

MC Joins the SVC (Sinister Villian Coalition) to bring forth chaos and evil upon High School DxD

Gloomy_Guy · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

A New Start

Chapter 1

It was dark unbearably so no color in sight, not a speck nor was there a sound not even that odd buzzing sound When no other sound was heard touch was not but a distant thing I could barely recall

That's when I saw something in this void of nothing but my thoughts and barely together memories to keep me company it was a strange-looking thing just three little balls of light thinly connected with smaller strands of light as it slowly explored this void of nothingness I couldn't help but wonder what it was doing was it perhaps searching for something possibly me? could it help me? Would it help me? Could it at least explain what has happened to me?

As if it finally noticed my presence it jumped with a start and quickly rushed toward my location when it got in front of me a beam as if it was a spotlight shone upon me that's when I heard the first noise in what seemed like forever at first it was just random gibberish but even then I reveled in the noise even if I can not understand it's was noise

"Hello, can you understand the great me candidate?"

I could almost cry finally something, no someone who could at least talk to me oh what could we talk about throughout this eternity in this void?

"HELLO!" I shouted wait I shouted? How was that even possible whenever I tried talking it never worked before could it all be because of this strange spotlight???

"No need to shout the great me can hear just fine candidate."

"What is a candidate, Where am I, Who are you?"

"The great me is a part of the great coalition of villains where we buy/sell valuables and assist one another in creating our dastardly plans. MUHEHEHEHEHHEEHHEHEHEHHE"


Was this some kind of joke?

"Now the great me is before you to offer you the chance to be reborn anew as a villain, Now tell me do you accept" this "great one" says as it reaches one of the orbs toward me

Now I don't care about being a hero or a villain, morals didn't matter as long as I could experience those sensations I barely recall

"I accept," I say hardly containing my excitement

"Marvelous response as is expected of a candidate for SVC" While it goes on about how great of an opportunity I have been granted it sprinkles in some useful such as SVC being an acronym for "Sinister Villian Coalition" also its name is "Revi"

"Now fellow villain are you prepared to be accepted within our ranks!" Once Revi stopped talking I heard a loud *PING* and then a translucent screen outlined with a black rim appeared before my vision

[The Wander Revi has sponsored a fledgling villain 2000 VP received how would you like to spend it]

[World Roulette: 500 VP]

[Power Roulette: 500 VP]

[memory recovery (minor):1000 VP]

[Apperance Modification: 2000 VP]

[World Selection: 2000 VP]

[Power Selection:2000VP]

[Note: The user must select one of the world choices surviving in the current location is not possible body will be gifted to the user when the world is chosen]

My options were seriously limited I could either select a world or world roulette, power roulette, and memory recovery

I first purchased Memory Recovery the sensation I received was like a part of me being regained not any information worthwhile was gained only information about various manga, light novels, and anime previous me watched/ read

Once I purchased the world roulette a giant cylinder-shaped object popped into existence and started rotating slowly increasing in speed until a ball that practically glowed a beautiful crimson color with words made with gold that I couldn't yet read while it slowly floated down whilst spinning

The giant ball nearly a whole head bigger than me finally stopped its descent and slowly spun to show me the words written in gold High School DXD

I searched the vague regained memories for this series and only came up with memories of a brown-haired boy Issei sacred gears and a super hot crimson-haired devil as a scene of Issei going into some sort of rage state because a white armored figure was threatening to halve the size of the crimson haired girls and others breast

That sounds…. Interesting to say the least however it is time to roll for my powers hopefully I get something good enough to survive at the very least as I purchased the power roulette I expected a new cylinder to appear however instead the cylinder before me shook in place then began to spin until yet another ball came out this one a pale blue with grayish-white writing Mahito's cursed technique (modified)

"Mahito? Who is that is this good? Why am I getting no information about this power at the very least?"

[user must figure out the power by themselves the system is only to help connect users not help them get stronger the purchasing of powers was a one-time transaction]

[ Beginning world transfer to HIGH SCHOOL DXD IN]



"Farewell fellow villain please do update me on your future dastardly plans!" Ravi said barely audible through their cackles of delight

"Farewell, Ravi you have-" but before I could say my farewells



High School DxD World


"No "go" system?" I said after appearing in an ally right next to a dumpster


"…" I However got no response

"Umm, system?"

[the user must only say or think system and your main menu will appear]

With that, the translucent screen disappeared another taking its place

[VP: 0]


[Auction House]

[Friends: 0]



I had 0 VP left and I couldn't open the mission tab right now Ravi could wait for a later date for now I needed to figure out what I could do for my future in this world

However, I ran into a hurdle on my very first step into my new body I stumbled and fell face-first into the concrete

As I was getting up I noticed another oddity my hands were small far too small for a teenager let alone an adult the only upside to this whole situation was seeing a figure walking toward the dumpster by the time I got up to my feet we were 2 or 3 feet apart when the rather average looking man just kept walking past barely giving me a glance

I couldn't just let this opportunity pass me by so I approached him" Excuse me, can I ask you a question?" the man started to turn around when he heard my voice once my hand touched his lower back I saw his head shoot up.


Not only his head but all of his limbs shot out he was just sprawled out unmoving like someone dropped cooked noodles and just threw clothes over them and walked away


Gloomy: Hello I honestly don't know if I'll continue this it was just a thought I've had pestering me for the past few days so I thought what the fuck lets just try it obviously I have the main plot points pretty well thought out so I will most likely end up writing some more of this