harry took in his own.

"Thank you for the invitation," Harry replied, as he looked the man over. "Is my son in trouble?"

"No, no." Albus replied quickly, as they moved out of the room and into the Headmaster's office. "Just a bit of paperwork to sort out."

Harry moved to the chair offered to him as Albus settled behind his desk.

"Would you like tea?" Albus offered, with a twinkle in his blue eyes and Harry felt his heart clench at the sight.

"Yes, thank you Headmaster." Harry replied softly.

"Please call me Albus," The Headmaster replied floating a cup over to Harry.

Harry smiled. "Just Blake is fine."

"Now, you are Harry Potter's guardian?"

"Yes, that's correct."

Albus coughed slightly.

"We had a Mr and Mrs Dursley on our file?" Albus said softly. "But your address down as Harry's place of residence?"

"They are his Aunt and Uncle." Harry explained. "His Aunt signed over his guardianship to me when Ry was about one. I can call up the papers if you wish?"

"If you could, we can change what we have on file for young Mr Potter," Albus smiled, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. "I apologise for the mix up."

Harry pulled out his cherry wood wand and with a slight wave a few papers appeared in Harry's hand and he placed them on the Headmaster's desk as he sat back in his chair and sipped at his tea. Albus took the papers and read through them his eyebrow rising at the signature at the bottom of the first page.

"These papers only have Mrs Dursley's signature on them?" Albus asked.

"Yes, that's correct. Only Ry's blood relative was needed. I also have the Ministry's guardian papers there as well." Harry replied.

"Ah yes. I'll just make a copy of these to go into his folder."

"I will also give you my home number, if anything comes up that you need to contact me. I'm out of the country a lot so I'll give you my mobile number as well. I try to put a redirection on my home phone when I'm away from home for a while but it doesn't always work." Harry wrote the numbers down on a piece of paper and passed them to the Headmaster. "How's Ry going with school so far?"

Albus smiled as he took the paper and added it to Ry's file on his desk.

"He's a very smart boy, we may have to look at including him in some advance classes as the years progress." Albus said with a smile. "He has also been allowed to play on the Quidditch team. The youngest seeker in a hundred years."

Harry grinned. "He has always been a very smart and talented boy."

"If you allow him to stay an extra week in the holidays, he could take some extra classes?" Albus offered.

"I'll have to talk to Ry about that," Harry said carefully, with a frown.

Albus stood suddenly.

"Thank you for coming to see me Blake it was very nice to meet you. The first Quidditch game is in four weeks if you would like to see your son play?" Albus offered with a smile.

Harry stood slowly with the aid of his cane and shook the Headmaster's hand once more.

"I would like that very much, thank you." Harry replied. "Ry had asked me to come to the game."

"Should I send you an owl or a parcel with the portkey?"

"Parcel would be better." Harry replied.

"I'll see you in four weeks then," Albus said with a smile and led him back to the stone room. "You can apparate out from here, but not in."

"Good bye, Albus."


Albus Dumbledore watched the limping figure of Blake Sun as he made his way towards the Quidditch pitch with the other parents and some of his colleagues. Severus Snape leaned towards Albus when he noticed where the older man was looking.

"What do you make of him?" Severus asked.

"He seems polite enough," Albus replied with a sigh. "It's strange, but I can't feel much of his magic. Even when he used it, it was so faint."

Severus frowned.

"Maybe he isn't very powerful?" Severus said with a sneer.

"I don't think that's the case," Albus said softly, a thoughtful look in his eyes. "He feels a little different but he does love young Harry Potter. You can see the Potter line in him, so there is a blood connection there, even if he doesn't hold the Potter name."

Severus gave him a nod and turned towards the pitch as Blake made his way towards the box they were sitting in. The man took a seat to the left side of the stand, a few rows ahead of the Headmaster and Severus. He placed his cane under the seats and turned his attention to the pitch as the children made their way out. Everyone's attention turned to the game as it started and the stands erupted with noise.

Severus's eyes kept drifting down at the dark-haired man, slightly puzzled by him. He was an unknown factor and yet being Harry Potter's father it made him a main player and yet no one really knew the man. He kept to himself and didn't venture into the magical world much, that he knew of. He had heard rumours that the man did work in Germany and France but couldn't find out what type of work he did.

A gasp beside him had him looking back to the game to see Potter's broom bucking. Severus cursed and started muttering a counter curse under his breath with his eyes trained on the broom as Potter clung to it. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Blake rise to his feet and Severus's stomach dropped as he realised that the boy's father might see his son fall from the broom. He pushed a bit more of his magic into the counter curse but it was for nothing, for with one big buck the broom threw the boy and he was falling.

