
Chapter Two

Alyssa sat with Carolina, her guardian and her mother's old best friend, after waking up in terror. Tears running down her face. Alyssa, who's always been an optimistic, couldn't see her future clearly anymore. Fear filled her nights and deep morning.

"Alyssa" Carolina spoke up "How about you not go to school today? Stay home, or here and try to rest more"

"I can't sleep. Every time I fall asleep I'm taken back to that night. I miss them so much"

"I know you do but your parents would hate seeing you like this" Carolina reminded her and Alyssa looked up with her teary hazel eyes.

Alyssa knew she was right. Her parents would definitely hate seeing her like this yet she couldn't find the strength to pull herself back up. She was just drowning in her deep agony. She could even remember her mother's dying words, not to cry yet she couldn't help it.

Everything just felt better with tears running down her own face. It felt better than anything at the moment. Her once upon a time best friends look at her with pity like the rest of her school. Every one held her on a thin line and watched everything she did.

They act as if she was a survivor of the situation but this is just a never ending living battle. Between her emotions, her mind and her body. Her emotions want to cry. Her mind wanted to disappear and her body just wanted to fall to pieces in pain.

She felt more alone than ever. Carolina did her best as her guardian but she missed her parents. She wanted to hear her parents yell at her about something stupid. She wanted to her her mom dancing and singing in the kitchen as she cooked. She wanted to relive all the moments until that night. She couldn't even sit at the kitchen table anymore. She couldn't even think about setting foot back into the house she's live in since before she could remember.

Everyone was seeing her breakdown from the happy loveable person she once was and despite all the sympathy smiles. Despite all the support people tried to give her, she couldn't look at them. Everyone knew by now that she watched her parents died. Everyone knew she couldn't look anyone in the eyes anymore.

The thought of looking into someone's eyes since that night just made her want to shake in fear and disappear.

"Okay" Alyssa agreed.