
Cold meets Crazy

Emilia "mia" Salvador, a 19 year old who lost her family in a tragic fire accident on her 9th birthday. Mia's family was killed in a fire accident on her 9th birthday leaving her alone and orphaned, forced to live with her uncle who saw her as a tool in getting what he wants. She learned to rely in herself and develop tough exterior to cope with the hardship. Mia's now 19 and working multiple jobs to make ends meet, she's determined to create a better life for herself, but it's a struggle, along the way she made encounter with a wealthy and powerful CEO of large corporations, Jonathan Blacksmith, unbeknownst to mia, Jonathan Blacksmith (25 yrs old) is the overlord, the head of the underworld business covered as a rich CEO. Her life is now tied to Jonathan's and she's forced to do his bidding to ensure her own survival.

Diya_bella · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs

Chapter 19 : A CLOSE CALL

Jonathan's face twisted in shock and anger, his eyes flashing with rage. "That's not the dress I ordered you to wear," he growled, his voice rising in anger.

Mia's expression remained calm and defiant, her eyes still locked on Jonathan's face. "you should know by now that I don't follow orders Jonathan, especially when it involves my kind of clothings," she said, her voice firm and steady. "The fact that you brought me here, no kidnap me doesn't mean you'll get to control me"

Jonathan's face turned red with fury, his jaw clenched in anger. "You're pushing your luck, Mia," he snarled, his voice menacing. "You're in my house, under my roof, and you'll do as I say."

Mia kept a straight face. "then let me go, so I won't be in your fucking house, under your fucking roof, and I won't have to do whatever you fucking say" mia snorted, "and for the record, you'll be refunding the money I paid for the visa, which I did not use, I'll be needing my phone, and my movie booklist, guess that's all then" Mia stood up, her movements graceful and deliberate. "Nice talk, blacksmith, I really..really enjoyed this dinner" She emphasized the word "really" with a sarcastic tone as she stood up to leave annoying Jonathan to the core.

Jonathan was taken aback by Mia's brazen attitude, her sarcastic tone, and her unapologetic defiance. He was not used to being spoken to in such a manner, especially by a woman he considered inferior.

"sit!" he spluttered, his voice trembling with anger, as mia stopped walking, "I order you to sit! Emilia, i decide when the meal is over and until I decide, you sit and don't get up Until you're asked to do so" Jonathan said as his voice turned cold and scary, mia was about to oppose when two huge men walked into the dining, their presence, the way they looked and dressed scared the shit out of her.

Mia scoffed, as she walks to the dining table her gaze fixed on Jonathan with a fierce intensity. She picked up a glass cup and, with a swift motion, smashed it, the sound echoing through the room. She sat down, her eyes blazing with anger, her gaze fixed on Jonathan.

Jonathan, clearly pleased with himself, began to eat, his eyes never leaving Mia's face. He chewed slowly, savoring each bite, as if to emphasize his control over the situation. The two men stood guard, their eyes fixed on Mia, their presence a clear warning.

Mia's glare never wavered, her eyes burning with a fierce resentment. She sat rigid, her hands clenched into fists, her body tense with anger. The atmosphere in the room was palpable, the tension thick enough to cut with a knife.

The silence was suffocating, each moment was slow and tormenting, Mia felt her blood boiling, her heart pounding against her chest. She wanted to lash out, to scream, to do anything to disrupt the oppressive atmosphere, but she held herself back, knowing that any outburst would only fuel Jonathan's satisfaction and strengthen his grip on her. She was trapped, and she knew it.

Jonathan, however, seemed to be enjoying the tension, savoring his dominance over her. "Glad to know you're wrong," he spoke, finally breaking the silence, his voice dripping with arrogance as he took a sip from his wine, his eyes never leaving hers, "You always follow orders, Mia".

Mia's face burned with anger and humiliation, but she refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing her break. She kept her eyes locked on his, her jaw clenched in defiance.

Jonathan chuckled, a low, menacing sound, "how's your head?" Jonathan asked, his voice cold and detached.

Mia's eyes flashed with annoyance, but she remained silent, her gaze never wavering from his.

Jonathan's Chuckled coldly. "silent treatment, huh?"

Mia's expression remained unchanged, her eyes never leaving his.

Jonathan's gaze hardened, his eyes narrowing in irritation. "I asked a question, young lady," he spat, his voice low and venomous. "And I expect an answer."

Mia kept her eyes fixed on his, her jaw clenched with stubbornness. She refused to give him the satisfaction of a response.

"You're pushing your luck, Mia," he growled, his voice low and dangerous. "I've been patient with you, but that's running thin. Very thin."

Anita stared at mia, with pleading eyes, hoping she'd say a word or two, but mia didn't bulge finally snapping the last thread holding Jonathan's patience as he slammed his hand on the table, stood up in anger with a gun pointed at mia. "fucking answers me" he yelled.

Mia's heart raced as the gun bore down on her, its cold metal glinting in the light. She was gripped by fear, but she refused to show it. Instead, she stood up, her eyes locked on Jonathan's, "And what are you gonna do with that, shoot me" mia said coldly trying so hard to hide, to replace her fear with confidence, "go ahead, shoot, fucking shoot me and end this misery, this bondage you're about to place on me" mia yelled out in frustration, as Jonathan pulled the trigger, Anita's eyes widened, she immediately dropped to her knees.

"No, please Sir Jonathan, I beg of you, don't, have mercy on her, I'm pleading, I know I'm just a mere maid but please spare her" As her eyes glinted with tears, she had seen Jonathan's wrath and she doesn't want to witness anymore of Jonathan's killing, let alone against the one person who had treated her with kindness.

Mia was the only one who saw beyond her being a maid, she spoke to her like a human being, not like a slave. And Anita knew that Jonathan would show no mercy, he kills without hesitation, just as he had done countless times before. And no one dare to stop him, no one would even try, but she knew she had to try.

Mia's heart ached as she listened to Anita's desperate pleas. Tears threatened to spill from her eyes at the sound of Anita's anguished voice. Anita was risking everything for her, putting herself in danger to save her.

As Jonathan's finger tightened on the trigger, Mia closed her eyes, preparing for the worst. A deafening crack of the gunshots echoed throughout the room, followed by a frustrated groan from Jonathan, Mia held her breath, her heart pounding against her chest, expecting the pain of the gunshot to follow, but to her shock, she felt nothing. Slowly, she opened her eyes to meet Jonathan's angry gaze, his eyes blazing with frustration. He threw the gun across the room, the metal sounding against the room, before turning and storming out of the room in annoyance.

Mia let out a shaky breath, her heart still racing from the close call. She looked over at Anita, who was still on her knees, her eyes wide with fear and shock. With shaky feet but confident attitude, mia heads to her rooms slamming the door.