The crowd gasped and Severus felt Albus draw his wand and cry out a spell but it wasn't going to be enough to stop him. Suddenly the boy slowed even more, which puzzled both Severus and the Headmaster. The boy slowed completely as he softly touched down on the ground. Severus then noticed Blake, he was standing in his seat, his hand outstretched and focused. Severus wished he could see the man's face but he was sitting at the wrong angle.

As Potter touched down on the ground, he bent over and threw something up. A cheer rang out from the stands as the boy held up the snitch in his hand, a grin lighting up his face. Blake sat back down heavily and Severus could see his hand trembling from his seat and he felt very much the same. The rest of the Gryffindor team landed close to Potter and embraced him as Severus sat back in his seat as noise erupted around them.

"That was close," Albus muttered, taking his own seat with a heavy sigh.

"Did you see, Sun?" Severus snapped looking down at the man, who was sitting more calmly now with his eyes fixed on the pitch.

"No," Albus replied. "I was too busy with the spell, but I felt someone else helping Harry."

"That was Sun," Severus said softly.

Albus looked back down at the dark-haired man as the other teachers and parents made their way down to the pitch. Blake made no move to follow them and his eyes seem to be locked on the small figure of his son. The man reached under his seat to pick up his cane and moved to his feet, he limped toward Albus and Severus with a frown on his brow and his pale green eyes intense.

"I believe," Blake said with unreadable eyes and his tone of voice cold. "That some charms need to be placed on this pitch to stop a simple broom from being cursed."

Albus nodded his head.

"Yes, you may be correct." Albus said carefully.

The man stared hard at the Headmaster and Severus found himself holding his breath. There was steel to the man's glaze as he stared into the Headmaster's eyes.

"My son could have died today, Headmaster." The man stated, too calmly.

"My apologies, Mr Sun." Albus said softly. "There are charms on the grounds to soften a fall."

All three men knew it wouldn't have been enough to soften a fall from such a height as Blake nodded his head slowly.

"With your permission, Headmaster." Blake said slowly. "I would like to add a couple of safety charms to the pitch."

"You can't." Severus burst out before he could stop himself.

Blake looked over at him for a second, his green eyes assessing him before turning back to the Headmaster.

"In that case, my son will be withdrawn from the Quidditch team." Blake stated, steel in his voice.

"No need to do that, Mr Sun." Albus said with a soft smile. "I'm sure Severus can supervise you placing a couple of charms on the pitch and I will look them over before tying them to the wards of Hogwarts."

Severus glared over at the Headmaster which the other man just ignored.

"Very well," Blake conceded, leaning back on his cane. "I will come back tomorrow at nine to cast the charms. Would that suit you, Professor?"

Snape nodded sharply, knowing when he was beat but not liking it.

"Very well, I'll see you tomorrow," Blake nodded and gave them another look over before moving to the magical lift at the back of the stands.

"That could have been a lot worse," Albus said softly to Severus.

"Really?" Severus asked with a smirk.

"Yes, he could have started yelling and pulled Mr Potter from the school," Albus replied. "He could have even taken legal action against the school."

He'd dealt with many angry parents over the years with less of a cause then their child falling from a cursed broom.

"Plus, this gives us a chance to look at his magic," Albus said with a grin and clapped a hand to the younger man's shoulder. "I'll call that a win."



Harry turned at the cry and caught the small body in his arms, his leg protesting slightly as he put more weight on it. Harry grinned taking the discomfort as he hugged his son close, running his hands through the boy's shaggy hair.

"Did you see me catch the snitch?" Ry said excitingly as he stepped back beaming up at his father.

"I did," Harry replied with a grin. "That was an impressive stunt."

"Yeah, I don't know what happened," Ry said in a rush. "The broom just started to buck and move around!"

"It's okay Ry," Harry soothed, ruffling the boy's hair. "I had you."

Ry grinned up at his father.


Harry and Ry turned at the call to see Ron standing there calling him over. Ry grinned and hugged his father one last time before dashing off after his friend with quick bye. Harry watched him go with a small smile before turning away and heading to the front gate to head home.


Harry placed his cherry wand in its holster next to the elder wand as he looked over his supplies to charm the pitch. His black elder wand covered most magic but his cherry wood wand worked better with more delicate magic. He patted down his pockets to make sure he had his phone, wallet and keys before heading out the door and using the portkey that had arrived earlier that morning to make his way to the school.

Surprisingly the portkey dropped him off at the front gate of the school, this time and Severus Snape stood waiting for him with a scowl on his face. Harry grinned as he stepped through the gates.

"Thank you for taking the time to supervise me, Professor." Harry said in greeting. "Blake Sun, but you can call me Blake."

"Severus Snape," The other man greeted shaking his hand. "Severus will do."

