
Star Crossed Lovers

- NCT - {Ten}

"I shared my story about my love for photography, now it's your turn." He begged me and even through that I was still deadly scared of saying anything.

"Then promise me you won't say anything... I don't like being known as a nerd to others." He nodded in with a sweet smile he held out his pinky. We intertwined are pinkies and with that a small smile spread across my face as we stamped our thumbs. then that's sweet nickname I gave him slipped out of his mouth to confirmed are sweetly shared promise.

"I, Ten, promise to keep your story a secret." he giggled a bit and I just smile wider. Are pinkies leave each other's and I quickly intertwined my hands with my own. Then I let my arms peacefully rest on my knees. Ten looks at the sky so I quickly follow his actions and with that I quickly spill my heart out.

"I love the Stars." I spoke in a fast-paced but he picked up.

"Why?" I look at him and he just tilts his head a bit causing his hair to fall with his actions.

"You really want to know?" With no hesitation he smiles widely and nods. I move my gaze back to the sky and smile.

"in 2004, Europe launched the Rosetta space probe which carried Philly to the universe. When Philly landed, it lost contact with Rosetta. they're waiting for each other in the vast universe. Don't you think it's impressive? The story is why I like astronomy so much in the story is why I keep asking myself, 'will Rosetta find Philly?' I will forever believe that the stars are beautiful and that Rosetta will find Philly one day." I smiled and blink with tears leaving my eyes left alone and a new stained tint on my cheeks.

"That's kind of cute." Ten said with a smile. We meet each other's gazes and he searched my face only to see the tear that escaped my lonely eyes. His hand came to my face in his thumb gently wiped away the wet trail that the salty drop of water left behind.

"It fits you well."he said sweetly, but then his face went from Bright to completely curious.

"But didn't Rosetta find Philly in the end?" His question put me off... How did he know?

"How do you know?"

"You told me the story before." His body turns towards me and he smiled once again. My mind was blank. I was trying to remember when I had said it, but like always Ten read me like a book cover.

"You were drunk, but I still memorized it. ever since that day I kept up with the story to see if they ever did see each other ever again. They did in the end though." Ten seemed like he wanted to continue but he didn't when he saw me crying. He panicked a bit, but I slid to wear my whole body was facing him so he followed. And there we were knee to knee.

'Ten, can I tell you something?" my own question ring in my ears as my mind was all blank, all blank but of what I wanted to say. Something I've kept in my head for years. He hummed and response. I hesitated at first, but I still spilled it.

"Ten I like you, please date me?" Those words of mine spewed out. I couldn't take it anymore.

"Okay, I like you too." I smile and he quickly grabbed my hand and pushed for another story from me. Anon agreement and he smiles. I continued to hold his hand I look into his eyes... I really did fall deep with him. You know how?

"One night, a group of friends were having a campfire. one friend kept her eye on the stranger that another had brought. Even though that time, the stranger noticed the stair and sat by the blushing girl that shined in the moonlight to see if he could get to know her. They're exchange of highs and quick names or awkward, but the two didn't seem to mind. Finally after the exchange of words the moon only began to shine brighter on the two. That's where the compliment came from. The poor girl only wanted to say one thing suites to the handsome stranger, but he fought back,

'I can see the stars in your eyes.'

She spoke gently with a blush creeping back to her soft cheeks.

'can you see yourself? Because you're honestly just as beautiful.'

he's not back gently. The girl shut up and later the two became good friends. Overtime the girl blushed Moore and her feelings developed even stronger the more they were together. Sooner or later the two started dating in the school and Friends gave them a nickname "star-crossed lovers" because they fell in love with the night sky together. And every time you would see them they were always reading a book about astronomy or they were in the park watching the lights in the sky shimmer. The end."

Ten then pouted a bit.

"What is our love story sounds so boring?" I giggle and tap his hand in order to try and comfort him.

"Well, let me tell you something better, Rosetta found Philly, that was lucky. But me finding you was already written in the stars for us, Rosetta in Philly only got a quick sneak peek while they were on their journeys." Tenthen smiled and quickly pick my lips keeping me in a shock state.

"Well let's think Rosetta and Philly for helping us realize our worth." Ten said and I smile and softly nod.

"Thank you Rosita and Philly for making our lives easy. For making us... Star-crossed lovers."