The two men fell into a comfortable silence as they moved towards the pitch, Severus having to slow his pace to account for Harry's limp. Harry hadn't gotten to know the Severus Snape from his time as well as he would have liked, since the man had died shortly before the end of the war.

He could still remember the day he came across the bloody body of Severus Snape in the greenhouse of the school after Voldemort had been killed. Over time he'd just been another name on the long list of names of people that had died that day and the weeks following. Harry pulled his mind back to the present as they came to the pitch.

"Where do you want to cast the charms?" Severus asked looking around at the couple of older students milling around.

"Ah," Harry thought about it. "Middle of the pitch would probably work best. I'll have to look at all the wards and charms that have been cast first before adding anything."

Severus nodded as he looked the other man over in surprise.

"Have you done this kind of work before?" Severus asked softly.

"More than I care to remember." Harry replied in amusement. "I've worked with the German and French governments for the last ten years placing wards. A lot of my work has been with Gringotts though."

Severus was taken aback, the goblins didn't let many wizards into their banks to do any kind of work, let alone wards. The two men made their way towards the middle of the pitch. Severus noticed a couple of students in the stands, enjoying the sun on a rare sunny Sunday morning.

"Do you need the children to leave?" Severus asked, looking forward to ruining the children's day.

"Nah," Harry replied with a grin. "Leave them."

Harry used his cane to kneel down. He placed his hand on the ground and opened his senses to the wards and charms around him and the echo of the school behind him. He could feel Albus Dumbledore watching through his connection to the wards from the Headmaster's office and the magical signals of the students moving around the castle.

He focused on his son, just to check up on him, and found him in the Gryffindor common room with Ron and a few other students. Harry turned away from the castle and focused back on the pitch. He opened his eyes and used his cane to get back to his feet, thankful when Severus didn't reach out to help him.

Harry slipped out of his shoes and pulled off his socks and jacket, until he stood in just his black shirt and navy jeans. The ground under his feet soft and slightly wet as he felt out the pulse of the wards and charms around him. He could also feel the presence of the man next to him and the few children milling around. He carefully drew a chalk circle around himself as Snape stepped back, watching him in interest.

He pulled the dark elder wand from his holster and brought up a protection circle up around him as he carefully channelled his magic down through his wand which was pointed at the ground. He'd learnt through many mistakes that he had to be very careful when using the dark wand. It had too much of its own mind when it came to magic. Harry slowly took hold of the strands of magic around him but they kept slipping away from the dark wand. Harry cursed softly and dropped the wand.

"Problem?" Severus asked with a sneer.

"No," Harry replied, pulling his cherry wood wand. "Just a temperamental wand, it doesn't want to play today."

Severus was surprised when the man pulled a second wand from his jeans. He was able to feel the man's magic slip across him earlier but if he hadn't been looking for it, he wouldn't have been able to spot it.

Harry closed his eyes and focussed once more on his magic and the wand in his hand and was able to pick up the wards easily this time. He separated out the ones he didn't need and slowly worked on the ones that needed renewing and repairing. It looked like it had been a long time since someone had looked at the wards of Hogwarts and Harry now understood how Voldemort and his followers had been able to breach the wards in his time. He smoothed over the wards and charms as he worked through them and he could feel Albus Dumbledore becoming aware of him working.

He pushed more of his magic into the stones of Hogwarts, which it took in happily as she woke up. He could feel Albus making his way down the castle as he worked. He tidied up the wards before turning towards the pitch and working in charms to stop anyone cursing brooms or players and a few safety measures to protect the players and anyone watching. He also created a dome around the pitch so that players couldn't fly too far or anything could get in while people were playing on the pitch. Slowly he tied off the charms and wards and grounded them to the earth at his feet and withdrew.

He blinked his eyes open to find the Headmaster standing before him with his wand drawn at his side. Throughout the whole thing Harry had never raised his wand and he slowly placed it away in the holster at his waist and broke his protection circle around him with his foot.

"Headmaster, nice of you to join us." Harry smiled, leaning on his cane.

"You were given permission to add charms to the pitch," The Headmaster said sternly. "Not look through the wards of the castle."

Severus started unaware of what the man beside him had done. He hadn't even muttered a spell for the whole hour he'd been standing there.

"My apologies," Harry conceded. "I needed to know what had been placed before me before adding anything more."

"Be that as it may, you did not have permission." Albus stated, still holding his wand, his eyes flicking down to the dark wand on the ground.

Harry slowly bent down and picked up the wand and placed it away with the other one, before pulling his jacket on.

"Apologies, I'm not good at leaving wards that need renewing or repairing alone. It's a character flaw that people point out to me on a regular basis," Harry replied, with a slight grin. "I simply renewed what was there and fixed up a couple of breaks in the wards and charms. Have a look for yourself."

Dumbledore closed his eyes for a couple of minutes as he looked through the wards and found that man's words were correct. The Headmaster put his wand away with a smile.

"Good work, my boy." Albus smiled, once he was sure the other man hadn't done anything to harm the school.

"There's a protection ward there that needs to be renewed and strengthened but it would need all of the Heads of Houses and yourself present to do so." Harry said looking at the Headmaster, holding out an olive branch to the man.

"Yes, I can feel that." Albus replied, looking over at the shocked Snape. "I will look into it."

Harry nodded as he picked up his shoes.

"If you don't mind, I would like to put my shoes on and head back home." Harry said softly. "I have work to get back to."

"Yes, yes. Thank you for coming." Albus said smiling once again. "Severus will show you back to the front gate."

The Headmaster turned away from the other two men and moved back towards the castle. Harry sighed and limped towards the closest stands.

"May I ask what happened to your leg?" Severus asked breaking the silence as Harry pulled his shoes back on.

"Poisonous snake," Harry replied. "We thought we had gotten them all. We were wrong."

Harry frowned remembering the burning feeling as the venom worked into his leg, setting it on fire as it ate away at the muscle. The first thing Ron said when he'd seen him at the hospital was simply: 'It just had to be a snake, and why didn't he talk him out of it?' Harry had not been amused, looking back on it now it did have a bit of irony to it.

"The mediwizards couldn't help you?" Severus asked, a common question Harry gotten for years after the injury.

"Not for a Western Barred Snake," Harry replied.

Severus flinched back from the name of the poisonous snake. Harry counted himself lucky to still be walking after being bitten, others hadn't been as lucky.

"I've been meaning to ask you Professor. I'm working on a liver regenerate potion at the moment but have hit a snag, I was wondering if I could send you the notes to look over?" Harry asked as he pulled his shoes on.

Severus looked taken aback, he did have people contact him about potions but it had been a while.

"Yes, I could do that." Severus agreed, surprising himself.

"Thank you, I'll send it to you tomorrow morning." Harry smiled. "Now I really must be off, I leave for France tomorrow afternoon and I have to finish packing."

The two men made their way to the front gates and Severus looked on as Harry used the portkey to get back home with a frown on his face.



Harry turned to see a tall red headed man striding towards him with a smile as Harry met him in a hug.

"Bill," Harry replied in greeting. "Fantastic to see you again."

Bill Weasley grinned at the older man, looking him over with a careful eye.

"You are looking very well," Bill said, as the two moved towards a coffee shop close by. "Have you come to help break the curse on the Flore house?"

Harry nodded in agreement, he had been contacted by Gringotts to help their curse breakers get into a dark wizard's home after the man accidently killed himself, after getting stabbed five times in the back, three weeks ago.

"Yes, goblin Grinhook contacted me a couple of days ago, only just managed to find time. Are you working on the house?" Harry questioned as they took a seat at a table, waiting for their orders to arrive.

"Yep," Bill replied pushing his red hair out of his eyes. "Been here three weeks and have nothing to show for it. The dark wards are giving us trouble. Elizabeth is about ready to just start throwing objects at it and see what happens."

"Sounds like her," Harry said with a laugh.

Elizabeth Weathermore was Bill's partner at Gringotts for the last two years. Harry had met them a few times over the years when he'd done contract work for the London branch of Gringotts.

"I met your mother a while back," Harry said with a smile. "When I dropped Ry off at school. Didn't realise how many red heads are in your family."

Bill laughed, "Yeah they see us coming a mile off!"

"Nice woman," Harry continued. "I think Ry wants to stay at their house next school holidays?"

"Mum would love that!" Bill said with a grin. "With Charlie and myself out of the house. She says there are too many empty rooms. Not that it stops her from sending letters every couple of weeks asking us to dinner."

Harry smiled, wishing he'd had a mother that would have done that for him.

"Now, tell me about this house…"


The house ended up being a mansion on the outskirts of a small town in the east of England. The wizards and witches of Gringotts had set up camp outside the gates as they tried to work their way into the property. After Mr Flore's death, the house and all the contents had become the property of the bank due to no family connections being alive. Mr Flore had lived his life as a very dark wizard but had paid his bills on time and never killed anyone that could be traced back to him.

After filling the correct paperwork with the ministry, the goblins of Gringotts had moved in however so far, they hadn't made it any further than the front gate. They had contacted Harry after all other attempts had failed. Harry had set his contract fee high and the goblins weren't impressed but they knew that the house would be worth it and they hadn't had much choice in the end.

"Mr Sun," Hooknose, the head goblin greeted Harry with a sneer. "Glad you could make time for us."

Harry looked down his nose at the short goblin, knowing how to deal with them after all this time. "Mr Hooknose, thank you for inviting me."

The goblin sneered even more. "You have your contract, Mr Sun. Proceed."

The goblin turned on his heels and walked away, Harry looked after him with a smile. Bill snorted next to him, which made his smile widen.

"Such a happy chap," Harry remarked as he made his way towards the front gates of the property.

"He was overjoyed to see you!" Bill said with a laugh.

It was Harry's turn to snort before he turned back to the house. He could feel the darkness of the wards from where he stood.

"Wow," Harry remarked. "Haven't felt wards this dark in a long time, I should have asked for more."

"Can you get through them?"

"Should be able to but this could take time." Harry said as he looked the house over. "Will all depend on the guardian."

Harry moved forward until he stood within arm's length of the gates. A few curse breakers had gathered to watch, he always gathered a crowd when word got around that he was working. Harry turned to them.

"Everyone step back please, ten meters at least." Harry called to the group.

Everyone shuffled back and Bill clapped him on the shoulder before stepping back with the rest. They knew how serious this was and they weren't taking any chances. Harry turned back to the gate once he knew everyone was clear. He pulled his elder wand, which cooed in his hand to be so close to such dark magic.

Harry grounded himself to the earth under his feet before taking a deep breath.

"Ipsum Reelare," Harry whispered the spell, feeling the dark magic around him and stretching out towards the other wizards and witches.

"Move back further!" Harry called over his shoulder.

Suddenly a dark dragon appeared before Harry rearing up on its back legs and crashing back down towards the earth. Harry held his ground with his wand before him, showing none of the fear he felt in his stomach. His hand clenched around the handle of his cane. The dragon's head lowered until it looked him right in the eye and huffed a breath. Harry felt the dark magic swirl around him as the dark wand in his hand absorbed the magic happily.

"Your master is dead," Harry said calmly. "Gringotts Bank is now the owner of this house and all its contents."

The dragon cocked its head to the side then pulled its lips back from very large teeth and flicked its forked tongue out. A hissing laugh boiled up in its belly as it milled over the words Harry had spoken as he waited the beast out.

"It is yours, small wizard." The dragon hissed. "Enter at your own risk."

Just as suddenly as the dragon had appeared it disappeared into mist, blowing open the front gate softly. Harry sighed and lowered his wand as he thought that could have gone very, very wrong. Cheers rang out behind him and he felt a hand slap him on the shoulder.

"Well done, Blake." Bill congratulated the other wizard. "Never seen anything like it. Is it safe now?"

Harry shook his head. "He was just the guardian. It's safe to enter through the gate but this house will hold more than just him."

Bill looked concerned. "We'll have to take care then."

Harry smiled and flicked his wand sending the dark magic it had gathered harmlessly into the ground.

"Oh, yes." Harry grinned. "This should be fun. I think a coffee break is needed before we move in?"


Two hours later Harry, Bill and three other wizards and one witch walked back up to the front gates of the mansion. Harry took the lead with Bill and his partner Elizabeth behind him and with the other three wizards taking up the rear. Harry placed his wand back in his holster and took his cane in a tighter grip as he moved through the gate.

"Follow in my footsteps." Harry warned.

He moved across the lawn, keeping away from the patches of magic he could sense. He didn't look at them too closely, not really wanting to know what they would do if they were tripped.

"How dark was this man?" Harry asked as he passed a curse that felt like tar.

"He helped Grindelwald rise to power." One wizard said softly.

Harry grimaced. "So just a little dark."

Bill snorted next to them as the front door came into view before them.

"I thought most of the Dark Wizards from that war died off a long time ago," Harry remarked.

"Most of them yes," The man that had answered before said. "They had their magic tied to the old Dark Lord so that when he fell, they did as well. Mr Flore, however, was behind the wards of this house when the Dark Lord fell."

Harry nodded in understanding since the wards of the house would have kept the man safe.

"It was just unlucky that when he left to get some shopping he fell backwards on a knife…five times," Gordon, one of the other wizards remarked with a slight laugh.

Harry could understand why so many Dark Wizard's deaths, were not investigated but it still didn't make it right. They had a legal right just as much as any other magic user. When they reached the front door Harry stopped and held out his left hand to the door and carefully placed it on the dark wood. He felt the dragon's breath on his face as his hand touched the door.

"Blake Sun representing Gringotts bank," Harry said carefully.

The door before him seemed to be thinking about what Harry said carefully and he could feel the nervousness of the people behind him, as they stood waiting. A hot huff of a breath breezed across Harry's face before the doors swung open quietly.

Harry stepped over the threshold and allowed the other members of his team to step into the large open receiving area. Two staircases curled up both sides of the room and lead to the second-floor landing leaving the main area open. Harry could see a few other doors around the room and could see right through the house to the garden at the back.

"Okay," Harry announced, leaning back on his cane. "You all know what to do. Just be careful and check in on your walkie every half an hour. If you need any help call out."

The team nodded and moved out into the house. They would work through the house room by room and write down and take photos of everything for the goblins to work out what they wanted to leave and what they wanted to take back to the vaults of Gringotts. Harry looked around the large room, eyeing off the portraits looking down at him.

"Lumoius." He muttered, sending up a light into the middle of the room as the teams moved out leaving him alone in the entrance hall.

The walls were bare except for the portraits of what he believed were members of the now dead line of the Flore family. What was strange for Harry was the fact that none of the painting moved, in fact they may have even been muggle paintings.

He moved further into the hall, his light following him. He could feel the magic of the other teams as they made their way through the house and since they didn't call out and everyone was keeping walkie-talkie contact he wasn't too concerned. The house had conceded when it had let them in, it was just the dark objects in the house that could give them a bite and the charms around the grounds.

Harry moved down the hallway towards the garden he'd been able to see from the front doors. He opened the back door to see a fantastic garden with wild roses and hedges everywhere. Harry grinned and took a seat at the outdoor table in the sun to wait out the workers from Gringotts, on hand in case they needed help with anything. This was the way to work, he thought, as he pulled out a book from his pocket and kicked his feet up onto the table as he looked out over the garden before him. Now he just had to convince someone to get him a coffee.


"Did you want to come to dinner at my parent's house?"

Harry looked up from the letter Ry had sent him to see Bill standing in the doorway looking at him with a smile.

"As long as your parents don't mind?" Harry replied, with a smile.

"Nah, Mum always makes too much food anyway. She forgets that it's just her, dad and Ginny now." Bill laughed.

"Then of course," Harry replied as he held up the letter in his hand. "I'll just reply to Ry first?"

"No problems," Bill said. "I'll come back at 4?"

"Sounds good."

As promised Bill arrived back at Harry's tent at four that afternoon, he'd been staying on site at the Flore house for three days now as the Gringotts's teams worked their way through the house. He'd been needed a few times but otherwise he'd been left to himself in his own tent.

Bill held out his arm for Harry to take to side along apparate to his family's farm and Harry took it with a grin. He stumbled slightly as they landed and Bill held him firm until he could get his feet under him and his cane firmly on the ground.

"Welcome to the Burrow," Bill said with a grin.

The house rose out of the wheat fields around them as a puzzle house, it looked like the family had grabbed rooms from other houses and just stacked them one on top of another with the thought of gravity just a concept and not reality. Harry knew that it was only magic holding the house together and if the Weasley line ever died out the house would just come crashing down.

Bill laughed at Harry's wide-eyed look as he took in the house.

"It's something, isn't it?" Bill said in amusement

"Oh, yes." Harry said and grinned back at Bill as the man lead the way towards the house.

Molly stood on the front step as the two men rounded the corner of one of the fields. She grinned widely and took Bill in a big hug.

"Bill," She cried, burying her face in the tall man's chest. "So good to see you."

Arthur appeared behind his wife and gave his son a manly hug as well.

"Blake," Molly greeted turning to Harry. "So nice to see you again, how is young Ry going at school?"

Harry grinned as he gave the woman a hug and Arthur a handshake.

"Nice of you to invite me to dinner," Harry replied. "Ry is doing well at school. When he can keep out of trouble."

"No need to tell me that," Molly said, leading them into the house. "My Fred and George will be the death of me! They sent me a toilet seat for Christmas one year!"

Bill laughed as Arthur and Harry grinned. He could see Ginny shyly peeking around the door at them.

"Bill!" Ginny shouted, and ran over to give her older brother a hug.

"Hello, little one." Bill cooed. "Aren't you growing into a lovely young lady?"

Ginny blushed and looked down at the carpet shyly.

"Blake, you remember my youngest, Ginny?" Molly asked as she bustled passed him towards the kitchen.

"Yes I remember," Harry looked down at the ten year old. "Very nice to meet you, Ms Weasley."

Ginny blushed even more and moved behind her older brother.

"Don't mind her, Blake." Molly called, from the kitchen. "Would you like tea?"

"Yes, thank you." Harry replied, looking around the house.

It looked the same as he remembered and memories crowded around him. He had to push them roughly to the side or he risked drowning under them as he focused on Arthur and Bill.

"Oh, before I forget." Harry said. "Ry was asking about staying here with Ron for the holidays."

"We would be happy to have him," Arthur replied, sitting down in his chair.

"Oh, yes." Molly agreed, moving back into the living room with a tea tray. "Ron can talk about nothing else but your son in his letters!"

"That would be fantastic," Harry smiled. "I'm off to Germany in a couple of weeks to work at a couple of World War Two sites, this means I can stay there for longer."

Arthur sat forward in his seat in interest.

"Really? Do you work with muggles?" Arthur asked.

"Sometimes, I work on contract so I work with both wizards and muggles depending on the contract." Harry said, sitting back in his chair with his cup of tea. "I'll be working with muggles as well as wizards this time, but I have made time to see a couple of high-profile potion masters."

"Blake works with Gringotts as well," Bill added. "He has been helping with the Flore house."

Harry sat back and let the family catch up as they moved to the dining table. Harry joined in with a few jobs that had gone wrong embarrassingly until his mobile phone broke into the conversations.

"Sorry," Harry apologised, looking down at the phone. "I'll just take this outside."

Arthur looked very interested, but Molly cut across him before he could say anything.

"That's okay, dear." Molly said.

Harry smiled.

"Hello, Blake Sun talking." Harry answered as he moved out of the house.

"Blake, It's Conner Fritz from the German Ministry." A heavily accented voice came across the phone.

Harry raised an eyebrow. "What can I do for you Mr Fritz?"

"Well, we heard that you were going to be in the country and was wondering if you could look at the couple of items for us?" Conner asked.

Harry smiled and said, "Of course, Mr Fritz. My contract price starts at…"


Bill turned to his parents after Blake had left the room.

"What do you think of him?" Bill asked softly.

"He's a nice man and he loves his son very much." Molly said with a smile.

"I've seen him around the Ministry recently, mostly down near the Department of Mysteries." Arthur noted.

"Yes," Bill said with a grin. "He's a brilliant curse breaker. He seems to know magic from the inside out, like he was born with a wand in his hand."

"Do you know how he became Harry Potter's guardian?" Molly asked.

"I'm related to James Potter," Came the reply from Blake as he came back into the dining room. "Sorry about the phone call."

"That's alright, dear." Molly smiled. "What was that about James Potter?"

"I'm related to James." Blake replied sitting back at the table and the Weasleys could see the Potter line in his dark hair. "When James was killed, the goblins at Gringotts contacted me. I was his closest relative with magic. He'd been placed with his Aunt and Uncle but they are muggles, so I went to see them. Horrible woman, his Aunt quickly signed Ry over to me."

Molly looked horrified. "Just like that?"

Harry nodded, remembering the night.

"But please, tell me about your other children?" Harry asked turning the conversation back onto safer grounds.


Harry was packing away his gear as he was heading back to England tomorrow. Ry would be finishing his first year at Hogwarts and coming back home for the holidays and he needed to clean up the house before his son came home and stock up the fridge and freezer. Suddenly his phone broke through his thoughts.

"Blake Sun," Harry answered, placing his jeans into the suitcase on the bed.

"Mr Sun, it's Albus Dumbledore."

Harry stood up straight.

"What has happened?" Harry snapped.

"Your son is okay but there was an incident here and he was injured." Albus said softly.

Harry sat down on the bed behind him. He knew something like this was going to happen but couldn't recall the details. He looked at the date on his watch and frowned since it was still three weeks until the end of term.

"What happened?" Harry asked, steel behind his words.

"Mr Potter wondered into an area of the school that was restricted and was injured. He's in the hospital wing at the moment and is being looked after by Madam Pomfrey."

"I am out of the country at the moment," Harry replied. "But I'll be there by tomorrow morning?"

"Perfect." Albus said softly. "We still have about three weeks of term, you are welcome to stay here while Ry recovers?"

"Thank you, for the offer. I'll see you tomorrow Headmaster." Harry hung up the phone and stared at it, feeling the slight magic in the device.

It looked like Professor Quirrell and Voldemort had attempted the same thing in this time as they had in Harry's time, which scared the crap out of him. This was his son, that this was happening to. Slowly he dialled the number of the phone that he'd given Severus. It rang twice before the other man picked up.

"Severus, what happened?" Harry asked.

Silence greeted him for a couple of seconds before he heard the man sigh.

"What did the Headmaster tell you, Blake?" Snape said softly.

"That there was an incident and Ry was injured." Harry replied.

"That's correct," Severus said slowly. "The Headmaster had an artefact kept in an out of bounds room. Someone tried to steal it and your son tried to stop them."

"Thank you for telling me Severus." Harry said with a sigh "I'm in Germany at the moment but I'm taking an International Portkey tomorrow morning. I should be at the school at about nine."

"I'll be waiting at the front gate for you," Severus replied, making Harry smile.

"Thank you." Harry hung up the phone and went back to packing.


At nine the next morning Harry arrived at the front gates of Hogwarts, after having near to no sleep and had been travelling since six that morning. Severus greeted him with a handshake and led him up to the castle.

"Dad!" Ry cried, from his bed when he saw his father.

Harry rushed over as fast as his leg would allow and took the small body in his arms as the boy burst into tears.

"I'm so sorry, dad!" Ry sobbed into his shoulder as Harry slid onto the bed, his cane forgotten on the floor. "I shouldn't have gone after him!"

"Shh, it's okay Ry." Harry cooed in his ear as he rubbed Ry's back to calm him down. "You're okay now."

Harry could see Severus moving towards him with a vial of calming potion in his hand. He passed the potion over to Harry who passed it to Ry to take.

"Feel better?" Harry asked softly.

Ry nodded and looked between his father and the looming figure of Severus Snape with wide eyes as Harry took back the empty vial and passed it to the Slytherin.

"Have you come to take me home?" Ry asked in a small voice.

"Not yet," Harry answered. "But after the end of the year feast in a few weeks, the Headmaster has offered for me to stay here until then."

Ry nodded, his eyes already closing. Harry stroked the boy's hair until he fell asleep. Severus picked up Harry's cane and held it out to the man as he got to his feet. Harry nodded in thanks before the two men moved away from the bed.

"Did the Headmaster want to see me?" Harry asked, keeping his son within eyesight.

"If you want to talk to him," Severus replied. "Or I can explain it all."

"That will do," Harry replied. "I need to sit down."

Severus raised an eyebrow at the admission and moved them towards the dungeons and his rooms.

"Is your leg giving you trouble?" Severus asked carefully.

Harry nodded, leaning into his cane more than normal. He'd been pushing himself too far lately and it was starting to catch up with him.

"It comes and goes," Harry answered. "How are you going with that new Wolfsbane Potion?"

Severus let him change the subject as they made it to his rooms and he opened the door into a tasteful living room. Harry limped to the lounge chair and sunk into the cushions with a sigh as he hung his cane from the side of the chair.

"Do you need a pain potion?" Severus asked, already moving to his office.

"No," Harry said shortly. "A cup of tea would go down a treat though."

Severus moved into the small kitchen as Harry stretched his leg out before him and rubbed the missing muscle. Cursing that stupid snake once again.

"Wolfsbane Potion, Severus?" Harry asked the younger man.

Severus looked back into the room.

"No luck so far," Severus replied.

"Damn," Harry cursed. "I thought we were on to something."

"I agree," Severus said as he moved back into the room with two mugs of tea.

He handed one to Harry as he moved to the chair next to Harry's lounge and sat down. Harry took a couple of sips of the tea then looked over to Severus sharply, the other man raised an eyebrow in question. Harry let it slid that Severus had placed a pain potion into the cup.

"Thank you." Harry said softly, taking another sip.

Severus smiled, taking ten years off his age and Harry looked the man over.

"You are welcome."

The two men fell into a comfortable silence as the pain potion slowly worked through Harry's system until he was sitting boneless in the armchair with his eyes half closed. Severus kept glancing over at him.

"How was Germany?" Severus asked, breaking the silence.

"Hard work," Harry replied. "We were looking for mass graves."

Severus grimaced. "Muggle or wizard?"

"Both. We found two sites. It wasn't pleasant. They just piled them up on top of each other, no care for the dead. The Ministry had some interesting items though."

Harry pulled out a small black cube from his jacket pocket and held it out to Severus, the other man plucked it from his hand. It looked to have been made from a dark coloured wood in the shape of a cube but Severus could find no rings like you would expect from wood and it wasn't smooth like stone. He could feel no magic from it, but he knew it wasn't of muggle design.

"What is it?" Severus asked turning it over in his hands.

"No idea," Harry replied. "Took it as payment. They had no idea what it was and were happy to hand it over."

"Where did they find it?"

"Under the floor boards of a Prisoner of War camp. One day, I'll work it out."

Severus placed the object on the coffee table between them.

"Are you back here in England for a while?" Severus asked.

"Yeah, back home with Ry until two weeks before the start of school then Ry is off to the Weasley's house. Molly offered to take the kids to Diagon Alley to get their supplies and take Ry to the station."

"That's nice of her," Severus replied, sneering.

"A mother to the core, that one." Harry laughed. "Couldn't pay me enough to take five kids to Diagon Alley. One is enough."

"Try a whole school worth," Severus replied dryly.

Harry laughed, finishing off his cup of tea. Severus reached out for the cup.

"Do you want another one?" Severus asked, looking into the other man's pale green eyes.

"Yes, thanks." Harry smiled. "One that's not laced this time."

Severus smiled back as he moved towards the kitchen.

"One unlaced cup of tea coming up."